Marina Litvinovich - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Member of ONK, Artemy Lebedev, Petition, Children 2021



Marina Litvinovich - a prominent Russian political technologist, managed to work with different figures - from Vladimir Putin to Ksenia Sobchak. In addition, Marina Alekseevna is engaged in human rights initiatives and public activities.

Childhood and youth

Marina was born on September 19, 1974 in the Russian capital, she is Muscovite in the fourth generation. The great-grandfather Litvinovich served in the Arsenal of the Kremlin by the Koter and lived in the mixer of the player. It was also born her grandfather - the aircraft designer Georgy Litvinovich, the decades headed by the Bureau Ilyushin, where the engines designed. Worker, enthusiast and polyglot, he lived to 100 years and managed to gladly glad the granddaughter.

If the grandfather from his father was a famous designer, her grandmother, Elena Schumilov, was famous for his grandmother, became famous as a opera singer, a well-deserved artist of the RSFSR and the teacher of the Moscow Conservatory.

Marina loved and knew how to learn, the poverty read the books, played on the piano, was interested in history and music, not tired of sorting into Tom from the huge personal library of the grandfather. Grandmothers and grandfathers almost replaced her parents, as the mother died from cancer when Litvinovich was only 8 years old.

Until 14 years of age, Marina sang in the choir "Joy", and at school headed the squad of the squad. Then joined Komsomol with pride and was sure that he would save the world from evil, seeing a life destination in the fight against injustice.

At first she intended to study at the history teacher, then he was thinking of becoming a journalist, but in the end he decided to associate life with philosophy. From the first attempt to the institute, the girl did not receive and worked in the handicraft publishing office, where he was heading the warehouse and selling books.

Marina's philosophical education received in Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, in parallel with sociology in the French University College of Moscow. She became a certified specialist in 1998. In his youth, Litvinovich intended to receive a scientific degree in political science, but he studied in graduate school only a year.

While still a student, Marina began to cooperate with the Effective Policy Fund of Gleb Pavlovsky, for which the daily press review began to do. This organization has become a bridge into the world of politics, which the girl had previously considered a dirty business. Over time, Litvinovich saw an instrument in it changing the world order, and is now convinced that in the right and good hands this tool can be worked.

Political and social activities

Starting to work in the Effective Policy Fund since 1996, Marina has grown out there before the director of new projects. Litvinovich oversees the creation of official websites of politicians and organizations, for example, was engaged in the development of the site of Vladimir Putin, when he ran into Russian presidents in 2000.

In his 25, she was already a prominent online business specialist, which lectured in the Higher School of Economics. Later, Marina Alekseevna began to teach online journalism in the RGGU.

Litvinovich organized the work of informational and news portals, at the same time her career of the political technologist began. She managed to work with Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Irina Khakamada, Harry Kasparov, Viktor Shenderovich, fulfilling the role of a political adviser and headquarters headquarters. He participated in the election campaigns in Russia, Ukraine and Israel.

Parallel Marina led human rights activities. Among the first initiatives in this area, a campaign was supported by the support of victims in the tragedy in Beslan. Litvinovich headed the aid to the victims of terror, and later organized a rally in favor of the soldier of Andrei Sychev, as a result of army bullying of the disabled. Its civil position sometimes caused the dissatisfaction with the authorities, because of what fines were imposed on the human rights defender.

In addition, Litvinovich worked in the United Civil Front, initiated the creation of the House-Museum of Academician Andrei Sakharov, was one of the most active members of the ONC (Public Observation Commission) of Moscow, which is engaged in controlling human rights in the places of compulsory content. Her expert position sounded in an interview with the correspondents of the radio station "Echo of Moscow" and the TV channel "Rain".

The political investigator was engaged in journalistic investigations, the result of which the book "Power of Families: 20 clans, controlling the economy of Russia". Here, Litvinovich told about famous names from the environment of officials and businessmen who, together with their relatives, were divided among themselves the resource wealth of the country and its financial flows.

On the eve of the presidential election of 2018, Marina Alekseevna began to cooperate with Ksenia Sobchak, in the election headquarters of which was engaged in analyzing information and public relations.

Personal life

Tight working schedule and active life position did not interfere with Marina to arrange a personal life. Sava Lebedev's first son, she gave birth in 2001 from the famous designer and blogger Artemia Lebedev. In the future, their paths were separated, and not being his wife Lebedev, Litvinovich gave birth to two more boys. The younger son appeared in 2012, when the mother was 38 years old. About the new husband she does not speak the media.

Marina Litvinovich and Artemy Lebedev

Marina considers himself a household and to neutralize the negative consequences of a "computer lifestyle", regularly playing in the WORLD Class basin.

She loves to walk with children in the Ekaterininsky Park, walks into the water park "Luzhniki" and complains that there is not enough clean open reservoirs in Moscow. Her family lives in the Color Boulevard area, where Marina Alekseevna knows every lane and a house. She gladly study the city, his "secret signs" and ancient buildings and considers Moscow to be a family place.

Litvinovich leads accounts in "Instagram", "Facebook", "Live magazine" and "Telegraph". There, it is occasionally divided by fresh facts of biography and their own photos, preferring to use social networks as a platform for expressing a civil position.

Marina Litvinovich now

Since 2010, the political confantant left the office work and prefers to engage in projects in a cafe where comes in the morning with a laptop. It also has meetings and negotiations, writes articles.

In the spring of 2021, the Public Chamber of Russia raised the issue of excluding Litvinovich from the ONK, and the human rights activist "expelled" was collected without her participation. She made disclosure of these investigations to the detriment of the arrested and politicization of the Institute of ONK.

For Marina Alekseevna, a visit to the prison with the goal of legal assistance prisoners has long been familiar. She came to SIZO to hundreds of detainees, including the blogger Andrei dust and ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Sergey Furgal.

In March 2021, a former official told a human rights defender that psychological pressure on the investigative committee is provided to him, he cannot confidentially talk with a lawyer, while being subjected to daily interrogations. The prisoner does not give correspondence and do not make a statement before journalists.

Litvinovich twice took an attempt to visit Alexei Navalny prison, but the meeting did not take place. Now the opportunity to assist the prisoner is set for Marina Alekseevna. In the meantime, caring citizens supported it, making a petition against the elimination of human rights defenders from OC.

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