Alexander Novin - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, Evgeny Mironov, films, "instagram" 2021



Russian actor Alexander Novin is now considered the star of the series, on the account of the Hitis and Vgik graduate, there are also a number of memorable movie roles. The actor pierced on large screens, playing episodes in theatrical productions, in addition to this, he participated in reality shows and entertainment television projects. The audience remembered the guy who appeared on the first channel, in the 2nd and 5th seasons of the transfer "the last hero".

Childhood and youth

Alexander Mikhailovich Novina biography began in September 1978. The boy was born in the town of Comrat, located on the territory of the Moldavian SSR.

Parents, in the youth, who received education in technical universities of the Soviet Union, were not related to the world of art. Despite this, they did not prevent her son, from an early age to the detective and participating in children's matinees and performances. The boy thought that in the future would master such professions as a criminalist or a musician.

Alexander Novin - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, Evgeny Mironov, films,

The circle of interests of Sasha has expanded after the family moved to Ukraine. In the secondary school, Donetsk, the child was fascinated by sports and found new friends in karate classes and kickboxing. In his youth, participating in urban and regional competitions, he won awards. Getting the title of Sports Master helped to believe in their own strength and strengthened the authority among classmates.

After the collapse of the USSR, in the mid-1990s, his father and mother decided to move to Russia. A new home for a teenager who was preparing to take graduation exams was the developed and modern city of Surgut.

Suddenly, for those surrounding Novin pushed training on second place and became interested in cooking. He graduated from specialized professional courses.

After the native of Moldova demonstrated new faces of the talent, relatives decided that in the restaurant business he could succeed. However, instead of mastering the ways of cooking exquisite first and second dishes, as well as desserts and garnishes, Alexander conceived to become a famous actor and filed documents to the prestigious Moscow university.

On the entrance exams in Gitis, instead of the poem, Novin told the Commission on how to prepare pizza. Ambitious, self-confident and charming young man liked teachers at first glance, so he was credited to the course of Matrov, Boris Golubovsky and Boris Morozov.

Give the experience of outstanding cultural figures The acting student read for great honor, so he regularly went to classes. He also visited Cinema and Television Production Courses in the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography. Sasha Higher Education Diplomas were presented in 2001.

Theater and films

At the beginning of a professional career, a graduate of the institute served in the Surgut Music and Drama Theater. Creative portfolio quickly replenished roles in the play "Yama", "Decameron" and "Richard III". But work on the stage did not bring any money or moral satisfaction, and the young man went back to the main city of Russia to try her happiness in cinema.

Moscow Nelskovo adopted a guy dreaming dreams of glory. Alexander ran in open auditions, but nobody took him anywhere. The survival instinct forced the actor who was playing the episode in the film "Gold Ugra", to work as a janitor, then a loader, then a physical education teacher. Walking around apartments of friends and removable premises, he painfully perceived every failure.

In 2002, on the advice of former classmates, Novin came to the casting of an extreme reality show. Withstore several selection stages, he became a member of the project "The last hero - 2".

Going to shooting in Malaysia, a diversified developed guy with an increase in 174 cm and weighing about 65 kg, seriously expected to compete for victory and the main prize - 3 million rubles. Unfortunately, comrades from the "elephant" tribe after 17 days got rid of Alexander. But he "lit up" on the first channel and won the hearts of people.

Alexander Novin - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, Evgeny Mironov, films,

Directors who worked in Moscow Studios began to offer secondary roles to the graduate. The list of characters without names and surnames over a few years have replenished the soldiers, a weapon trader, street "lobotryas" and professional boxer.

The debut of Novels in the lead role took place in the criminal thriller of Alexander Cotta "Diamond Hunters". The premiere of the tape, which earned high critics assessments, took place in Russia in 2011. In the future, an eccentric comedy "Klushi" appeared in the actor and director's collaborativeography. There were Elizabeth Boyarskaya, Alexander Skachkova, Maxim Vitorgan and Mikhail Growe.

This confession to the native of Moldova came after the Prime Minister of the G8, Alexey Teachers, Mini-TV series "I am nearby" Vladimir Janikolka and Drama No Comment Artem Temnikov. The third-party projects during this period were the show "The Last Hero - 5", "Large Racing" and "King of Ring - 2".

Among people, to dignify the ability of Boris Morozov's student and Boris Golubovsky, the famous actor Evgeny Mironov was. The Matcher of Russian Cinema has helped a less experienced colleague to get to the set of cash paintings "Blood", "Norweg", "Time of First", as well as the series "Apostle" and "Dostoevsky". According to the protections, Alexander was in the Moscow "Theater of Nations" and received roles in the performances of Romeo and Juliet and Grooms.

Personal life

Alexander Novin prefers not to publish information about personal life. For a long time, the fans of different ages hoped that the actor was free from commitments and marriage.

The press spoke about relations with partners in the theatrical scene and the shooting area of ​​Chulpan Khamatova, Julia Peresilde and Ingeborgoy Daepkun. The most bold journalists stated that the native of Moldova is a boyfriend and a pair of Yevgeny Mironov, who created a kind of male clan around him.

According to the official version, confirmed by photos in the Instagram account, the legitimate wife of the GTIISA graduate is the girl named Elya. After the wedding in the mid-2010, a healthy son was born in a couple.

Alexander Novin now

Novels, like most dramatic actors, were looking forward to the beginning of 2021, because the pandemic of coronavirus infection threw the past creative season.

Now the actor who completed the work on the 1st season of the fantastic television series "Awakening" is involved in a number of "Theater of Nations". It can be seen in the tragicomedy "Zhanna", the musical play "Fars-major concert", the "game" thriller and live Almanaci "Shukshina stories".


  • 2010 - "Passion Phonogram"
  • 2010 - "Big Oil"
  • 2011 - "Diamond Hunters"
  • 2013 - "I'm near"
  • 2014 - "Eight"
  • 2015 - Norweg
  • 2015 - No Comment
  • 2017 - "Time of First"
  • 2018 - "Blood"
  • 2021 - "Awakening"
  • 2021 - "Ikaria"

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