Thomas Winterberg - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Danish Director, Daughter, Interview 2021



The comedy drama "Another one" Thomas Winterberg, the world premiere of which was held on September 12, 2020, immediately after the release began a triumphal march in film festivals. In March 2021, the list of achievements of the painting with Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Boy Larsen, Magnus Millang and Lars Ransti starred and the nomination for Oscar. The advancement for the award occurred in two categories - "The best film in a foreign language" and "best director".

Childhood and youth

On May 19, 1969, in Danish Frederixberg, a journalist and film critic of Winterberg, who had time to play and voice a couple of films, was born Son Thomas.

Remembering the early biography, the celebrity said that from 7 years he grew in the free city of Christia - this was reflected in his further work. The house was filled with happy people who have arranged 3 times a week called dinners. They loved to drink, smoke and walk bare, were not afraid of anything and always came to each other for help. After the divorce, the parents left the hippie commune, and the heir remained in it until he married.

At 19, the young man entered the national film school Denmark, becoming the most young student. Higher educational institution The guy, in 1990 who represented his debut Sneblind, finished successfully in 1993. His diploma project "Last Round" received a reward at film festivals in Munich and Tel Aviv. In the same year, Slaget På Tasken, which belonged to the authorship of a talented graduate was shown on television.


In 1994, the Danish director introduced the audience with the "boy who went backwards", where the main character discovered an unusual ability to turn the time after the death of his brother.

Critics were favorably accepted by film casting, giving her awards for the Festival of Shorty Field and Documentary Films Nordisk Panorama and International Hests in Clermont Ferran and Toronto. The debut full-length "greatest heroes" ("the largest heroes") received recognition in their homeland.

In 1995, together with Lars von Trier, Winterberg made a co-author of the conceptual manifest "Dogma 95", signed by both Christian Levaring, and Sieng Krag-Jacobsen. The first work following his rules turned out to be the "Celebration" of the 1998th.

Drama, where Thomas played one of the roles, was removed on the hand-held chamber indoor with natural light, without post-sales, with "live" sound and music. To achieve the necessary sounds, the operator simply waved the microphone in the air.

The success of his brainchild (the prize of the jury in Cannes, the prize of visual sympathies in Rotterdam, nomination at Oscar) the creator compared with the effect of the exploded grenades in his hands, sharing in an interview:

"Thanks to the" dogma ", the directors began to pay more attention to the shape, on why there are so many layers in the picture - sound, makeup, etc. I never thought that the" celebration "would be popular. A film shot by a manual digital camera and the narrative of the cruel handling of children? What are you kidding? What could be successful here? "

For 5 years, the man worked on the sci-fi history "All about love" in English with Johakin Phoenix, Claire Danes and Seun Penn. But the failure happened - the public found the project somewhat incomprehensible and very peculiar.

In 2005, the filmography replenished "Dear Wendy", which won the Silver St. George in Moscow. In theory of the Scripture of Lars von Trier, the heroes were originally portrayed for about 20 years, but the director made them teenagers, deserving approval from the colleague. Subsequent "submarine" and "hunting" also fought for prestigious cinema premiums.

After "away from the distraught crowd," the film by the same name of the sensational novel Thomas Hardy, and the "Commune" light saw the "Kursk". The tape dedicated to the catastrophe with the Russian submarine, lay the book "Time to die" Robert Mura.

Personal life

Meet Maria Walb with a future spouse happened in a cafe in Copenhagen. Here, the girl moved as a teenager and became interested in politics, protesting against bureaucrats from the European Commission. Thomas approached her, introduced himself and said that he had just graduated from high school and removes movies.

The girl invited a young man to a party, and soon they began to meet. After a year and a half, tired of constant scandals, quarrels, parting and reunification, a 19-year-old guy made a 21-year-old chief proposal of hands and hearts.

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Lovers got married in the Church of the Savior and became the parents of two daughters of Nanna and Ida. Subsequently, the celebrity spouse retrained into the assistant of theatrical director Peter Lantal, and then put the performances on their own.

In 2007 in the personal life of Winterberg there were steep changes. He divorced the first wife, having fallen in love with the actress Helena Ringor Neumann while working on the "return home", which turned out to be under the man for almost 20 years. However, the difference at the age did not interfere with colleagues in July 2010 to enter into an official marriage and in a couple of years to welcome the son of Albert.

Thomas Winterberg now

A few months before the new 2021th Winterberg presented the comedy drama "another one", the shooting of which started in the spring of 2019. Father's adaptation of his own play was pushed by the younger daughter - a worker of art screams inspiration in her stories about the culture of alcohol consumption in the Danish youth environment. In addition, she had to play the heir to the main character, but fate ordered otherwise.

May 4, 2019, returning to Denmark from Belgium along with his mother, the girl died in a car accident.

"My life was destroyed. It did not make sense to continue, but also did not make sense to continue. I would not like it. As soon as it all happened, I literally lost the desire to breathe. However, there was no emotional paralysis - I felt everything. And I tried these sensations in the second half of the picture, "Thomas told.

Cinematographer found the strength to continue the project dedicated to the memory of Ida, making a scenario more life-affirming. The film entered the scene in the educational class Idis with the participation of her classmates. At the same time, with the yield of ribbon in the media, information appeared that now the Dane works on the original TV series for the television "family similar to our" ("families like our").


  • 1993 - "Last Round"
  • 1994 - "The boy who went back in front of"
  • 1996 - "The biggest heroes"
  • 1998 - "Celebration"
  • 2000 - "Third False"
  • 2003 - "All about love"
  • 2005 - "Dear Wendy"
  • 2007 - "Return home"
  • 2010 - "Submarino"
  • 2012 - "Hunting"
  • 2015 - "Departed from the distraught crowd"
  • 2016 - "Commune"
  • 2018 - Kursk
  • 2020 - "More on one"

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