Sergey Ilyushin - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, aircraft designer, street in Tyumen, quotes



Soviet engineer Sergey Ilyushin is the legend of modern aircraft. It is known as the developer of passenger aircraft, bombers and attack aircraft. Merit to the Motherland were marked by honorary orders and medals, diplomas, state prizes and the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

Childhood and youth

The glorious biography of Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin began on March 30, 1894. The boy was born in a rural settlement Dilyavo in the family, where there was seven children. Being a younger son of poor peasants, forced to take care of food, the future aircraft designer at a young age remained on the care of brothers and sisters.

Until no need to help parents on the farm, a child, was intended for nature, learned to read and write. As a child, he thoroughly studied the texts of the Bible, as well as the "Journal of Europe" made in the house of the magazine.

The successes of the growing child were pleased with the father and mother, so at the 8th age he was given to a remote Zemskaya school. Daily Sergei overcame about three kilometers to the village of Berezniki.

After graduating from the sevenlet, the descendant of the peasant in the example of older children went to earn money. He mastered a number of labor work professions in Vologda, Ivano-Voznesensk and under Kostroma.

In early 1910, Sergey found himself in St. Petersburg. Familiars were advised to settle on the hippodrome adapted under the airfield. Estabing the duties of the excavator, the teenager received a chance to watch the accurate performances of aeronautics arrived at the International Aviation Week. The boy admired the pilot, which was demonstrated by Sergey Tinkin, Mikhail Efimov, Lev Mazievich and Vladimir Lebedev.

In 1914, Sergey joined the ranks of the military. He served in the infantry shelf in the Vologda region until the command of the army needed people to form the team of the Northern Aviation District. The new location of the deployment was the Petersburg Commandant Airfield.

Three years later, an excellent student of combat training was lucky to get to the soldiers' school of aviation. He received the right to pilot the aircraft and until the end of his life, the All-Russian Imperial Aero Club recalled.

When, due to a decrease in the growth rate of the aviation industry, a brigade, who worked on the banks of the Neva with aircraft, was dissolved, Ilyushin was disappointed. The vigor of the spirit returned after a call to the working and peasant red air fleet.

Career in Aviation and Development

In the early 1920s, the Red Armyman had a desire and the opportunity to enter the N. E. Zhukovsky Akademia, which was engaged in the preparation of engineers. By joining the mug of aircraft stores, Sergey began to design airplanes independently. Blooders "Mastyazhart", "Rabafakovets" and "Moscow" participated in the All-Union and International Festivals of Airplane.

After graduating from the higher educational institution and the protection of the diploma Ilyushin assigned the title of mechanical engineer of the Soviet air fleet and made the head of the specialized committee under the central office of the Air Force.

Over the years, Sergey Vladimirovich has studied the world experience of aircraft construction and has been developing technical requirements for aircraft planned for issuing to the USSR.

Despite the interesting and responsible work, the native of the village of Dilyalevo sought independence. In mid-1931, the military asked for a transfer to the sphere of the aviation industry. Having received the approval of the party leader Peter Ionovich Baranov, he began at the head of the Design Bureau of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky.

A year later, Ilyushin, with the support of the People's Commissar of Sergo Ordzhonikidze, initiated the separation of the powers of the aircraft designers and insisted on the basis of the CKB for the design of light aircraft based on the Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky's air factor.

The first brainchild of the new organization has become a bomber, in 1936 he has broken a record of lifting height. Later, Ilyushin developed an IL-2 attack aircraft, during the Great Patriotic War called "Flying Tank". For this, he was honored with two Stalinist premiums and the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

In peacetime, the Bureau, headed by a graduate of the Moscow Military Air Academy, was engaged in the creation of passenger aircraft. The contribution to the science was recognized by the release of civilian crashes serving the clients of Aeroflot.

In the early 1970s, Ilyushin began to experience health problems and left the post of head of the Design Bureau under the Central Aero Hydrodynamic Institute. While the forces were allowed, an outstanding developer of aircraft appeared at the enterprise to advise the successor to Heinrich Vasilyevich Novozhilov and members of the Scientific and Technical Council of the current "Aviation Complex named after S. V. Ilyushin".

Personal life

There were two official marriage in the personal life of the Soviet aircraft designer. With the first wife of Raisa, Mikhail Slap Ilyushin, brought up the daughter of Irina and Son Vladimir - the test pilot, awarded the title of the Hero of the USSR.

After the Great Patriotic War, Sergei Vladimirovich broke up with his wife because of Anastasia Vasilyevna Soviet - employees of his design bureau. A rapid prolonged novel condemned members of the labor collective. However, the developer of the beloved aircraft was no offense.

Raisa, who remained with the children, received an alimenta and a large apartment from her husband, but the descendants until the end of the life did not forgive the treason of the Father. Ilyushin, upset by a gap with the firstbots, switched to communicating with the sons born in a new marriage. He achieved that Senior Sergey went in footsteps of the parent and received a university diploma with a specialty "Engineer".


The cause of the death of the aircraft was the aggravation of age-related diseases. He died in February 1977 surrounded by family members. The grave at the Novodevichy cemetery is yearly decorated with flowers brought by the descendants, followers and outsiders.


  • "Just, but high quality, cheap, but reliably!"
  • "For the aviation designer, planyrism - cradle in which the child must swing, before learn to walk. It gave me a lot in my future activity. "
  • "I had a desire to create a car with powerful weapons for direct support for infantry - attack aircraft."


  • The name of Sergey Ilyushin is called streets in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Vologda, Tyumen, Kubnsky.
  • In the house-museum A.F. Mozhaysky is an exposure dedicated directly to S. V. Ilyushin.
  • Bronze busts of Sergei Ilyushin in Vologda and Moscow.
  • Postage stamp of the USSR with Ilyushin's portrait.
  • Monument S.V. Ilyushina in the village of Bereznik.

Airplanes Ilyushin

  • DB-3 - Two-door far bomber.
  • IL-2 - a heavy double attack aircraft.
  • IL-4 - two-door far bomber.
  • IL-10 - heavy attack aircraft.
  • IL-12 - Middle Highway Two-Durable Passenger Plane.
  • IL-14 - Pozhniemmage Two-door passenger plane.
  • IL-18 - a long-haul fountain four-minded passenger plane.
  • IL-20 - aircraft radio electronic intelligence.
  • IL-28 - front-line bomber.
  • IL-38 - patrol anti-submarine aircraft.
  • IL-62 - a long-haul passenger plane.

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