Tatyana Drozdova - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Nikolai Drozdova, age, in youth 2021



In the Oscar-free film, Vladimir Meshsov, "Moscow tears does not believe" the character of Lii Ahacedzhakova explains Katerina Tikhomir's importance to the Mossovet, about how a man and a woman lived on different floors of one staircase, and met in the club on dancing. A similar situation was in the biography of Tatiana Drozdova - an employee of the Soviet ministry lived with a future spouse, Russian David Attenboro, in one entrance. But for the origin of friendship, Muscovites did not need a club, but a small neighbor help.

Childhood and youth

About the childhood and youth of the second wife Nikolai Drozdov almost nothing is known. Spouses do not disclose information about the date of birth, nor and about the girl's last name Tatiana Petrovna.


By profession, the wife of a long-term leading program "In the world of animals" is a teacher of geography and biology. At the time of dating with Nikolai Nikolayevich in the elevator of the native house in 1975, a girl lived with his mother and served as secretary of the scientific council in one of the Soviet departments.

After the marriage and birth of the daughter of Elena Tatiana Petrovna, for many years he managed a circle in the Poland of Pioneers and Schoolchildren on Sparrow (Lenin) mountains. But the main work of Drozdova was the maintenance of peace and well-being in the family of the main Soviet lovers of feathered, arthropods and reptiles.

Personal life

Drozdov in his youth entered into a marriage union and after a divorce almost 20 years stayed in the status of a bachelor. To get close to Nicholas and Tatiana was helped by a neighbor on the stairs, in a family legend who lived halfway from a man to the girl - on the sixth floor. Swash nugget invited neighbors to tea drinking. Nikolai Nikolayevich molded the heart of Tatiana, bringing electrocamine in her apartment. And closer to get acquainted with the neighbors, collaborative work helped: the girl took the decryption and print audio recordings of Drozdov about the journey to Australia.

A year after the acquaintance, Nikolay Nikolayevich made a charming neighbor sentence. On the wedding and the bride, and the bride was invited to just two friends. Tatyana Petrovna did not obstruct neither the work of a husband, associated with multi-month business trips, nor the desire of a spouse bring home exotic animals, nor the veganism of Nikolai Nikolayevich. When Drozdov participated in the project "Last Hero", it was his wife who came twice to the elderly "Robinzon" on the island, as the daughter of Lena at the time of filming was pregnant.

Tatiana Petrovna and Nikolai Nikolayevich two grandchildren - Philaret and Yang, the difference in the age of which almost 7 years old. The main passion of Drozdova - Gardening: In the conference and bakery period, Tanya told the future husband that she prefers the cut-off colors in the garden or in the field.

Tatyana Drozdova now

Despite age, Tatiana Petrovna and her husband still belong to each other with love and respect. In the spring of 2021, the photo of the Drozdov decorated the cover of Tatler magazine. In an interview with the glamorous publication, the spouses revealed the secrets of a happy personal life and joked that they agreed to the conversation, as the name of the magazine begins the same as the name of Tatiana Petrovna. Drozdovs have complained that now the couples are not in a hurry to legalizing the relationship, putting the welfare of children.

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