Vladimir Bardanov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, criminal authority, businessman, daughter 2021



Vladimir Bardanov is a Russian entrepreneur and criminal authority, in 2021 he became known as the "Mytishchi shooter" after opened fire from the windows of the house according to the staff of power structures. According to acquaintances, in his personal life was an ambiguous person: he was capable of kindness, but he could also show cruelty.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Alexandrovich Bardanov was born on February 20, 1960 in Samara (Kuibyshev), Russian by nationality. Youth spent in his hometown, his criminal biography began with small speculation. In 1976, he was convicted for two years for robbery as part of an organized group. Together with accomplices, a minor criminal took the clock from the victim. Coming out of prison, worked by the driver's assistant on the pipe plant. In certain circles, it was known as a farther, imported into the country and sales imported goods.

Business and criminal activity

Bardanov was part of the Sokolnichesky OGG formed in the mid-1970s. In the late 90s, when she fell under the patronage of the Izmailovsky criminal group, Vladimir Alexandrovich went into business. In 2000, being General Director of Tver-Express CJSC, he was detained by the staff of the Crubop MIA on suspicion of fraud. It was said that he was illegally convinced by the company's shares. Being under investigation, he managed to hide, was declared a federal wanted list, and in July 2002 his case was closed on obscure reasons.

Vladimir Bardanov and daughter Anastasia

According to the investigation, the man has earned a state, engaged in the raider seizure of the business from partners. Thus, the house has become worth more than 100 million rubles, furnished with paintings with its own image, furniture, as in the palace, columns and sculptures. Also had his zoo, four foreign cars and the same motorcycle. To cover its activities, opened the car service and the Kineskop company, which occupied wholesale food trafficking. The spouse registered a property for leasing and selling real estate, the profit for several years amounted to 60 million rubles. It also humored the land plot acquired in 2006 in new visits and the mansion worth more than 51 million rubles.

In the cottage settlement, where spouses lived, officials were also settled, famous athletes and deputies of the State Duma. After several houses from Bardanov, the striker of the Russian national team Anton Zabolotnyh lived. Families were a lawyer Elina Mazur and actress Ekaterina Krasnobeeva.

Personal life

Bardanov's wife is Nina Viktorovna. Three children were born in marriage: Sons Sergey and Alexander, daughter Anastasia. Vladimir's spouse worked as a teacher, shortly before the tragic events married. According to the loved ones, the head of the family was a pious man, I prayed every day. Once he paid a tour of the Moscow gymnasium, also gave money to the funeral to relatives of the deceased neighbor, he himself bought a place in the cemetery in Moscow.

Incident in Mytishchi and Death

On March 30, 2021, Bardanov opened fire on special forces officers in new visits. He was taken for the illegal turnover of the weapon, the investigative-operational group appeared from the headquarters of the criminal investigation department and the FSB, the investigator and several Rosgvardia fighters. Vladimir Alexandrovich was drunk and was in an unbearable state. He shouted that he would not surrender alive, put on a body armor and began to throw grenades. The territory was hooked and caused reinforcement. Neutralization operation began early in the morning and lasted 9-10 hours. Izvestia reported that the criminal was detained, later it turned out that the shooter was killed in a fire that arranged himself to hide evidence. The experts focused on the exact cause of death: it was unclear, the arrows in the smoke suffered or burned alive.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky condemned special forces, stormed by the "private house with one 60-year-old man." In response to the claims of Khodorkovsky General of state security, the ex-head of the Center for Public Relations of the FSB of Russia and the Office of Information of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Mikhailov explained that there are no regulations regarding force operations, they are held, based on the real situation. And the oligarch in such a situation was never, and this is not a Hollywood film. In fact, the assault on the fact was not. In the Moscow region, such operations demanded the coordination between the Ministry of the Interior and the Rosgvardia, for which there was not enough time. Negotiations were led to the criminal, forced to release other people (in the building there were wife, son-in-law and two grandchildren of Bardanov, as well as housekeepers).

On April 5, 2021, Sergey's Son of the entrepreneur Sergey gave an interview with a direct ether program. He said that footprints from the father's bullets found only in the house, there are no them outside. The location of the choseli said that Bardanov shot on her heads and was not going to kill anyone. Despite this statement, it is known that one of the employees of the gathering was injured in the left stop.

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