Camil Hajiyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, TV series "Kitchen", fighting, height, weight, "instagram" 2021



Camil Hajiyev is a Russian athlete, coach, businessman, by the nationality of Lakes, a representative of the small people of Dagestan. Able to play guitar and piano. It believes that the man should not wait for him to be loved, but bending his line, no matter what.

Childhood and youth

Camil Abdurachidovich Hajiyev was born in the village of Kurkley, the Republic of Dagestan, June 25, 1978. The father of the entrepreneur received a doctoral degree in history. Next to the guy grew sisters Ariza and Siana and the elder brother Salich. Eleanor Shapievna's mother worked all his life in the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where Professors and Academicians were treated.

From 12 years, Camil attended the sambo and karate section, Nikolay Anatolyevich Eleles became the mentor of the future champion. In 1986, together with his father, the World Cup for the first time looked, after a late night in his courtyard tried to repeat the goal "through himself", clogged by Uruguayan Hugo Sanchez in the opening match. But most of all I was struck, of course, Diego Maradona.

She graduated from the Gold Medal of the 126th Moscow School, entered the Samara State University, where in 2004 he received a legal education. In 2012, he defended in the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism. After headed the department of management of sports martial arts at the Moscow Industrial and Financial University "Synergy".

Sports and business

The sports biography of Hajiyev began in 2003, he participated in the International Cup of St. Petersburg in Jiu-Jitsu, where he became an absolute champion. I won several titles on various kinds of martial arts, a gold belt in Sambo. Was in Ulan-Ude at the Russian Wrestling Championship, in 2013 returned to the coach there already. The last fight spent in 2006.

After completing the career, he became the president of the promotional company Fight Nights Global, created in 2010, together with the former Cavencenik Sangaji Tarbaev and the world champion in kickboxing Batu Hasikov. As part of the project "Race of Heroes", the organizers arranged tournaments in different cities of Russia.

On May 22, 2016 held the 50th, jubilee tournament. The fans saw 30 fighters, among them were Fedor Emelianenko, Fabio Maldonado, Vitaly Minakov, Kirill Sidelnikov, Valentin Moldavsky, Abdullah Dadaev, Ahmed Aliyev, Vadim Nekkov. According to many, it was the best show in the history of the Russian MMA, confirmation of this Millionna view on YouTube and record ratings to the "Match TV". The company sought to work with the strongest and even offered cooperation with a hockey player Damira Rypakaev, life-disqualified for a fight on ice, in which he seriously injured the opponent's players.

In November 2020, Camil announced the sale of Fight Nights Global Amir Muradov for more than 100 million rubles, but continued to fulfill the duties of the company's head. In December, he participated in the cyber tournament "UFC 4. Cyber ​​Russia". In competitions that continued for 3 weeks, 500 athletes of different ages and the level of preparation tried. Superfinal passed in Moscow in the presence of eminent guests and media representatives, fans expected a colorful light show and an autograph session.

Other projects

Hajiyev played himself in the sports drama "Warrior", appeared in the film "Fight with the shadow of 3D" and the TV series "Kitchen". In 2014, together with Sagaji Tarbaev "lit up" in the program "Comedy Club".

He performed as an expert on the Yutiub-channel Fight Nights Global TV, without fearing to express sharp judgments, in September 2020 criticized the Piraeva Marifa after the battle on bare fists with Evgeny Sailor. In December, I was interviewed by the Yutiub-Channel Bostanof MMA, where Sergei Kharitonova called "Chmoshnik and a coward". Previously, he entered into a conflict with Adam Yandiev and was beaten, he received a concussion of the brain and other injuries. In relation to the attacker, a criminal case was opened. But the fighter went to reconciliation with the offender, for which he also received a negative assessment of Oleg Taktarov.

Personal life

About the personal life, a man tells quite openly, in his instagram account now many photos of family and friends, although his wife, as Muslim, is trying to once again not shown. It is known that a woman is the name of Alfia and she shares the interest of the spouse to sport and a healthy lifestyle.

The sports organizer brings up three children, he has two daughters and son Haji, who was born on October 29, 2012. The boy is engaged in the Hockey Academy "Dynamo".

In April 2020, Ali Bagutinov accused Fight Nights Global in non-payment of the fee, collusion with the bookmakers and the "sale" of his fight with the pity of Zhamyagulov. Hadzhiev himself reported that an advance of $ 10 thousand received a wrestler, the rest was supposed to take after the victory, for which everyone was expected. He lost and then did not come to know. This wop replied that he tried to contact a promoter, but discovered that he was blocked in his phone and social networks.

On November 27, 2020, Camil visited the rehabilitation center of the National Anti-Narcotic Union, met with 27 young men and girls getting rid of dependence. They held a conversation about the prevention and healthy lifestyle.

Gajiyev growth 170 cm, weight 68 kg.

Camil Hajiyev now

March 16, 2021 businessman organized three fights of the tournament "Memory Vladimir Voronov", with whom Hajiyev competed on the carpet, but was friends beyond him. The audience expected the return of the legendary Magomed Malikova, Vaso (Psychopath) Baktatsovich, super heavyweight Gregory Ponomarev and Timofey Mishev, came to the fight.

On April 1, 2021, a new video was released on Yutiub-channel, where the upcoming autumn revenge Vadim Mineyev and Magomed Ismailov, chances of Nurullo Aliyev, Treshtoking and much more were discussed. Camil also spoke out about Morgettern, comparing him with Sergey Yesenin, whom Mat also met. But the poet could be missed, and the meaning was not lost, while Ruper Rugan, according to Hajiyev, was the basis of creativity.

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