Vera Derbenev - biography, personal life, photo, news, widow of Leonid Derbenhev, age, poet wife 2021



On March 10, 2021, People's Artist of Russia Alexander Zatsepin took congratulations on the 95th anniversary. On the birthday of the composer, whose music sounds in many Soviet film seds, the first channel has prepared a display of a documentary film "Alexander Zatsepin. I'm not scared ... ". In the project, except for the culprit of the celebration, his daughter, the widow of Leonid Derbenev Vera Derbenev, Nikita Mikhalkov, Larisa Dolina, Soso Pavliashvili and other artists.

Childhood and youth

The future wife of the famous songwriter was born on January 13, 1935. Having received secondary education, the graduate became a student of the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers, where she defended her thesis. At the time of dating Leonid Derbenhev, Vera worked in the Central Unitary Enterprise NKPS under the beginning of the wife of the Minister of Railways and earned 136 rubles a month.

Married girl came out in 24 years and, by coincidence, the first time after the wedding contained a family. But after when one day, my favorite returned from a business trip to Rostov, all the colors littered, the chosen asked her to leave work in order to avoid unnecessary difficulties in his personal life. A man declared that she would do so that she did not need anything. The companion listened and completely dedicated himself to the house, which never wished.

Personal life

In November 1958, the Miit graduate together with fellow students gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution. Before the start of the gathering, it turned out that none of the guests captured with her bread, and Faith, together with a friend, the Volodya went to the bakery.

On the way back the girl lagged behind (the elastic band was unborn on stockings) and, having dug a friend, saw him accompanied by a stranger. That gather suggested to join the company, not knowing that she already knew everyone there. In Apartment, Leonid turned to the future spouse with an unexpected proposal to visit her companion today, clarifying whether the beauty had a young man.

The latter was and even stood around, but for some reason was silent. Offended on the beloved faith allowed Derbenev to take care of himself - to read the poems of Sergey Yesenin and Anna Akhmatova, and then their own essays:

"When they dispersed, Lenya had a phone number, but I refused. Then I lived in Sokolniki in a wooden house, and I did not have the phone. "Can I leave your phone to you?" He asked me, held out a piece of paper with D-5-78-60, and I signed up: "Lenya, poet!". On this we broke up. "

After that evening with a guy, the employee of the TsNII railway transport broke up. And six months later, the charter from 12-hour duty at the Moscow-Kiev-sorting station and disappointed with a torn meeting with a fan, herself called a familiar poet for a date at the subway.

Vera Derbenev with her daughter

Once he invited the lady of the heart to the party, and after he asked to stay to deal with dirty dishes. However, it turned out that it was just a pretext to retire. The chosen responded with refusal, but the pinch said he was ready to wait, after all, all night at the chair could not see. But she was able to embroider the rude from his life in the morning, although he was vaguely felt that he would marry him.

"In one of the days I go out of work and see: I stand my lane. Suitable, asks for forgiveness and says: "You are already an adult girl. Nothing would not happen. " And then suddenly asks: "Are you still a girl?". I looked around, and he says: "Girl, forgive me!". Since then, I have gained me as a crystal vase, "the celebrity widow recalled.

On July 23, 1959, lovers got married (and in 20 years and married). The wedding took place in a three-bedroom apartment of a new brick house on Kuusinen Street, where the groom lived with parents and aunt. Guest treats (2 bottles of champagne, 2 bottles of vodka, potatoes, herring, cucumbers, tomatoes, cake with candy "Clavetok") cost 226 rubles.

In September 1960, Elena daughter was born in four. All care workers for the child lay on the shoulders Derbenheva - the husband was engaged in creativity, and the mother-in-law, which possessed a steep temper, was not in a hurry. Fortunately, over time, everything has come to normal. The only heiress, who became a translator and a teacher of foreign languages, presented his father and mother to her granddaughter Elizabeth, who in 2010 Son Miroslav was born in 2010.

Saving memory

Vera Ivanovna never thought about repeated marriage, because, according to her, it is unlikely to get a man more interesting Leonid Petrovich. Derbenhev organized evenings and concerts, sat in the jury of festivals and his memory contests, participated in the "Derbanevsky gatherings" at the homeland of the spouse's ancestors in the village of County and even completed the house there, as the favorite husband wanted.

The woman was willingly filmed in the documentary films ("Leonid Derbanev. Words of people", "Leonid Derbanev. This world is not invented by us ...") And the releases of the programs dedicated to the life and creativity of the chief ("The Treasury of the Republic", "Hi, Andrei!", " By the wave of my memory ").

In 2003, she published the biographical book "Leonid Derbanev:" Between the past and the future ... "containing rare photos. In 2016, a collection of religious and philosophical poems "empty shower without a temple" was published in the publishing house of the Sretensky Monastery, which were Derbenev with daughter Elena.

Vera Derbenva now

Vera Ivanovna always went on contact with journalists, which never ceases to do now, despite the old age. A few months before the new 2021th Derbenev commented on the controversial situation around the new song of Igor Cool and Irina Allegrova "Autumn".

According to Masha Rasputina, at one time she paid for verses Leonid Derbenev, and no one asked the permission to fulfill Hita. Representatives of the media contacted a wid-songwood poet, who announced that for the first time hears that the poetic work of a duet was used without the permission of the copyright holder.

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