Bogdan Osipova - biography, personal life, photos, news, arrest and court in the United States, returned to Russia 2021



Bogdan Osipova is a Russian, convicted by the US authorities for the export of children born from her husband-an American. The case, the course of which reminded the "swirling" plot of a detective, caused a lot of resonance at the international level and now once again complicated the relationship between the two states.

Childhood and youth

Bogdan Alexandrovna Osipov-Mobley was born in the Soviet of the Kaliningrad region in 1980. At a young age, I went to study in America, at the University of New York in Albany, in 2003 emigrated.

Personal life

Soon after receiving American citizenship, the girl had a novel with an American, a son was born from this connection. The lady was also married to the American military personnel Brian Mobley and repeatedly stated that the spouse was brutally turned with her. Twice filed an application to the police for violent sexual action and beating, then took. According to Bogdana, the American threw her pregnant, sold a common house and all the property, and then married a realtor named Melissa. They have two common children.

In 2014, Osipova left the United States, taking birth to the one-year-old daughter Sofia and the son of Ian. Later she had a third child, daughter Isabella.

Court and arrest in the USA

In June 2019, Osipov was sentenced to seven years for the "abduction" of their own children (Kidnepping) and the export of them from America, as well as for extortion. The lawsuit filed a former husband, who after the divorce got a custody. Bogdana returned to the States in 2017 to settle the issue of alimony and was detained by the FBI. She was sitting in a car rental salon to get to Kansas Airport. She was told that the car was broken, after 10 minutes 2 people entered the staff, announced that she was arrested by the US authorities and will be given to the court. A meeting of a woman was taken in handcuffs, with a chain on the legs, in an orange overalls with the inscription "Prisoner" on the back. After serving the prison term, she had to spend another 3 years under the supervision without the possibility to leave the country.

Bogdan Osipova and husband Brian Mobley

As it turned out, Brian recorded their talk on Skype on the recorder and unveiled the facts from the family's personal life in court, introducing an abuser former wife. On the film Osipov scolded her husband for sexual actions, screamed and threatened. Also demanded to pay alimony and set this condition to meet with children, that judges counted extortion.

Brian argued that he was not glad to sentence former wife and what she was in prison. The man clarified that Osipova was punished not as a result of civil litigation, which he began, but on charges of the US government. He gave a divorce first, left a spouse, a car and everything you needed and paid $ 750 every month as an alimony. Bogdan demanded to refuse the divorce, threatening to take the children to Russia, which did not have the right to do, because they are American citizens and in this country, with a joint guard for any action, it is necessary to resolve both parents. The man sent money even when Osipova was in Russia, it is documented in the PAYPAL history. But stopped when I realized that she was not going to return children. Specialist in international law Oksana Sokolova, familiarized with the materials of the case, confirmed his words.

Bogdan Osipova now

On August 14, 2020, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Tatyana Moskalkova appealed to the US Prosecutor General William Barru with a petition for the transfer of Osipova from Dunbury prison in Connecticut under house arrest. In November 2020, the Russian woman was liberated on bail, but was obliged to bring children to the States. The case promoted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Maria Zakharov. Russian diplomats helped to issue custody of the guys aunt Bogdana, otherwise they could get into the orphanage.

On January 8, 2021, the Federal Court of the State of Kansas ruled that Osipova is not obliged to serve a sentence, but must request permission from the Russian authorities to export its children in the United States. Bogdana filed an appeal to the court of the Tenth District of the United States.

Bogdan Osipova in Russia

In March 2021, Bogdan ran away from the USA. Upon returning to Russia, I gave an interview with a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Maria Boutine within the framework of the project "I do not throw my own." He admitted that a passport received a passport at the New York Consulate and ran to the airport to catch the plane to Moscow, which was flown in 50 minutes. She thanked his homeland for help and support, and America called the place where there is no justice. Public opinion on this story was divided. Some sorry Osipov and believed that the mother for the sake of the children had the right to act, as I thought. Others stood on the side of Brian, suspecting the victims of the calculating chain with a foggy biography, distorting facts.

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