Yegor Zaitsev - biography, personal life, photos, news, son Vyacheslav Zaitseva, fashion designer, artist 2021



Egor Zaitsev - Russian fashion designer, artist, schedule, since 2019, General Director of the Moscow House of Fashion Slava Zaitsev. A man was looking for himself for a long time and tried to get close to his father, but this was prevented by both their own problems and the miscarions of enemies.

Childhood and youth

Yegor Vyacheslavovich Zaitsev was born on February 8, 1960. Mother Marina was a talented artist, worked in the Olympnouncement Studio Elia Belyutina "New Reality", which Nikita Khrushchev waged in December 1962.

My husband met at the institute, they participated together in amateuria. Although the girl was from the elite family, and Vyacheslav Zaitsev's son of the worker, a feeling arose between young people. In 1959 they got married, and all 9 years old Marriage lived in the mixing room of an apartment building.

When Egor was born, the mother-in-law refused to engage in a child, and the older Zaitsev had to call his mother to Moscow. He himself has studied and worked from morning to evening. In 1971 he went to Hungary, where he worked on the costumes to the film "Hold on for the clouds." When he returned, the mother-in-law kicked him out of the house, declaring that he found the daughter of another husband in a circus, where Marina worked as a designer. The boy stayed with his mother, and with his father talked only by phone, still occasionally saw on TV. Stephipa appealed to the child rudely, punished for the slightest areas and expelled out of the house. Then he himself was kicked, like Vyacheslav Mikhailovich.

Herra had to live in a new cooperative house, in the area crime flourished. After the intelligent romantic childhood, I had to work with fists, sign up to the boxing section CSKA, where coach Vladimir Stepanovich Vorobev taught him to stand for himself and conquer authority.

With his father, they met again when the guy was 14 years old, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich struck the blue knitted pants of the son with "bubbles" on the knees. The parent wanted him to dress in a classic style, and the boy "chuckled" in the costumes.

The first exhibitions of the drawings of Egor began in 1963, and immediately in the Western gloss magazine. He studied at the Moscow State Textile University named after A. N. Koshygin, who graduated from 1983. According to his own words, there was an unfailed hooligan together with the future wife of Leonid Yamolnik Oksana Afanasyeva.

Fashion and creativity

After the Institute, the artist continued his creative biography in just the fashion house at the Peace Prospect, which later became the Moscow House of Slava Zaitsev. He worked on different floors and diverged in views on art. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich said that he works for people, and Egor - for the sake of idea, and the son still needs his models to someone or not.

Also, Yegor Vyacheslavovich was a creative designer of his own brand Yez by Yegorzaitsev, worked at the Z's Models models, which had his own account in "Instagram", there were pictures from the shows and covers of glossy magazines and even a joint photo of the father and the Son of the Zaitsevy with a model of Christ Tarklington.

In addition, the Jost Zaitsev engaged in artistic creativity, in 1996 he wrote a picture of the Christmas tree, which entered a number of classical New Year painting. He developed the main form of the Russian national team for the Olympics in Rio 2016, which caused a lot of ridicule. Egor Vyacheslavovich explained that the athletes confused jackets, they did not wear their sizes, so those looked not very beautiful. On the official website, the artist also published poems and poems.

Personal life

In the first civilian marriage with a woman named Daria, Egor Vyacheslavovich was born daughter of Maria, or Marusya. She studied in the fashion laboratory, entered the faculty of art history. In those years, the personal life of the fashion designer was not easy. A man constantly quarreled with a partner, had problems with drugs, even wanted to commit suicide. By the lucky accident, the Senior Zaitsev managed to save the Son.

The second wife of Catherine was a model from Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, then he worked in his theater director, taught at the School of the Model Agency. After the birth of the daughter of Anastasia Zaitsev, the junior became kinder, philosophic. In 2012, came to the Father for Christmas, since then they became closer.

According to Egor Vyacheslavovich, for many years their relationship Municipal deputy from United Russia, Nikolay Golovin, who was a dancer of the Bolshoi Theater, and in the 2000s he became the deputy director of the fashion house of Slava Zaitsev. He called himself a guardian Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, Rasura Zaitseva-younger with his father and Maria, tried to survive him from business, dismissed other people. Later, the chase took up Vladimir Zelddin, telling the press that an elderly artist is an affair with his wife.

Yegor Zaitsev now

In April 2021, the site of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich came to the house, and then representatives of the prosecutor's office. They asked the owner of Galina Garafutdinova and her children trying to take possession of the inheritance of the fashion designer. This family placed video with Zaitsev video in Tiktok, who moved on a wheelchair and reasoned about success. The rollers seemed to the public ridiculous and showed a man in an impartial light. Information appeared that he suffers from Parkinson's disease.

Egor Zaitsev and Vyacheslav Zaitsev

Yegor Vyacheslavovich said that the Father also tried to deceive the Oleg Assistant. Lev Leshchenko said that at the celebration of the birthday of the birthday on March 2, the fashion designer did not understand what was happening around, the organizers were sold for his back for 15 thousand chairs for 15 thousand rubles.

Garafutdinova in response to reproaches stated that he was friends with Vyacheslav Mikhailovich since he began to lead the program "Fashion sentence". She allegedly was not interested in inheritance, and cared for Zaitsev, the hotels brought, helped with repair in the manor. The lady promised to sue the slander on his son.

In the same month, the jacket Jr. reported in an interview with the fifth channel that the fashion house was gathered to eliminate unnecessary assets to get rid of debts, and the Father now entered into a deal that would cover rent and salary to employees. The granddaughter of fashion designer Maria and Anastasia worked on new lines of clothing, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich himself was preparing for the collection of prints.

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