Eva Evans - biography, personal life, photos, news, "you_top-model" on TNT, Kaliningrad, "Instagram" 2021



From March 21, 2021, the spectators of the TNT television channel followed the events and were sick for the main heroines of the new project "You_Top-Model". On reality show received 12 thousand applications from different parts of Russia, but only 70 beauties were lucky to appear before the quartet of judges. At the end of the two days of hard selection, only 20 were left. Among the happy blonde Eva Evans from Kaliningrad, who did not have experience in the feshen industry turned out to be the first time.

Childhood and youth

The project participant on TNT, "The fashion world opens for bright non-standard girls with character," from the former Konigsberg was born on February 4, 2000. The girl grew in a large family of 10 people, where he had to starve, walk in hoops, to endure beatings and get used to the thought of his own ugliness and insignificance. At school, the pupils were filmed by classmates on the school.

Barely waiting for the onset of the 18th anniversary, yesterday's schoolgirl escaped from the house through the window, finally feel free. But the lack of education and shortage of the livelihood dictated their rules, so Eva did not have anything left, except to get a local bakery. For days and nights, she backed her bread, soap containers, while in 3 years she did not decide to discover the world of fashion and beauty.

Kaliningraddka sudden the thresholds of castings, where everyone was delighted with the unusual appearance of the applicant, but did not take due to the missing 3 cm (height 167 cm). Therefore, learning about the show "You_Top-model", where age, weight and other parameters did not matter, Evans filed an application, as a result, having received a cherished invitation.

Show "You_Top-Model"

The potential participants of the new show turned out so much that the selection stretched for 2 days. On March 21, 2021, the spectators of the TNT TV channel became acquainted with beauty from Kaliningrad, with the appearance of which Gosha Kartsev did not restrain the admiring "wow".

For aunt-a-theta with the jury, a short-core blonde washed into a tight little black dress, which advantageously emphasized the muscular body and an exposed tattoo on his left leg above the knee. Stylist and founder of School Gosh admitted that he did not have enough professionalism on the photo contestant, and suggested trying forces next year.

Philip Plein, shortly having fallen, gave the girl a chance, what a colleague was supported by the enthusiastic Alexander Gudkov. However, Anastasia Rytovova stated that he could not associate it with the title "Top Model" and did not see the meaning to skip further. The former captain of the KVN team "Fyodor Dvinyatin" was clearly surprised by such a turn of events, delvingively uttered: "We did something wrong."

Justice was restored in the 2nd issue, when a German fashion designer took the floor, went to the podium and, by contacting the "Queen" of the project, asked to return Eve of back:

"This girl is somewhat different from other participants. She is very muscular, but we are talking about a variety. Maybe we can revise our decision? I think she really adds something unusual to the team. I would be interested to follow its transformation. "

Ex-beloved Raper Timati changed the anger to mercy, and Evans continued his way on the program. The first test for contenders for the main prize was a photo session, inspired by the cult song of Madonna called Vogue, and for this they were divided into teams.

The namesake of the Pramateria of all people had to be filmed in Tandem with Angelina Andrianova and Maria Torbitsynaya, but no coordinated work did not work. First, the participants called Cartsev's discontent due to the fact that they did not listen to what he said. Secondly, each tried to pay attention to herself, and Masha, depicting R'n'B-Diva, was overlapped by Eve, who did not know what to do, and did not look at that chamber. But this did not prevent the bake, who lived on the Baltic Sea coast, stay in "you_top-model".

Personal life

Evans did not hurry to frankly talk to the subscribers of personal life and did not publish provocative photos in instagram account. But in social networks, she willingly talked about their own hobbies and unveiled unknown facts of biography.

The girl is a lot of time dedicated to sports, praise what can pull out as much as 33 times and carefully monitors health. Eve never used alcohol, did not smoke, he does not know how to dance, he does not sing, because he was shy, but for the first time he got on the heels only on the show "You_top-model" on TNT.

The model recognized that he likes to dream, try to try a new one (be it eating or something extreme) and regrets that he used to fit the other people, wanting to justify their expectations. Now the beauty learns to defend the inner borders and with this knowledge goes forward, without looking at the failure.

Eva Evans now

At the end of the 2nd issue, Evans hiding the real name, luck smiled again, and she continued the struggle for 3 million rubles, the main title and contract with the Philipp Plein brand. Mary of Torbitsynaya, Musina and Valeria Zaka and Valeria were lucky less - they had to go home.

On April 4, 2021, the Baker from Kaliningrad participated in the photo session "Falling from Height", first reached the podium and coped with the trial on the log.

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