Artem Tyankasov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, movies, theater, director, teacher 2021



Artem Tyankasova's biography has developed so that the actor played at a young age in his filmography. Six months after half a century anniversary, the artist died.

Childhood and youth

Artem Loganovich was born on September 28, 1970. In school years, Artem participated in the competitions of the readers and performed on the folk theater.

After receiving the attestation, the young man entered the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School, who was led by Tatiana Tsygankova. Among graduates of the educational institution of different years were Yevgeny Evstigneev and Mark Warshaver, Irina Mazurkevich and Alexander Pankratov-black. Already in the second year of Tutnasov played peers - the village guy Paul Vacina in the picture of Nikolai Lyarkov "Stukach". At 23, Artem graduated from the Higher Theater School named after Mikhail Shchepkin in Moscow.

Theater and films

For his acting career, Tutnasov served in the Riga Academic Theater of the Russian Drama, "Contemporary" and the theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. In 1994, Artem was accepted into the troupe of the "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors", where the graduate of the "sins" created the images of Trepleva in the "Seagull", Yagodin in the "enemies" and Oswald in "Ghosts".

In the XXI century, the actor, together with Maria Poroshina, Karina Mishulina and the Brothers Nikita and Sergey Gigurda played in the entrepreneurial stage of the "Love Lesson in French". On the page of Tritasov in Vkontakte, photos of the posters of this performance, supplied by him as a director.

The happiest time of life Artem Loganovic called the shooting period in the film-fairy tale "Do not leave ...". The director of the tape based on the fairy tales of William Tekckeray "Ring and Rosa" was made by Leonid Nechaev, before that, the "Adventures of Pinocchio" and the picture "about the Red Hap".

Artem Tyankasov in the film "Don't Leave"

Tyankasov not only did not lose in the star acting ensemble, in which Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshin, Vyacheslav Invarnive and Albert Philosov, but also decorated the game movie. Many spectators remembered the tape "Do not leave" due to the execution of Artem the role of Prince Penape. To create an "aristocratic hairstyle", a 19-year-old actor made a chemical twist.

The third and last time in the acting film of Tritovas performed the main role in the adventure film Igor Sheshukov "Tank" Klim Voroshilov - 2 ". The further filmography of Artem Loginovich was made up episodes and roles of the second plan in multi-sized ribbons. The last time the TV viewers saw the actor in the TV series "Fighters", the premiere of which took place on April 22, 2013.

You saw yourself first of all the theatrical actor and mentor of novice artists, taught in Shchepkinsky School and Gitis, was a director-teacher of graduation performances.

Personal life

On the personal life of Tritasov almost nothing is known. Artist had no wife and children. Artem Loganovich called his father in art, Archovich, and his family considered the ward students. Elena Antonova, who played in the picture "Do not leave ..." Marta freckles, described a colleague as a good, merry and decent person.

The actor did not go on a television show, did not tell publicly about political views and illnesses. However, in the summer of 2020, Tutnasov on the page in Vkontakte posted a video of Nikita Dzhigurda in support of Mikhail Efremov. The mini film was stated that the accident, which was hit by the famous artist, is the result of the attempt on his life, and the trial of the one allegedly pursues the goal to stroll Mikhail Olegovich's mouth and other Russian opposition.


In an interview with 2005, Artem Loganovich argued that Rose in the final of the film "Do not leave ..." from the blue turned into a red, having had blood. On April 4, 2021, the lifeless body of the actor was found in the apartment on the street of the Kotsiubinsky Russian capital.

Artem Tyankasov - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, movies, theater, director, teacher 2021 2472_2

Although the cause of death is not announced, according to the city news agency "Moscow", on the clothes of Tutcasov were traces of blood. Director of Gogol Center Alexey Kabeshev, instead of the words of a farewell, posted a photo of Artem in the social networks. In the picture, the artist holds wafer cups in his hands and smiling at the Jocona smile.


  • 1988 - "Stukach"
  • 1989 - "Do not leave ..."
  • 1990 - "Tank" Klim Voroshilov-2 ""
  • 2009 - "Dirty work"
  • 2011 - "Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancellery-2"
  • 2012 - "gunpowder and fraction"
  • 2013 - "Fighters"

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