Dmitry Yakhevsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, filmography, TV shows, in youth 2021



Dmitry Yakhevsky, before getting to the Moscow Drama Theater "Sphere" and take there the place of the leading actor, had to face a number of problems and dear offensive statements in his address. After the military service, it was not hurried to take the metropolitan temples of Melpomen in the strong arms, and one of the directors so directly and stated the graduate of Gityis that "the army killed the artist in it." Fortunately, Ekaterina Elansky had another opinion about the future colleague.

Childhood and youth

On July 3, 1962, in Moscow, Kirill and Galina Yakhevsky had a son of Dima, under the last period became a student of the local school No. 809. It is known that he has a single brother Vladimir Naumov, who celebrates a personal holiday on February 14.

The parents of the boy were scientists and biologists: the mother was heading the department of the laboratory of cytology and genetics, came up with and invented new wheat varieties, the father taught at the University of Friendship of Peoples named Patrice Lumumba. Therefore, when the heir said that he plans to associate life with the actor, they were horrified - they were not interested in the family. Is that grandfather who fond of amateur performances and wringing plays and poems.

The guy put forward a condition - try to break into UDU to any faculty and, if it does not come out, attribute the documents where he wants. Applicant rushed to the geofak:

"Professor asked to show where Nicaragua is. I consciously started picking up in the Australian area. Zimbabwe searched for in South America, and Korea - in Africa and, of course, did not do. I came home and told the parents: "You see nothing happened. Now I can go to guitis? ". "Well, now", "they said."

The artist himself explained the choice of the future profession with a complex of children's inferiority. At an early age, the child kilvail (from the speech defect, the young man got rid of the 10th grade thanks to the classes with the stones in the mouth) and was distinguished by the density of the figure. The celebrity still remembers how in the 2nd grade on the matinee, everyone distributed roles, and he went around the party. Then came the awareness that you need to do so that in the future this is not happening.

In the desired institute, the guy did not get immediately, in the first year "Cutting" on the 3rd round. Before re-assigned the University, Yachevsky managed to gain experience in the studio "Harlequin" and working as a gardener and a laboratory technician.

In the 1980s, Dmitry entered the guitis - just at that moment by Joachim Sharoev decided to cut out from the new course of "synthetic actors". Students studied for a year longer and received skills of the artists of the theater, cinema, musical theater and spoken genres of pop. Young people adopted knowledge from Boris Brunov, Sergey Jurassic, Sergey Dietyatyev, Anatoly Elizarova, Natella Britaeva.


In 1985, a graduate who received a diploma right in the corridor of the university threatened the army. Therefore, before calling, he, with a comrade Igor Siliverstov, not wanting to serve far from home, looked through different ensembles of the song and dance. Throwing several options, young people stopped at the MVO team. Friends easily coped with the task of Khuduka Vladimir Gordeev, having prepared the program "Soldiers joke", and conquered his proposal to make a bet on a pair military conference.

Demobilized in November 1986, Dmitry stubbornly sudden the thresholds of metropolitan theaters, but the efforts were not crowned with success. The failures pursued exactly until that moment until he remembered the "sphere", on whose performance was accidentally ended in the institute. Ekaterina Elansky saw the potential in the ward and took into his troupe before the new year, December 30.

The first exit to the scene was held January 4, 1987 - the actor replaced the sick colleague in the formulation of "there, away ..." with Evgenia Simonova and Evgeny Kindinov, reincarnated in the investigator. In Harold and fashion, Yachevsky played a pair with the Roman Bovkov, who had learned him a lot.

The artist carried a "Dr. Zhivago", Bulgakovsky "Fat Eggs", Nabokovskaya "Lolita" to considerable works. Did not forget the man to mention and "Candida", "Seagull" and "Herlel", on which Vasily Aksenov blessed personally after a successful stage of the "Island of Crimea".


Flashing in the "Aries", released on the screens in 1992, the actor returned to the shooting platform across a decade, "shutting up" in the "two fate" and "late dinner with ...". In the middle of the zero, he replenished the filmography of WITHOUT license filmography, "Cadet", "Marsh Turkish" and other works.

In 2009, RTR introduced the television viewers with the biographical series "Wolf Messing: saw through time," where Yacchevsky appeared in the image of Adolf Hitler. The artist was also noted in the "youthler" and received the first major role in the "six hundred happiness".

In addition to comedy, criminal, sports, medical, Dmitry Kirillovich participated in documentary projects ("zero world", "Catherine III").

In the 2020s, fans watched a pet game in the "Pink or Bell Talk", for which he was marked by the diploma of the Festival of Amateur Movie "Progress" in the nomination "Best Male Role". At the same time, the celebrity coped with the "translation from German", proved the "Pythagore's theorem" and did not pass by the "For Life".

Personal life

With Angelica of the Volskaya Yachev, the film crew "Detective without a license" has reduced. She faced the future spouse when she came to fit the suit, pulling it almost in underwear. Already driving, a man praised a colleague for her role in two fate.

Official relations did not immediately flow into romantic. At first, the couple was simply friends, besides, the artist was incomprehensible, for more than 20 years, being a husband classmates Tatiana and raising the heir to Kirill.

"We somehow got friends with him. He told me about his wife, about his family, brought after filming to the house. And once suddenly stated: "I left to live to my mother." On my question: "Why?", Replied: "I left my wife, I can't live with someone when I love another person," the actress admitted.

The first wife was not easy to let go of a loved one, but he did so that the separation goes as much as possible. Dmitry Kirillovich also put every effort to make a new beloved to take care and agreed to marry him. Officially lovers signed on May 5, 2006.

There are no common children, but their sons from previous marriages consider each other brothers. Working pictures and photos of personal life, the celebrity is divided on the page in Facebook.

Dmitry Yakhevsky now

On April 12, 2021, on the day of the 60th anniversary of the flight Yuri Gagarin to Cosmos, the premiere of the "policeman from Rublevka" was held on TNT - the popular "policeman from Rubleria" was held. The new comedy series with an emphasis on the characteristic atmosphere of the 90s told the history of the professional development of a graduate of the Higher School of Militia Volodya Yakovlev, explaining all his oddities and fears. Dmitry Kirillovich reincarnated in the father of the main character. Also, with the participation of Yacchevsky at the "home", a melodrama "and flourished sunflower".

The actor and now faithfully serves the native theater "Sphere". He continues to shine in the play "Dachniks", "Ordinary History" and others.


  • 2014 - "Six Hare Happiness"
  • 2017 - "Kaleidoscope of Fate"
  • 2017 - "Boomerang"
  • 2018 - "Policeman from Rublevka-4"
  • 2018 - "Ten arrows for one"
  • 2018 - "Double Life"
  • 2019 - "Sect"
  • 2019 - "Freight Birds"
  • 2020 - "For the sake of life"
  • 2020 - "Translation from German"
  • 2020 - "Pink or bell"
  • 2021 - "Policeman from ruble"
  • 2021 - "And Flower Sunflower"

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