Oleg Kononenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, cosmonaut, test, "Instagram", Samara 2021



On April 12, Russia annually celebrates the Day of Cosmonautics, but only units can proudly call this day by a professional holiday. Among them, the hero of Russia cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, which has undergone the land of more than 2 years outside the planet.

Childhood and youth

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin first flew into space. This day has become a holiday for a huge Soviet country, and from that day all children dreamed of becoming cosmonauts. Almost and Oleg Kononenko, born on June 21, 1964 in the Turkmen city of Charges.

In school, it was better than other subjects to him physics and mathematics, but the work was not alien to the boy, so he studied for 5 years in an art school. Departures on the plenuer, studying the history of art, enthusiastic drawing, he combined with the development of accurate sciences in the city school number 15.

Kononenko went to Kharkov, where he entered the Aviation Institute, choosing the specialty of "engine aircraft". A difficult study took a lot of time and strength, but the student managed to engage in the faculty museum of cosmonautics. In 1988, Oleg received a diploma engineer and moved to distribution to Kuibyshev (now Samara).


Career Kononenko began in the Design Bureau of Kuibyshev, where he designed electrical systems of spacecraft.

At that time, he wondered about the flights to space. However, in 1996, Kononenko had the opportunity to undergo a course of general space training and become a cosmonaut test. To get to the heavenly carriage, Oleg stubbornly practiced on simulators, studied the device of the International Space Station, handed over the pre-flight exams and learned to paint the day not by the hour, but a minute.

In 2006, a man was appointed by the flight manager of the passenger piloted spacecraft "Union TMA-12", and he fell into the 17th long-term expedition of the ISS. The ship pushed out of the Earth on April 8, 2008 and 2 days later died to the ISS. Already during the debut flight, Kononenko twice went into open space. That flight lasted the 198th day, and for courage and heroism in the performance of duties, the cosmonaut received the title of Hero Russia.

In December 2011, the flight engineer went to the 2nd flight. He was engaged in the elimination of technical problems, the movement of experimental equipment, a survey of a ship's skin, physico-chemical experiments in space, conducted a crew training in case of emergence of freelance situations.

In addition to the execution of direct duties, Kononenko found time for shooting the sights of land with cosmic heights, which turned into a hobby. His photos of the night St. Petersburg, the Crimean bridge, agroferms in Texas and the deserts of Africa have repeatedly decorated with the official account of Roskosmos in "Instagram".

In total, Kononenko's account has four cosmic flights, and in the third of them he participated as a commander of the ship. Oleg Dmitrievich's last expedition ended in June 2019. Then his 6-hour exit to open space for a couple with Sergey Prokopyev "Roskosmos" broadcast online, and everyone could see, this work is connected with any dangers and difficulties. Another business partner was Alexey Ovchinin.

In total, Oleg Dmitrievich spent 736 days outside the land, which constitutes a record for staying on board the ISS. For selfless service, the cosmonaut was repeatedly submitted to Russian and international awards.

Personal life

Personal life Kononenko settled at the institute. With the future wife of Tatiana, he met in Kharkov, where she received the formation of a designer engineer. Spouses brought up two children, twins Andrei and Alice, who were born in 2003.

When the father first flew into space, they still understood little, but during his second start were with their father for permanent communication. Daughter and son in vainly told Oleg Dmitrievich about the news from school life, and Kononenko helped them solve problems in mathematics and conducted video and spells in the ISS, talking in detail about how an unscheduled life was arranged. Alice was so inspired by the example of his father, which began to dream about the career of the cosmonaut-scientist.

The spouse is proud of her husband, and her feelings share children, before the eyes of which the sample of a man who lives his work and makes it the most well. The family of Kononenko lives in the Queen near Moscow, which is unofficially called the Space Capital of Russia.

Oleg Kononenko now

Kononenko's space biography continues: now he holds the position of commander of the cosmonauts squad at the CPD named after Yuri Gagarin.

On April 12, 2021, Kononenko gave a great interview in Vladimir Posner's program. Prior to that, he already came to the first channel as a guest show "Evening Urgant" in June 2020.


  • 2008, 2012 - NASA Medal "For Outstanding Public Service"
  • 2008, 2012 - NASA Medal "For Space Flight"
  • 2009 - the title of Hero of the Russian Federation
  • 2009 - the honorary title "Pilot-cosmonaut of the Russian Federation"
  • 2009 - the Order of the Star of the President (Turkmenistan)
  • 2011 - the title "Honorary Citizen of the city of Gagarin"
  • 2011 - Medal "For merits in the development of cosmos"
  • 2014 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2016 - Orange-Nassau Order (Netherlands)
  • 2017 - Order "For Merit of Fatherland" III degree
  • 2019 - the title of "Hero of Turkmenistan"
  • 2019 - the sign of distinction "for loyalty to space"
  • 2020 - Order "For Services to Fatherland" II degree
  • 2020 - Jubilee medal "25 years of neutrality of Turkmenistan"
  • 2021 - the sign "For merit to the Moscow region" II degree

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