Alla Pugacheva - biography, personal life, news, photos, songs, age, husband Maxim Galkin 2021



Alla Borisovna Pugacheva is a live legend of the Russian pop, People's Artist of the USSR, composer, TV presenter. Her songs became practically national hits in many countries, which made it possible to conquer the status of queen pop. The celebrity repertoire includes 500 songs, and the discography has no one dozen solo albums, the total circulation of which reaches 250 million copies.

Childhood and youth

Alla Pugacheva was born on April 15, 1949 (Zodiac sign - Aries) in the Russian capital in the family of Frontovikov - Moms of Zinaida Arkharokovna Odean and Father Boris Mikhailovich Pugachev. Parents called daughter in honor of the popular Actress Mkhat Alla Tarasova. She became a second child in the family, but her elder brother Gennady died in early childhood from diphtheria. All the childhood of the future Primateonna passed in the dinner alley on the peasant outpost in Moscow, where she grew along with the yard guys in the conditions of post-war.

Music entered the biography of Alla Borisovna even before the girl entered the school. In childhood, when Pugacheva was only 5 years old, her mother invited music to visit the music teacher, which found absolute hearing and musical abilities from the student. From the very day on weekdays of the future folk artist, there were classes on the piano, which lasted daily for 3 hours in a music school number 31.

Stubborn classes on a musical instrument have made fruits after a few months: 5-year-old Alla came to the scene of the column hall of the House of Unions and spoke at the national concert of Soviet musicians.

In 1956, Pugacheva went to the 1st grade. Alla differed from peers in the opposed character and received comments from teachers for causing behavior. However, it did not prevent future artist to be a round excellent.

By the end of the eight classes in secondary school No. 496, Pugachev had already graduated from a music school for the piano. The future life of young artist did not imagine without music, so he entered the School of Ippolitov-Ivanov to the conductor-choir department.

Music and creativity

Pugacheva began to perform, while still a student, and then recorded the first solo song "Robot", which was presented in the program "With Dobry Morning". Debut Alla Borisovna was accompanied by great success, so in his youth, it was noticed by musical composers who offered cooperation. Pugacheva's interest caused a little-known composer Vladimir Shansky at that time. He wrote for her the composition "Do not argue with me" and "no matter how not to fall in love," who received the title of "Song of the month" and brought Alla Borisovna to the first place on the air of the All-Union Radio.

The next few years of Pugachev as part of the Agitbrigada "Youth" Chaise in the Far North and Polaria. She spoke before the drillings, oil workers and geologists with three songs - "Just very love", "King, Flower and Jester" and the composition of his own essay "The only Waltz". These prolonged tours have negatively affected their studies at the music school: Pugachev removed from the delivery of final exams.

In the form of punishment, the student was sent to the work by the music teacher to Moscow school No. 621. After the semi-annual internship, Alley Borisovna, which the student was called Alka-Crochert for the loud voice, still managed to pass the state exams in the "Ippolith" and get a deceiver deirger diploma.

Pugacheva did not hurry to become a conductor, she got a soloist in a pop-circus school team, which toured around the villages and villages, entertaining local workers with circus and musical numbers. In 1969, the singer left the brigade and tried herself as a soloist of the musical ensemble "New electron". After a year and a half, Pugacheva moved to the group "Muscovites", and after a while he fell into the team "Merry Guys". Just in the composition of the "fun guys", the singer received the Golden Orpheus at the Golden Orpheus festival for the Arquino composition.

On the wave of success, all 1976 Alla visited the musical international festivals. She visited Cannes at Midem's music fair, in GDR, where he participated in television German programs and recorded the first single Harlekino, in Czechoslovakia, where she was invited to the honorable guest at the Bratislava Lira festival, in Poland, where he made at the concert of the Stars of the International Festival " Sopot-76 ".

Such a success of Pugacheva outraged other participants of "fun guys", which were simply accompanying Alla Borisovna in fact. The head of the ensemble Paul Slobodkin, who entered into the conflict with the celebrity, expressed discontent on this occasion, who came to the conflict with the celebrity.

At the end of 1976, Priaudonna finally decided to start a solo career and got a soloist to Moskoncert. At the same time, she first became the winner of the song "Song of the Year - 76" and the participant of the New Year's concert "Blue Spark" with the song "Very good".

A year later, Alla gave a solo concert in Luzhniki and received an honorary "red string" from Moskoncert, giving the right to tour with solo concerts on the territory of the USSR and beyond.

In 1978, Pugacheva records the first solo album called the "Soul Mirror", over which the composers worked by Alexander Zatsepin, Boris Rachkov and Primaudonna itself under the pseudonym Boris Gorbonos. Alla Borisovna's debut album became the most sold on the territory of the Union, so it was decided to release a couple of export versions of the record in different languages, which brought the global success of the artist.

At the beginning of the 80s, Alla Pugacheva released two more albums - "Lift over the bustle" and "either still". At the same time met in Raymond Pauls and Ilya Reznik, who wrote for Alla Borisovna immortal hits "Maestro", "Time" and "Million Scarlet Roses". These songs brought an incredible success with an incredible success - a mini-album in the circulation of 6 million copies around the world and presented the honorary status of Soviet Superstar.

No less popular was the song of Raimond Pauls on the poems of Ilya Ricnik "Vintage Watch", which appeared in the repertoire of Primateonna in 1981.

In the transmission of the "New Year's attraction" of the 1983th, the number with the execution of the "Million Scarlet Roses" was represented by the performance of Alla Pugacheva on a trapezium. The artist herself was recognized later that the only thing that she was most afraid of in life is heights.

The next decade in Pugacheva's career was associated with music and success. Infinite international tour, the outlet of the hits "Iceberg", "without me", "two stars", "Hey, you, upstairs" accompanied by the change of the image of Alla Borisovna. Pugacheva began to position himself in the style of rock singer, who allowed her to break and even in the New York "Carnegie Hall".

In 1988, the Legend of the Soviet stage founded his own song Theater, which invited talented beginner singers. After that, he created an annual song festival called "Christmas Songs", on the stage of which the wards of Primateonna demonstrated creative achievements.

In December 1991, the day before the collapse of the USSR, Alla Pugacheva was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR and became the last creative Worker of the Union, which received this title. After the country's entry into a new era, the cardinal changes followed in the career of Pugacheva. She decided to try himself in business, the most successful Primateonna projects were the release of shoes brand under the brand Alla Pugachova, the spirits of the same name and the magazine "Alla" edited by the singer.

In 1995, Pugacheva said it goes to creative vacation, and offered everyone to take her place on a musical pedestal. She recorded the final solo album "Do not hurt me, gentlemen", which entered the loves "love, similar to sleep", "real colonel" and "Mary". The disk divided a huge circulation, and the income of the singer from revenue was $ 100 thousand, which at the time was considered a record.

Two years later, Priadonna decided to return to the stage in the framework of the Eurovision-97 International Song Contest.

The story of hitting the competition is not so simple. Initially, the ORT channel chose among all the applicants Valery Meladze, for which Alla Borisovna wrote the song "Primadonna". But before the contest of Meladze, he fell ill, and the leadership of the canal sent Alla Pugachev to Eurovision, where the singer took the 15th place.

Participation in Eurovision pushed the artist to return to the big scene. She prepared two solo concerts "Favorites" and "Yes!", With whom went to a big tour of the world. For 3 years, Pugacheva gave 150 concerts in Russia, CIS countries, as well as in Germany, Israel, Greece, the United States and Britain. In addition to concert activities, she revived the project "Christmas meetings". At the turn of the centuries, the most famous Alla clips created on the songs "bad weather" appeared, "call me with me", "insomnia."

Having passed not the easiest life path, Alla Borisovna achieved his own. It is respected, appreciated, it imites her. In 2005, she became the organizer of the most popular Music Festival "Song of the Year" at the time with Igor Cool and the Museum of at least a significant music show in Jurmala "New Wave".

In 2007, Pugacheva becomes the artistic director of the radio station "Alla". The celebrity responsibly approached the choice of the repertoire, the program itself was on the air. In a short time, radio began to listen more than a million people.

In 2008, its discography has replenished the album "Invitation to Sunset", which became the 17th studio work. In addition to all famous singles, it included songs "from nowhere", "Gud-Bai", "without me" and others. The composition "Again Blizzard" Pugacheva recorded in a duet with his daughter Christina Orbakaite, the authorship belongs to Konstantin Meladze and Jakhan Pollyev.

Achievements of Alla Pugacheva on a musical field were noted by a number of prestigious awards, among which the medal of the Cambridge Center "2000 outstanding musicians of the 20th century" and the "Ovation" premium in the nomination "Singer Decade". Primadonny tracks went out in the collections of golden hits of different years. Poems for her tracks were composed of different poets, for everyone was a great honor to attach a hand to creating a new song of the artist.

On March 5, 2009, Pugacheva announced the completion of the career and went to the farewell tour of the "Dreams of Love", during which 37 concerts were given in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Israel, the United States and in the eight countries of the world.

From the very moment, Priaudonna keeps the word and does not work in creative activity, although he recorded several new songs.

In 2015, a creative evening dedicated to Valery Leontyev took place within the framework of the New Wave Festival. An invitation to the concert received Alsu, Nikolay Baskov, Dima Bilan, Philip Kirkorov and other stars. All performed the songs of the artist, as well as he himself, singing a couple of compositions. Then in a duet with Alla Borisovaya Leontyev spoke with his own song "Late".

And in April 2019, Alla Borisovna held an anniversary concert in the State Kremlin Palace. Thus, Priaudonna celebrated his birthday - a round date of 70 years. Participation in the creation of the event was taken by theater director Philipp Grigorian, choreographer and director Egor Druzhinin, some dance numbers came up with Artem Ovcharenko, Premier of the Bolshoi Theater. Such a gift Pugacheva did for all admirers of her many years of creativity.

At the end of October, the premiere of the film of this concert took place in the Far East, and later the geography of the shows expanded. In early December, at the show in Moscow, the singer personally presented a film called "The same concert". There are mainly new compositions of the artist, including the author. Later, the broadcast passed on the first channel.

Although Pugacheva no longer protrudes on a big stage, her name and now regularly appears in the headlines of news articles. For example, in March 2020, she planned to hold a "holiday of yellow flowers", which became an annual tradition for her. At this event, she collects close people, everyone communicate, rest, and Primaudonna gives guests the flowers of this particular shade, announcing the beginning of spring. But this time the celebrity canceled the holiday: it turned out that she was unhealthy.

Films and Tele Show

In the mid-1970s, the actress brightly entered the Soviet cinema. At first, she was invited to shoot a New Year's film "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry" as a singer, and then offered a major role in the film "Woman who sings", all the background music was written by Alla Borisovna. The film was popular and the premiere in the year became the leader of the rental.

For the role of Anna Streltsova in the "Woman who sings" Pugacheva received the title of "Best Actress of the Year", and a free Balahon dress, in which the singer appeared on television screens, became a kind of visiting card of the legendary actress. For the film, the dress model created Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

Alla Pugachev's singing career successfully combined with acting. Her filmography was regularly replenished not only by musical films, but also full-length ribbons. In 1979, a satirical comedy "Foam" came out with the participation of the actress, where the stars of the Soviet screen were played by Anatoly Papanov, Lydia Smirnov, Leonid Kuravlev. Together with Sofia, Rotar Alla Pugacheva appeared in the widescreen drama "Recital", where he performed the episodic role of the singer Alena Volnovoy.

To repeat the success of the film "A woman who sings" Alla Pugacheva tried in the 1985 tape "came and say", based on documentary video sources from the creative life of the singer. According to critics, experience failed, but this assessment did not prevent the audience interest. Next, work was followed in three parts of the "old songs on the main thing", in the musical "for two hares, which Alla Pugacheva created together with Maxim Galkin and Andrei Danilko.

Alla Pugacheva since the times of the Soviet Union was considered popular media driver. Her presence on the air of any program immediately influenced the ratings of the issue. With the participation of the singer, musical programs ("with good morning", "Music Ring"), intellectual and analytical programs ("What? Where? When?", Kinopanoram, "View", "50x50", "Bomond", " Theme "," Rush Hour "," Saturday evening "), entertainment show (" Field of Miracles "," Two Stars "," Factor A "," Republic's Treasury "). Repeatedly, the actress became the heroine of the programs of Vladimir Posner.

In 1997, Alla Pugacheva acted as a talk show "We", and after 15 years in the author's transfer, a detailed interview was given by the television officer. She was engaged in finding talents to the "new wave" and "factor A", led the program "Morning Mail" with Maxim Galkin.

In 2014, Pugacheva became a member of the show "Extremely" as an arbitration judge, and in early 2015 he opened the Family Club children's center, which includes a three-tie kindergarten, a group of children's development, a school for future mothers and a professional creative school. Development for children. Priaudonna is not only the organizer and the artist of the center, but also his teacher.

On the day of the 70th anniversary of the artist on the first channel, the Ether "Let them say" appeared, called "Special Edition: Alla Pugacheva and her closest". On the birthday of Primateonna in the studio of Dmitry Borisov, the birthday name appeared, as well as her nearest circle - husband, children, grandchildren, friends and girlfriends.

And a couple of days before the anniversary and on NTV, the program "Secret by Million" was published, dedicated to the secrets of Alla Borisovna. The main heroes of the ether were different people approximate to Pugacheva. Among them was Mikolas Orbakas, who agreed to tell about his ex-wife interesting and before that unknown facts. Also, the program visited the former mother-in-law of her daughter Elena Presnyakov, singer's neighbors from the village of Dirt, musical critic Sergei Neighborhood and others.

Alla Borisovna was not delighted with Alla Borisovna's released and even allowed himself to shake Lerru Kudryavtsev for the fact that she "rushes in the garbage", asking her in the past to close people, intimate questions. The actress emphasized that she was tired of silently watching former men watered her mud and thus allowed to catch up with unclean journalists.

Style and appearance

At the very beginning, Pugachev's career preferred to wear short dresses and skirts than caused an increased interest in the male half of the fans. Over time, the place in her wardrobe increasingly began to occupy free outfits in the form of balachonov, which became a kind of business card of the artist. It seems that she has all the shades and styles of such outfits.

In the mature age of Alla Borisovna changed the image, removing the hoods away. Before that, she sat down on a diet, and then began to go to different events in the shredded dresses slightly above the knees, demonstrating the lost legs and waist. Appeared in her wardrobe and brighter outfits.

No matter how the image and the style of Primateonna change, one always remains unchanged - her red hair. She could shorten the length, make a twist, volume, curls or wearing straight hair, but the color for many years remained the same.

Fans are surprised as a singer, long years struggling with overweight, managed to achieve an excellent result of weight loss. If earlier, with a height of 162 cm, Alla Borisovna weight ranged around 64 kg and above, then in recent years, the singer looks much slimmer, which is evidenced by photos and videos from the personal "instagram".

All these years fans are watching not only behind the dresses of Pugacheva, but also for changes in its appearance. Questions of reporters about plastic operations singer seeks to bypass, but does not hide what favorably refers to such an intervention. Those who closely monitor the life of Primateonna, claim, in her life there was not one such operation.

According to the network users, due to age-related changes, Alla Borisovna's skin has repeatedly made a circular suspender of the face and chin, resorted to blepharoplasty and removed bags under the eyes. And some are taken to argue that the nose and cheekbear of the artists also underwent a change. The Body of Primateonna remains without attention: the fans are confident that without liposuction, it is impossible to achieve such results of weight loss.

Another topic is the hair of Pugacheva. Although no one has ever seen her without a wig, Follovier claims that it is impossible for the 60-70 years to maintain a similar amount, therefore suspected the artist in the use of shinons and other means that allow you to change the hairstyle, making free, curls and different styling.

Makeup Primateonna is also not the last topic in the context of the discussion of appearance. The stylists of the star are followed. Appearing in front of the public, the actress prefers light meycap, slightly paints her lips, causes the tone and brings his eyes. Sometimes additionally uses shadows. On the pictures of Alla Borisovna without makeup, which periodically seep on the Internet, it is clear that before going out of the house, it works carefully above itself.

In the years of active speeches, she never allowed himself to go to the scene without a grima. Unlike ordinary life, for concerts, she preferred a brighter and resistant makeup, under the light of the sophists, it is cleaned more clearly, and therefore it must correspond to the setting.

Personal life

The personal life of Alla Pugacheva is not less saturated than its solo career. She always caused interest among others, who even after the star departure from the scene, follow every movement.

The first time Pugacheva married in 1969 for circus from Lithuania Mikolas Orbakas. After registering, Pugacheva took the name Orbachen, but at the tour spent under the girl's last name. The fruit of the first love of Primateonna became the daughter of Christina Orbakayte, which was born in 1971.

Parents expected the appearance of a boy who had already invented the name Stanislav. And for the gorgeous girl, the name was selected spontaneously, in honor of the heroine of a children's book, which accidentally came across a young mother. 2 years after the birth of the daughter, the Family of Pugacheva and Orbakas broke up, which did not break the ascending star of the pop, on the hands of which a small daughter remained.

In 1977, Alla Pugacheva married Alexander Stefanovich film director, the marriage with which also existed for 4 years. The reason for the divorce of spouses was the full return of the prima donna musical career, in which there was no place for personal life.

In 1985, Alla Borisovna opened the heart of the new chosen one, they were the director of Rosconcert programs Yevgeny Boldin, who became the producer of singer for the next 8 years. The divorce with Bolden in Pugacheva occurred because of the novel with Vladimir Kuzmin, who at that time was its scene partner.

After that, Alley Borisovna attributed novels with Raymond Pauls, Alexander Rosenbaum, Igor Talcov and Sergey Chamobanov, which remain the "mysterious" chapter of Pugacheva's personal life.

The period of marriage Pugacheva with Evgeny Boldin still lies with the "heavy stone" on the soul singer. It is known that in the third marriage of Priaudonna received a chance to become a mother for the second time, but decided to interrupt pregnancy in favor of a career hunching key. This solution has become a fateful for the artist: she lost the opportunity to have children, in which it stresses itself.

In 1994, the queen of the stage produces hit "Love, similar to sleep" and devotes his Philip Kirkorov, who at that time was considered the main favorite of the artist. The new love chapter originates on March 15, 1994, then between the 28-year-old pop king of the Russian pop and the 45-year-old Primateonna was a marriage, which was registered by the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak.

The wedding and wedding passed modestly, but the development of their relationship did not allow to miss fans, as the musicians surrounded the conflicts of a non-macatic nature. Their marriage was called the primateonna producer project, which was famous for the patronage of the young artists of the Russian show business.

In spite of everything, the Happy Union of Pugacheva and Kirkorov existed for more than 10 years, after which rumors began to appear about the divorce of the star couple. In 2005, artists officially divorced without advertising the true causes of separation. Friends of the artists are confident that Alla Borisovna and Kirkorov divorced because of the debts of Philip on the failed musical "Chicago", which he invested $ 5 million.

Leaving the former husband and all that was connected with him, in the past, on December 23, 2011, Alla Pugacheva married Maxim Galkin's popular humorist, who met in 2000. Pugacheva admitted that her romantic relationship with Galkin began back in 2001, and since 2005 they lived a civil marriage, which decided to legalize only 10 years after the meeting.

The story of Love Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkina and is currently being discussed among artist fans, many of whom are confident that the humorist has become another "project" of the Queen of the Russian pop. Nevertheless, it does not interfere with the spouses to love each other. According to the confidence of the friends of Primateonna, with Maxim Alla Borisovna, for the first time he felt like a real woman, and not just a star of pop.

Despite the 27-year-old difference in age, the spouses became close people who have a lot of common. Maxim became the first spouse Alla Borisovna, who invited her to live in his own home. Couple of Sweet Cozy family nest in a rustic castle in the village of Dirt on the Istra Reservoir, which rebuilt a humorist. It looks like a real castle, its total area is 2.3 thousand sq.m.

In the summer of 2019, the news about the death of Priadonna once again appeared in the media. Such information of the yellow press published, referring to the sources close to its family, as well as based on the state of the health of the woman. I supposedly recently, she complained about the problems with the heart and, without preparing the next attack, died. However, this information quickly denied official sources.

Lisa and Harry

On September 18, 2013, a loud event was happening in the family of Galkin and Pugacheva - the Son Harry and the daughter of Elizabeth, twins were born at the Star Couple. According to Alla Borisovna, the kids took place a surrogate mother, but the blood of Alla and Maxim were flowing in their veins. The singer for another 12 years before the significant event took care of the future offspring and passed the procedure for freezing eggs in case, if she does not work independently to make a child.

The children of Alla Pugacheva were born in the village of Lapino, in the branch of the Okusher Clinic Mark Kuzer "Mother and Child", and became a real copy of the parents.

Harry and Lisa are raised in a family fairy tale and surrounded by the love of parents. Pugacheva and Galkina children have their own floors in the house equipped with all the canons of modernity, and personal babysitters that are around the clock are with children.

Attention is close attention to the education of children and Primadonna itself, which is willing to do with the kids. Pugacheva skillfully develops creative talents in Lisa and Harry, thanks to which the children early began to dance and sing. Alla Pugacheva considers himself a crazy mother and admits that he holds his hand on the pulse in the upbringing of twins. She calls kids to the main happiness in life, which is ready to give all of himself without a balance.

During the holiday dedicated to the three-year-old children, Harry and Lisa demonstrated talents and achievements, including the study of French in an elite kindergarten. Young Lisa Galkin for her musical successes had already been called a small frightening, which, according to Alla Borisovna, will become a thunderstorm for all Russian singers.

Now the heirs of the Star Couple are already going to school. The children conquered the public, because both are incredibly adorable and funny, besides smart, in which, naturally, the merit of the parents. Alla Borisovna pays great attention to the comprehensive development of the Son and daughter. The guys are engaged in sports, foreign languages ​​teach, sing and dance.

Alla Pugacheva now

Despite the cessation of touring activities, Alla Pugacheva and now continues to delight fans with new masterpieces. In the spring of 2021, a new musical clip of Primateonna was released, which was removed on the occasion of the release of the film Danili Kozlovsky "Chernobyl". By the way, the singer recorded the soundtrack to the new ribbon.

On April 21, the musical show "Alla Tribute", dedicated to the birthday of the "Women, who sings". According to the organizers, the main hits of Pugacheva performed by professional theater artists sounded on the scene.


  • 1977 - "Soul Mirror"
  • 1979 - "Arquino and others"
  • 1980 - "Either still ..."
  • 1986 - "... happiness in personal life!"
  • 1990 - "Alla"
  • 1995 - "Do not hurt me, gentlemen"
  • 1998 - "Yes!"
  • 2001 - "River tram"
  • 2003 - "Live calmly, Country!"
  • 2008 - "Sunset Invitation"

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