Roman Romanenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, cosmonaut-test, "Instagram", interview, hero of Russia 2021



Already from a combination of name and surname, Roman Romanenko shows that his parents wanted to make the firstborn by the successor of family traditions. Plans came true. The romance went in the footsteps of the father of Yuri Romanenko, joined the squad of astronauts and, like the parent, has repeatedly visited the earthly orbit.

Childhood and youth

In the biographies of the cosmonaut explorer, it was reported that he was born on August 9, 1971 in the Moscow region of Schelkovo. Since the birth of the novel, the population of his small Motherland has grown one and a half times and is now 126 thousand people. Parents of the future deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation lived in the microdistrict Schelkovo-14 - Star Town, because from April 1970, the head of the family was in the status of a cosmonaut's listener.

The end of 1977 for a 6-year-old Roma was marked by two important events - at first the boy appeared the younger brother Artem, and then the father not only flew into space, but also spent a record 96 day in orbit.

The cargo ship delivered Yuri Viktorovich drawing of the eldest son: rocket, starry sky and the inscription of children's handwriting "I want to dad into space."

In the future, the novel, grew up with children of other cosmonauts, did not consider the activity of the Father exceptional and rare. The profession of the pilot seemed a lot more romantic.

Romanenko on Soviet standards lived very securely: the family had a white Volga, the household had the opportunity to buy jeans, tape recorder and other scarce products in a specialized store. After each flight to Sosmos Yuri Viktorovich bought a trip to Cuba. Tours on the island of freedom in the midst of the school year were turned around for the novel with a decline in academic performance.

The teenager was not brilliant, the favorite objects for the primacy Yuri Viktorovich were singing and physical education, and the most unpleasant literature (although he was read on the fantastic works of Alexander Belyaeva). For twos and disobedience, the cosmonaut punished the eldest Son with a belt.

In the 6th grade, Roman, together with his father, visited the gym of the Center for the Training of Cosmonauts. The teenager was unwound on a rotating chair, and he did not feel nausea. The physician who was present said Romanenko-younge:

"You have a genetically beautiful vestibular device. At least now in astronauts! ".

At the age of 15, the novel met misunderstanding from parents and teachers, because he became interested in rock music. The young man was rocked by the rock band, who played the hits of the "Time Machine" and The Beatles.

But the views of a young man and his father coincided into the Suvorov school. Roman dreamed of an officer biography (ideally - a career of a military pilot), and Yuri Viktorovich - about the increase in the discipline of the firstborn.

Career and politics

After the end of the Suvorov School in the city on the Neva, the eldest son of the cosmonaut Romanenko entered the Chernigov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots. For 6 years after the release, the Roman mastered the L-39 and Tu-134 aircraft, developed in the design office of Andrei Tupolev, and flew 800 hours. In an interview, the native of the star town confessed that it was necessary to fly in the dashing 90s of the 20th century to the offensive little, and in patrols he spent more time than in the air.

In 1998, Roman Yurevich decided to try himself on a path in which his father achieved outstanding success. After almost biennial preparation, Romanenko was enrolled in the detachment of Russian conquerors of stellar expanses, assigning the qualification of the test cosmonaut. However, it was almost 10 years old to wait for a flight to orbit.

Only in May 2009, Roman Yuryevich went on an expedition to the ISS as a commander of the Soyuz TMA-15 ship and spent more than six months in orbit. During the second flight, which lasted 145 days, Romanenko made an exit to open space. In November 2014, the spectacular conqueror of the sky was exempted from the position of the cosmonaut-test guide for health.

The new twist Career Roman Yurevich, which has joint photos with Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, has become political activities. Since the fall of 2015, Romanenko - a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Amur Region (according to the party lists of United Russia). In the summer of 2018, Roman Yuryevich was elected headquarters of the UNARMIA headquarters, but at the end of 2020 the athlete Nikita Nagorny changed the cosmonaut in this post.

Personal life

Among the hobbies of Roman Yuryevich - automotive sports, scuba diving and underwater hunting. In the youth, the future deputy took the first place in competitions on SUVs for the prize of the journal "driving." With Garpun, the cosmonaut's fish had to be chasing on the river of the little thing flowing near the star town and on the island of Cuba.

The hobby passed and the son of Roman Yurevich, but he followed the footsteps of the mother and graduated from the Financial Academy. The daughter Nastya in childhood was distinguished by excessive mobility, for which she sometimes received father slaps. In an interview with the Moscow Komsomoltsu, this in 2009, Roman Yurevich revealed the secret of his personal life: he and his wife were portrayed before the children of a good and evil parent, and the harsh image created his father.

In adolescence, Anastasia sent energy into a peaceful bed and was fascinated by gymnastics. A cosmonaut's daughter starred in the ABVGDIKA series and executed along with a clown string song.

Roman Romanenko now

On April 10, 2021, Roman Yuryevich participated in the "Space Holiday" for children from large families organized by the Russian Council of Mothers. And in the 60th anniversary of the first flight of a person in Sosmos Romanenko spent in his instagram account Stream dedicated to a memorable date. The Hero of Russia shared information about the organization of life at the International Space Station, spoke about the prospects of the Russian segment of the ISS after 2030 and put an end to the disputes that American astronauts were planted on the moon.


  • The title of Hero of the Russian Federation
  • Honorary title "Cosmonaut pilot of the Russian Federation"
  • Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • Medal "For merits in the development of space"
  • Medals "For Military Valor" I and II degree
  • Medal "For Difference in Military Service" I, II, III degree
  • Medal "For Service in Air Force"
  • Medal "200 Years by the Ministry of Defense"
  • Honorary sign "50 years of space era"
  • Medal "40 years flight Yu. A. Gagarin" (Rosaviacosmos)
  • Commander Order Corona (Belgium)
  • Medal "For Outstanding Public Service" (NASA)
  • Medal "For Space Flight" (NASA)

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