Sergey Nikolenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, "What? Where? When? ", St. Petersburg, Expert 2021



Unlike most Russian TV projects, the game "What? Where? When?" - not adaptation of the foreign version, but the brainchild of Soviet televisions, in particular Vladimir Voroshilov. The quiz has become a cult, and members of the elite club - media personnel, biographies and the personal life of which are at the sight of the fans. One of the most striking players of the XXI century - Mathematician Sergey Nikolenko.

Childhood and youth

Nikolenko for 9 years younger quiz "What? Where? When?". Sergey was born on August 11, 1984 in Pskov. On the page in the "Instagram" of the connoisseled photo of parents, accompanied by words of gratitude for happy childhood.

Since childhood, Seryozha showed interest in mathematics and in 10 years he entered the Pskov technical lyceum, which 4 years later graduated with honors. In 2005, Nikolenko was awarded the diploma of St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Mathematics. Between the Pskov Lyceum and St. Petersburg State University, the young man has been educated in the American University of Northern Colorado, located in the city of Grills. In 2009, the native of Pskov under the leadership of Eduard Girsha defended his thesis.

Scientific activity

In graduate studies, Nicholenko was in an example in Google and taught as an assistant at the University of St. Petersburg, accurate mechanics and optics. In the middle of the second decade of the XXI century, the native of Pskov worked in the National School of Economics, with which it cooperates. In 2017, Sergey Igorevich became the director of the science of Neuromation Corporation. Also, the connoisseur leads the laboratory of artificial intelligence of the St. Petersburg branch of the Mathematical Institute named after V. A. Steklov.

The scientific interests of Sergey Igorevich lie in the area of ​​constructing probabilistic models, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cryptography and economic models. Member of the elite club "What? Where? When?" - Author of a number of monographs and articles in Russian and foreign magazines.

In the summer of 2020, Nicholenko gave an interview to the Invest-Forsight business magazine, which explained what artificial intelligence is and in which areas it is used. The mathematician was surprised by the prevalence of voice assistants, which, in the view of the connoisse, are appropriate, only if the client is driving the car. According to Sergey Igorevich, the AI ​​has great prospects in medical diagnosis, the procedures of which are quite standardized.

"What? Where? When?"

The first acquaintance of the young Pskovich with the game "What? Where? When?" held in 1998. According to Sergey, he - a 14-year-old schoolboy - "broke the roof" from the fact that Boris Burda famous experts and Maxim Potashev answered the questions asked by him in letters.

Sergey Nikolenko - biography, personal life, photo, news,

In the "Living" ChGK Nikolenko came in the early Third Millennium. In 2007-2011, Sergey performed in the elitarian television club for the team of Helena Potanina and in one of the 15 games spent the title of the best connoisseur. Also, the native of Pskov repeatedly played the sports version of CHGK (in 2015 and 2017, became the world champion in this game) and edited questions for the famous quiz.

Personal life

Now Sergey Igorevich lives in St. Petersburg on Chekhov Street. Although Nicholenko broke up with his wife Irina, a man - a loving and attentive father of the girl Mary, who in February 2021 turned 10 years old. His instagram-account star of intellectual quiz in a joke calls Papal - pictures of daughters and stories about her adulthies occupy approximately half of the content. Together with the heiress, which the expert is affectionately calls, Sergey goes to theaters and exhibitions.

Nikolenko is in general avid theater. On the eve of 2020, taking advantage of the "Black Friday" discounts, the mathematician bought tickets for a dozen performances of St. Petersburg theaters, whose viewing impressions were divided on the page in "Instagram".

An important place in Sergei's life is occupied by Ksenia Venodkov, in 2019 he graduated from the Faculty of Solid State Physics and Nanotechnology of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Under the influence of the girl Nicolenko, on the eve of the occurrence of 2021, he took from the entrance of the browning cat "Marquis". The photo of the animal, distinguished, according to the connoisseurs, mind and smartness, often appears on the pages of Sergey in social networks. Nikolenko also loves to post photos from trips and joint images with other celebrities - in particular with chess players in Kamsky and Jan Nepomny.

Sergey Nikolenko now

On April 9, 2021, Nikolenko as part of the team Balash Kasumova performed on the game "What? Where? When?". Although the captain never allowed Sergey to answer the question, the native of Pskov contributed to the search for the correct versions. The experts won the TV viewers with a score of 6: 4 and reached the final of the spring of the 2021 series of games. In the Kasumov team, Nikolenko made his debut in June 2020, and the captain living in Azerbaijan did not come to the game due to quarantine restrictions on the occasion of a coronavirus infection pandemic.

However, Sergey Igorevich does not limit the lives in intellectual games. In the spring of 2021, Nikolenko, together with Yashar Bekhzadi, spoke in the "Investments in Artificial Intelligent" podcast and made the report "Multimodal Mir: Where We are now and where we go" at the seminar at the Higher School of Economics. Also, the connoisseur performed in the new role of the research editor. Thanks to the advice of Nikolenko, in Russian, the book of Clifford Picker "Artificial Intelligence" was published in the translation of Anna Efimova.

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