Oksana Baul - biography, personal life, photo, news, figure skater, Olympiad, arbitrary program, "Instagram" 2021



"Almaz, falling into the dirt, remains jewel, and dust that risks to heaven is all the same dust."This phrase of the Olympic Games triumpor in Lillehammer Oksana Baul often uses in an interview and controversy with opponents. In the biography of the famous figure skater, except for sports victories, there were emigration in the United States, and alcoholism, and an accident, and a suicide attempt.

Childhood and youth

The future Olympic champion was born on November 16, 1977 in Dnepropetrovsk, in the family-mechanic engineer and French teacher. Now the native city of Baul is called Dnipro.

When Oksana was 2 years old, the parents of the girls divorced. With the Father, creating a new family, the figure skater did not communicate until 2003. The reason for the late meeting of Oksana Sergeyevna with Sergey Ivanovich was the desire of the athlete to confirm the information about the presence of Jewish ancestors on the maternal line.

The mother of the young resident of Dnepropetrovsk Marina Baul, in his youth engaged in ballet, also soon arranged a personal life, and Oksana had stepfather Anatoly. The girl's upbringing was predominantly grandmother of the maternal line Agraphen Ivanovna, whining his granddaughter with homemade pies. Baul has not importantly studied at school, preferring to dictations and control training in figure skating.

In incomplete 14 years, Oksana Osapotel - the mother of the teenager died from the cancer of the ovaries. Grandma who has elapsed girl by 1991, also died. Initially, the first coach of Stanislav Korytek looked after Baul. When the mentor went to earnings to Canada, Oksana sometimes spent the night on the folded gland in the locker room of the native sports complex.

The new coach of the figure skater Galina Zmievskaya, who lived in Odessa, settled the Syrota in his 3-room apartment and descended the guardianship over Oksana. Subsequently, the native of Dnepropetrovsk accused the mentor and her son-in-law of Viktor Petrenko in the assignment of funds earned by the figure skater. But the American court rejected Baul's claim and recited legal costs from the plaintiff.

Figure skating

On the rink Oksana for the first time came in 4 years. But the coaches found a respanted girl unprofitable and accepted it into a section, only leaning to the persuasion of mother and grandmother. In just 13 years after an unpleasant conversation, the girl turned into a wonderful swan and won gold at the Olympics in Lillehammer.

To take over to the top of figure skating athlete helped as personal qualities - exceptional artistry and perseverance, and geopolitical factors. Oksana was made to perform with dissected shin and bruised spine. Once (at the Cup of Nations in 1992), Baul beat the fall as a dance element, and another time after an unsuccessful landing found unleashed laces on his boot and persuaded administrators and judges to allow her to roll back the number first.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the former republics of the USSR received the right to independently put their athletes for international competitions. Thanks to Baul, the Anthem of Ukraine first sounded at the Olympic Games. Favorites Among the 1994 Olympics were considered American women Tony Harding and Nancy Kerrigan, and after the victory of Oksana, the organizers first searched for the flag of Ukraine for a long time, and then raised it upside down.

After sport

Shortly after the Olympiad in Lillehammer, Zmievskaya took the young champion in the United States. Bakhul went to the tour of the cities of the United States. Oksana's fees were calculated with tens of thousands of dollars, but, like the heroine of the film Peter Todorovsky "Interdevechka" Thane Zaitseva, a full foreign life quickly pointed figure skater.

Looking for a comfort girl started in alcohol. Such episodes from Bahens were accompanied by antisocial actions and scandals, and after one of them Oxana crashed into a tree. The court sentenced the Olympic champion for suspended deadlines and public works.

At 20, at the insistence of a psychologist, Baul passed a course of treatment from alcoholism. For the Quarter, held by Oksana in the clinic, the weight of the athlete increased by 15 kg.

Starting a sober life, a native of Dnepropetrovsk, with the assistance of Natalia Linichuk, joined the ice show of Tom Collins, and later succeeded in business. However, Bahens still follows the successes and failures of Ukrainian and Russian figure skaters. So, in September 2020, Oksana Sergeyevna commented on the failure of the Camilaya Valiyeva during the fulfillment of the Quad Tulup:

"Unhappy kids believe that figure skating is jumping. After such falls, by 35 years will need a new hip set. "

Personal life

On the show Tom Collins, the native of Dnepropetrovsk fell in love with the Triumpham of the Olympic Games in Nagano Ilya Kulik. When the figure skater moved to the widow of Sergey Grinkov, Catherine Gordeva, with which Oksana supported friendly relations, Bakhul tried to reduce scores with life.

The consolation after the betrayal of Kulika Baul found in friendship with the black gay hairdresser Johnny. Then an affair with an American entrepreneur Evgeny Zubnik happened in the life of Oksana, after 5 years of living together the couple broke up. After a break with another businessman - Jim Brannon, the figure skater declared that he had shut down to communicate with the Americans.

Now Oksana, the growth of which is 160 cm, married to the manager Carlo Farin. Despite the Krone disease diagnosed by Baul, in 2015 the legend of figure skating was the mother. Photo of the daughter, confidently feeling on skates, often appears on the Oksana page in "Instagram". Little Sophia in the videos sits on the twine, performs the exercise "Bridge" and tries to repeat at the mother jumping on the ice.

Oksana Baul now

In the spring of 2021, Baul initiated a number of scandals in the worldwide network. First, Oksana Sergeevna in Instagram Account published poster of Shaw Eteri Tutberidze "Ice Champions", accompanied by his comment "These children do not even know what" Ice Champions "is." Responding to comments, Baul explained that against the inconsistent use of trademarks.

Then the former pupil of Galina Zmievskaya accused the Russian figure skater Alina Zagitov in copying her dress. Costume Suit at the 2018 Olympics reminded Bakhul her outfit 1995, used in an ice show. It is curious that earlier in the ill-fated alone, Zagitov's dress for 2 years came up with an arbitrary program set to the music of Ludwig Minkus to the Ballet "Don Quixote", and before that, Evgeny Medvedev rode.

Tatiana Tarasova suggested that the former Olympic champion who had long been departing from great sports, Alina's charges trying to remind themselves to the world of figure skating. Baul continued its controversy with the legendary coach, saying that "Tarasova loves and loved not Russia, but money."

Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin called the accusations of Oksana in the address Tutberidze, Zagita and Tarasova ridiculous:

"All Ice Shows has a lot of general - ice, skates and skaters. Baul is probably boring in America, and she is trying to make a perch in privacy. "

On April 13, 2021, Baul gave an interview to the Ukrainian journalist Maricke Padalko.


  • 1993, 1994 - Winner of the Championship of Ukraine
  • 1993 - Silver Cup Vyser Nations
  • 1993 - World Championship winner
  • 1993, 1994 - Silver winner of the European Championship
  • 1994 - Winner of the Olympic Games

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