Zinaida Reich - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, wife Sergei Yesenin, poems, Vsevolod Meyerhold



Russian Theater actress Zinaida Reich was the museum of famous artists of the beginning of the 20th century. Her beloved and husbands were Sergey Yesenin and Vsevolod Meyerhold. A recognized beauty, awarded the title of deserved artist of the RSFSR, advocated a supporter of progressive views. Because of this, a talented woman was a tragic fate.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich began in Odessa in the summer of 1894. The girl was born and grew in the house of the Railway employee Nikolai Andreevich (August) Raiha and his legitimate wife Anna Ivanovna Viktorovoy.

Father, German by nationality, adhered to social democratic views. From the end of the 1890s, he was a member of the PCDRP political party. It negatively affected the fate of the loved ones, who separated his beliefs. Because of the persecution, the family was forced to leave the neighborhood area and move to Transnistria.

After the head of the house found the work of a locksmith in the railway workshops of Bender, the young Zina entered the specialized gymnasium for girls headed by faith Gerasimenko. However, the reputation of the parent did not allow to undergo a full course of study: after the 8th grade, the girl was excluded.

The desire to continue education led Reich to Kiev to the highest female courses established by Dr. Philosophical Sciences Sylvester Silvestrovich Gogotsky. The certificate necessary for admission, with the tremendous effort "exhaust" mother. In the early 1910s, the native of Odessa joined the party of socialist revolutionaries and moved to Petrograd. The rest of the family, also who left the spaced place, went to the eagle to the relative of Varvar Dancyger.

In the city, located on the shores of Neva, Zinaida entered the historical and literary and law faculty of a specialized institution for women. In addition to the main items, elegant arts and foreign languages ​​were taught there. A student who recorded on the sculpture course got a job in the Secretariat of the Weekly "Case of People". There she met poets and writers and learned what avant-garde prose and experimental verses.

Personal life

In the summer of 1917, Zinaida was married to Poet Sergei Yesenin. Relationships that played an important role in the personal life of the native of Odessa, secretly legalized the ministers of the Church of the Church of the Holy Martyrs Kirika and Iulitta, located near the village of Tolstikovo Vologda region. According to the photos of archival documents, the Poet of Alexey Alekseevich Ganin and the representative of the merchants Dmitry Dmitry Dmitrievich, from the young man - Economist Sergey Mikhailovich Barayev and a local resident Pavel Pavlovich Khitrov.

In the spring of next year, Yesenina-Reich, who was waiting for replenishment in the family, went to the eagle to relatives. There, in late May, Tatyana's daughter was born, strikingly similar to the mother. Caring for the child at a certain time separated newlyweds. The family reunited when the White Guards led by Anton Denikin invaded the central black sooth and the mother with a child moved by the instinct of self-preservation, left the dangerous banks of the Eagle and Oka.

During the year, Yesenin lived three of the Moscow apartment. Over time, the poet is tired of worries about households and provoked a gap. Zinaida, painfully perceived what happened, took the daughter and went to the parents. Attempts to reunite with her husband did not bring anything good.

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At that time, when the author of the collections "Rural High-graders" and "Radunitsa" were looking for happiness in the society of memoirristian Ekaterina Ags, the literary worker Galina Benicelavskaya and the American dancer Duncan, Reich gave birth and raised the second child's feet. Care has been gained, because soon after the discharge of the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of the Illness of the Illness of the Son Konstantin had to take the treatment in Kislovodsk.

Loneliness and concern about the state of the boy had a negative impact on mental health, so a woman was placed in the clinic for mentally ill before her husband sent a report on the official divorce.

A year after the first unsuccessful marriage was finished, the former wife of Yesenin became acquainted with the theater worker in Vsevolod Emilevich Meyerhold. In 1922, being a student of the highest directorial workshops, Reich accepted the proposal of his hand and hearts and re-went under the crown.

This time the choice was successful. Couple together with children from the first marriage moved to Moscow and healed the soul in the soul. The director, the actor and teacher adopted Konstantin and Tatiana, took care of them as a native father as a child, despite the fact that Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin had access to the apartment of Zinaida on Novinsky Boulevard and often visited offs. The new spouse also insisted on the move of the mother and father of his wife from the eagle.


In the youth of Reich, in a happy chance, fell into a circle of people associated with art. In addition to Sergey Yesenin, who devoted her poem, she was friends with Alexey Ghanin, Sergey Eisenstein, Sergey Yutkevich and a number of other outstanding poets, artists and theaterons.

In the Orel Zinaida Nikolaevna, with the support of acquaintances, a teacher of theatrical courses arranged. Thanks to Vsevolod Meyerhold, she became the graduate of the highest directorial workshops.

The scenic debut of the former wife Yesenin took place in early 1924. She played the role of the poor relatives of Aksyushi in the comedy Alexander Ostrovsky "Forest".

After a successful premiere about Reich, they spoke as one of the most talented artists. Odessa natives took a leading place in the theater troupe created by the spouse. According to the demanding audience, she was a real star.

In 1934, the production of "Lady with Camellias", where Zinaida appeared in the image of the heroine Margarita Gauthier, disappointed the most high-ranking policy of the Soviet Union. The actress, letting for living accusations in unnecessary aesthetism, wrote a letter to Joseph Stalin and reported that he would not mean anything in contemporary art.

As a result, after some time, on behalf of the "leader of peoples", the guests were closed, and the leader and her husband were arrested. The acting career Zinaida Nikolaevna was interrupted on this untimely.


The cause of the death of Reich in mid-July 1939 became multiple knives. Doctors who arrived at the place of the murder attempt, could not help the victim.

Despite the fact that the death of Meyerhold's wife, accused of counter-revolutionary activities and later shot, punished the recidivist Vladimir Varnakov with accomplices, the crime is still considered undisclosed. The acquaintances said that the actress premeditated his own death, therefore, the eve of the incident selected from the house of children.

It was rumored that Zinaida was kicked for communication with representatives of art, popularity and letter to Stalin. They said that it made the Lavrenty Beria's hands of unknown people.

The star of the Soviet scene was buried at one of the sections of the Vagankovsky cemetery. The grave attended the children of Yesenin, a few relatives and a couple of devotees. In the diaries of the poetess Olga Bergholts there was a record dedicated to the brutal murder of the role of Margarita Gauthier and Aksyushi. The memory of Zinaide Nikolaevna has been preserved in the work of "Letter to the Woman", written by the Great Russian Poet.

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