Tatyana Nikonova - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, feminist, book, scandal, blogger, journalist 2021



Some Russians were considered a feminist Tatiana Nikonov Heroine, struggling against obscurantic, others - the destructiveness of traditional values. There are those who believed: sex blogger is engaged in a self-esteem and a unclean on hand.

Childhood and youth

Future feminist was born on February 4, 1978 in the city, called, as well as the most famous character of Mikhail Lermontov, in honor of the Pechora River. Tatyana Nikolaevna is the firstborn in the family of geologist and teacher of kindergarten. Blogger's parents gave life to two more children. Childhood and adolescence of Tatiana passed in the second size of the city of Komi ASSR - Ukhta.

There is practically nothing known about the early biography and education of the journalist. Dating Tatiana with the Internet occurred in 19 years. The first request, driven by the future star "Instagram" in the search string was the name of the series "Secret Materials" in English.

In the spring of 2018, Nikonova shared with readers of the portal "such cases" with information that in young people were homeless, and told about the consequences of life on the street.


The activities of native Pechors were diverse, but accentuated at two interrelated areas - sexual education and protection of the rights of women and sexual minorities. In defending the need to bring to the attention of adolescents, information on reliable contraception and the diversity of the forms of manifestation of sexuality of the lady repeatedly discussed with the Adepts of Conservative Orthodoxy - a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Vitaly Milonov and Dmitry Smirnov.

Nikonova is the first Russian author, regularly testing "toys" for adults and telling a blog about the strengths and weaknesses of sex gadgets. Tatyana consistently advocated the introduction of feminine in Russian speech and the examples showed why it was the language on which Alexander Pushkin and Lion Tolstoy wrote, would be ugly without specific female forms of words. One of these parody phrases devoid of feminivities: "Olya is a student, an athlete and a handsome man."

Both hobbies of the Nikonova in the spring of 2019 became the object of Trolling Paul Will. Having ridiculed feminists, the comedian led a photo of the menu in the St. Petersburg cafe for women "Simona", in which the tea was called a seagull, and Cocoa - "Kakainy". Equally meaningless as inventing words-transgender, the will considered all Russian feminism, and Nikonova wished to try out a sex toy such sizes so that the test drive turned into the crash test. " Tatyana did not pass by Pavl's speeches and called him a "sample of male logic". Subscribers (or rather, the subscriber) of the sex blogger stated that "an aging coming in a circulation humorist is a very sad sight."

In mid-2015, Tatiana Nikolaevna with attackers opened a charitable store, which sells accessories with feminist topics. Profit from sales went to the center of helping victims of sexual violence "Sisters". Nikonova had the highest rating of the Question issue among experts section "Sex".

In the summer of 2017, a native of the Republic of Komi declared its intention to use his organizational and educational talents to write a free publicly available textbook "Science of Sex for Teenagers". Nikonova launched a crowdfunding campaign, in the first day of which collected 500 thousand rubles, and in a week she gained the necessary amount to pay for his work, the labor of the reviewers, the corrector and the artist-designer.

However, the scandal associated with the use of money by feminist was broken: a year after the completion of Tatiana fees, Tatiana reported that the task was more difficult than thought, and the means and time were spent mainly on the expansion of Internet projects and communication with subscribers. The idea of ​​writing a nicon book for adolescents remained unrealized.

Personal life

Tatyana adhered to the maiden "Good matter marriage would not be called", but Nikonov had 7 years of marriage experience. The marriage union, in which children were not born, broke out due to different views of the spouses on the distribution of duties on the house. In the watch of leisure, the journalist loved watching Woody Allen's films and tapes about superheroes.

The weight of feminists was 90 kg. The site Tatiana argued that the quality of her personal life increased with the gain of the body. From her words, unworthy men disappeared at the stage of the first acquaintance, and for affection, the skin surface increased. Nikonov was not comprehensive due to volumes and sometimes laid out her photos in the style of Nu.

In March 2021, Cosmopolitan magazine as part of the action "I am not afraid to say" printed the story of Tatyana Nikonova on all cases of violence and sarassment in her life. According to sex blogger, at 9 years old she faced an exhibitionist, and in 11 a teenager boy put her hand on his skirt. At the age of 17, the driver-Particuline delivered Nikonov to the Forest and offered a choice - to stay in a taiga at a 20-degree frost or satisfy it orally. Tatiana's virginity lost in 19 years as a result of rape.

In March 2021, the Magazine "Poster Daily" called the Nikonova's blog among the best educational projects that may be lost as a result of the adoption of amendments to the law on education. In April, Tatiana Nikolaevna took part in a round table dedicated to female health, on the Yutiub-Channel "Caution, Sobchak". Love Yerofeev, Dmitry Ishakov, Irina Volynets also came to visit Ksenia Sobchak. During the conversation, it turned out that the Russian Federation and Turkmenistan are the only CIS countries, where in the school program there is no option "Poland".


On May 6, 2021, Tatiana was in the hospital: a few days had a high temperature for several days. However, even this circumstance did not interfere with Nikonova to leave messages in the blog. From there fans of the author of the projects about the body and sex learned that the doctors diagnosed hemorrhagic fever (a dangerous disease and was the cause of the death of activist). The patient's condition is complicated in addition to the presence in the history of diabetes.

Tatyana Nikonova died in the afternoon of May 12, 2021, death was sustainable. This information was confirmed by the assistant of the blogger, and in the accounts of the woman in social networks there was a corresponding short message written by its colleagues and friends.

The funeral was held in Moscow, who expressed the desire to say goodbye to Nikonova, more than those present in the mourning event. But it was a solution to family and loved ones. Fans who could not carry out an activist on the last path was promised to organize a memory day in June.

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