Vladimir Runov - biography, personal life, photo, news, guitarist "Tea" group, "Twitter", "Instagram" 2021



In March 2021, the Russian rock band "Chaych" announced the resumption of the jubilee tour "War, Peace and ..." on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the team, annoyingly interrupted due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. A month earlier, Vladimir Shahrin, Vladimir Runners, Valery Severin and Vyacheslav Dvinin pleased fans by the release of a new album "Orange Mood - III", consisting of 10 songs, and held a two-day festive concert in Moscow.

Childhood and youth

On March 25, 1959, in the village of Urban Type, the Guards of the Simferopol district of the Crimean Region, the Son Vova was born in the village of Sergei and Nina Runner. Love for music was handed over to him from the head of the family, an aviation engineer. The man is masterly owned by the accordion and was a real king of parties, disappearing the applause by the execution of the song "Shalands, Full Kefali" Mark Bernes.

Passion for art was supported by parent friends who brought the first guitar from Crimea from Crimea, but the tool soon broke the mother, an accountant for education, caught the heir to smoking. The boy then diligently collected the seven-terrain in parts, but the sound quality was no longer.

Raker told in an interview that the father's brothers thwarted the thrust for alcohol, and he himself loved to miss a glass-other. Unfortunately, the parent did not become in November 2009:

"We have not seen many years. He left when I only graduated from school, and emotions all these years were the most controversial. And then I suddenly realized that in fact I still love him, I just had two fathers in my head. One is the brave officer from childhood, idol, and the second, which I don't want to speak, who has been conflingible. "

In adolescence, the future celebrity moved with her parents under Archangelsk, in the village of Lachta, where I tried to play in the Tsunami group. The last school year, the young man was reacted in Sverdlovsk School No. 36. Here the graduate, immediately "earned" the nickname lantern, met Vladimir Shahrin, Sergey Denisov, Andrei Halturin and Alexander Liscoon and joined their "spots."

Having received a maturity certificate, young people hit the local construction technician and advocated every week on dancing. In 1978, Shahrin and the Runners were in the border troops in the Far East, where the Valery Severin service was already underway. Demobilized, the guy of several years devoted to the PPS of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Sverdlovsk City Executive Committee, and then another year - SU number 20.


The date of the basis of the Group is considered to be September 29, 1985, when the team gave the first concert in the Sverdlovsk DC MZhK called "Tea". An unusual "name" accidentally invented Vadim Kukushkin - the poet who played a punk tube in one of the earliest compositions. At the same time, the artists released a debut album "Life in pink smoke", and in a year presented "Saturday evening in Sverdlovsk" and went on the stage of the famous local rock club.

In 1988, colleagues and like-minded people decided to throw the main places of work and devote further life to only music. However, a few years before these events, the police leadership refused to dismiss the valuable employee of the Runov.

Therefore, nothing remained, how to resort to a mental attack - to release the beard, to create a halifer from the uniform trousers and in such a guerrilla form to patrol the streets. The man was lucky - while the construction of the metro was intensified in the city, and those who recalled in the penetrations were required to dismiss from anywhere. Having stayed here for a couple of months, Vladimir moved to the brigade to Shahrin, with which they soon together and said goodbye.

For many years, the participants of the Temop changed repeatedly, but since 1996, Vladimir Shahrin, Vladimir Runov, Valery Severin and Vyacheslav Dvinin, and Vyacheslav Dvinin, and still in the quartet. Without changing Native Benda, the native of the village Guards since 2004 tried himself and as a DJ, forming the Clashers duet with Mike Petite. The connoisseurs of this vinyl sound were not afraid to mix different styles - funk, rock, electric, classic disco and even house.

In the rich creative biography of the holder of the insignia "For merits to the Sverdlovsk Region" of the III degree, there was a place for shooting in the cinema ("Day of Elections", "Radio Day", "Legend of the island of Dvid") and the records of radio actacle ("Zhuzha. Duranduleta Travel").

Personal life

In Sverdlovsk, the runners not only met like-minded friends, but also arranged a personal life. Maria Nikolaevna's wife, whose photos are available on the Artist's page in VKontakte and Facebook, he calls the perfect Russian woman - quiet, kind, patient, understanding and forgiving:

"There is a public life, and there is the one in which you are in shorts and slippers. This is the full kingdom of spouse. The more adult becomes the kingdom of this more. We comply with the principle of "three T": slippers-ottta-TV. Masha goes to work, food is preparing, on the economy Sheburchite - it is enough for real life. "
Vladimir Runners and his wife

On April 10, 1982, the spouses were born firstborn Evgeny, and in 2 years, February 28, 1984 - Junior Son Andrei. The senior heir on April 2, 2012 presented the parents of the grandson of Artem (in honor of the joyful event, the happy grandfather said goodbye to the famous beard), and the youngest went in the footsteps of the Father.

Since childhood, the boy dreamed of becoming a drummer, after his brother mastered the electric guitar, managed to work as a technician at the "Tea", played in the punk group "Ends" and for a couple with Zykina's wife founded "Jin". In 2017, the quartet released the Debut Album "Phoenix", and in 2020 began to record the second.

Vladimir Runov Now

Runners continue to occupy the place of the back vocalist and guitarist of the Teiffe group, pleaseing the fans when they need, and the game on the balalaica.

The musician willingly gives interviews and goes to contact with journalists. For example, before the new 2021th Raker admitted that the outgoing year was remembered by a quiet family joy and a new look at his own garden, where pears, apples and cherry are growing.

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