Pavel Pervert - biography, personal life, photo, news, husband Zinaida Sazonova, age, Zhanna Klimova 2021



Honored Artist of Russia Zinaida Sazonov never refused filming in programs. Fans have seen a favorite in various shows on different TV channels, which she often came to the company of Muga Pavel Obrav. In March and April, the 2021th spouse appeared in the studio of the scandalous talk show "In fact," where, with the help of Timur Eremeev, the Trinity of experts and the detector of lies were trying to figure out the confused personal life.

Childhood and youth

The release of a talk show "In fact," on March 29, 2021, he presented a lot of surprises for the viewers. In addition to the difficult story relating to personal life, the real age and Zinaida Sazonova, which has recently hid, and its wrong spouse recently.

On the pages on social networks, the front singer as its date of birth pointed on September 19, 1962, but in fact she came to this world decade earlier. As for the main hero of the transfer, then at the time of the filming he was 52 years old.

Pavel Pervert and Zinaida Sazonov

A little bit known about the early biography of Pavel Grigorievich - in 1983 he graduated from 8 classes of Odintsovo secondary school.

Perval - veteran of hostilities in Angola and has a military rank of colonel. In the program on the first channel, the man claimed that 2 wars were held, where he was wounded twice.

After a biennial service in the army, the guy settled on the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant, and then, with the assistance of Mother and Uncle, he moved to the company "Orghekhnika-Service". In the future, the central home of the Russian army was the new job. Here he took the position of editor and technique of a group of sound and light support of the organization of concert programs.

As for the family and relatives, it is known that the husband's singer has a cousin Ivan, now living in Kiev.

Personal life

The first spouse rebared met while studying at the Institute. Students were sitting at one desk and first only were friends. But once Galina received a note from the neighbor with a question if he could be held her home.

Mutual feelings broke out - the service of a young man in the army did not interfere with strong emotions. He wandered the lady of the heart with touching letters and even put a tattoo with the name of Galya, and that was true of her soldier. After reunion, the guy and the girl got married - the wedding was held on June 10, 1989.

The next year on December 11, 1990, the couple welcomed the daughter of Victoria. The head of the family, I do not remember myself from happiness, I wouldingly cared for the baby, I washed the diaper, I drove into doctors.

Pavel Perverted with his wife and daughter

Idylli came to an end when a man got a job at the company "Orghekhnika-Service", where he met the owner of Bella Oakova - the difference in the age of lovers was either 12 or 30 years old. When the firstborn turned 9 or 10 years old, he left the family, but then returned.

Chet decided to preserve the Union (her son Victor even was born in 1999), but in fact, Paul Grigorievich had two wives - legitimate and civilian. In 2003, after the death of the latter, a Muscovite had a novel with Zinaida Sazonova, on which he subsequently married. Parting with an incorrect husband was galina in Nerievna, she was difficult to survive, she lost weight by 40 kg and coped only due to the fact that the children did not move away.

The former chosen one did not participate in the upbringing of the heirs, did not respond when communications came to help, and at first did not pay alimony. On April 21, 2021, the talk show "In fact" and at all began with the fact that the protagonist made a shocking statement, as if because of the injuries received, he could not be a father. However, it turned out to be a lie.

Pavel Perverted now

On March 29, 2021, in the studio "in fact" Sazonov, who had time to reconcile from the January Heart Attachment, faced face to face with the young lovers of her husband Jeanne Klimova. A 24-year-old girl made a number of loud statements. Among them, the most shocking turned out to be the fact that the daughter of Inna Kozlov (Sazonov), brought up by the beloved in marriage with Zinaida Asatourovna, does not have to him native.

Pavel Pervert and Zhanna Klimova

In the course of the program, it turned out that the performer to relationship with the reversion was married to the clergy of Stepan Antonovich Sazonov, but the question of paternity remained open.

The audience also learned that the singer met Pavlom Grigorievich in 1989 through common acquaintances, but then they broke up to finally close only at the beginning of zero. In the final, the classifier was able to hit everyone, apologizing to the legitimate chief and remaining in the family.

But on this story did not end. The new release of the scandalous talk show was surprised at least the previous one. First, Klimov reported pregnancy from her husband of the deserved artist of the Russian Federation, for which she suggested to give her a child as soon as he would be born. As a result, information about an interesting situation was not confirmed. Secondly, the man met his son and his daughter, from which he refused a few years ago.

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