Fedor Pavlov-Andreevich - biography, personal life, photos, news, artist, camining out, wife, orientation, paintings 2021



Fyodor Pavlov-Andreevich - Russian artist, TV presenter, theater director and producer who now lives in Brazil and London. Pictures writing a man prefers installations and especially living performance, which considers not just a rapid presentation, but spiritual practice that allows you to destroy your "I" and become saints.

Childhood and youth

Fyodor Borisovich Pavlov-Andreevich was born in Moscow on April 14, 1976, his mother is the writer Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. He studied a boy at school with an in-depth study of English.

Once he wrote on the board "Long live the millennium of the Baptism of Russia!", The class manager complained to the parents, but the boy's father shouted at her by telephone, after which I had to change the educational institution. At home, the guy put the Christmas performances in which the younger sister Natalia played, at 12 he began to produce a magazine.

Television and creativity

The labor biography of Pavlov-Andreevich began in adolescent years, in the 90s he led to the transfer "up to 16 and older ...", "Marathon 15", "Japan", a little later - the program "Short circuit" on the channel "Russia".

Fedor decided to go to the world of art, seeing the Serbian artist Marina Abramovich, who was still watching the horses with a white flag. He began to engage in the avant-garde theater, rehearsing at night, put performances for money that earned as a lead. Producer Pavel Kaplevich, having seen one of his performances, advised the young man to "sell his body", and in 2008 Pavlov-Andreevich made the first performance.

In 2009, he led the state gallery in Moscow in Moscow, where she demonstrated its exhibitions and films, published the magazines "Hammer", "Square", "Citysen-K". Since 2012, collaborated with the Sun-Cultural Center for Sun. Meyerhold, having released a series of projects in the genre "Dramthan".

In 2013, Fyodor participated in the Performance "Person's Vacation", during which 7 artists at 7 o'clock a day were sitting each in his cell. Spectators could write on his face, washed him, painted their lips, gave slaps. Then Pavlov-Andreevich was put on a black sheep mask and spent 17 hours in this form: he ate, slept, went to the meeting at the Department of Culture, caught a taxi on the street, was engaged in yoga.

In July 2015, the artist came to the MidSummer Night's Dream festival near the Ostankinsky pond with absolutely naked, from the clothes on it there was only a hose from the shower attached to the genital organ. The event was visited by many celebrities, dressed in the costumes of elves or aliens: Dima Bilan, Konstantin Kryukov, Anastasia Zadorozhnaya. Only Mitya Fomin and Alexey Chadov chose ordinary T-shirts and jeans.

In September 2020, together with Anna Mongight Pavlov-Andreevich released the documentary film "Art of a simple person" dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Art-Razg festival in Vyssion of the Nizhny Novgorod region, which became for him the main way of earnings. The tape talked about the cooperation of modern artists with non-professional and contained an interview with famous artists: Anna Abalichina, Arsen Sawadov, Nikolai Polissky.

Personal life

A man is not married. For a long time, the artist did not talk about his personal life, but in November 2019 he made a caminon-out, appearing on the Yutiub-Channel "Caution, Sobchak!", In a video, where Journalist Karen Shainyan, Beauty Blogger Andrei Petrov, the stylist Mikhail Baryshnikov and others They discussed the problems of people with non-traditional sexual orientation, including those who talked about gay propaganda and injury. Fedor admitted that he had a boyfriend and for another 4 years he saw erotic dreams about a neighbor boy.

In general, according to Fedor, only gay teenagers are suffering in Russia, which are mocked by everything, including parents. Adults live calmly, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Others agreed that in the West there are more aggression against minorities, especially in Germany and Canada.

Fedor Pavlov-Andreevich now

On April 8, 2021, Fedor spent on the state gallery at Solyanka annual performance of the long-suffering "44 cards", during which 4 hours lay naked. Photos from the event were published on his page in "Instagram". Visitors had to wash their hands in the Soviet washbasin with an economic soap that resembles the origin of the artist, then took one of 44 cards with the task, for example: "Give me a slap", "Make me something good." As Pavlov-Andreyevich himself said, this action was the "triumph of removal" and put it intend to deprive the body of individual will.

On April 22, 2021, Fyodor gave an interview with Yuri Dudu, where he told about Marina Abramovich, ways to make money for the artist, about Russia and Brazil, politics and spirituality. The host at some point joked that Pavlov-Andreyevich was like Mitu Fomin after he had tonsured and shaved his beard, but she didn't like it, he answered indecent gesture.

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