Alexander Kudrenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, family, "instagram", Commissioner's Theater 2021



In March 2020, Alexander Kudrenko, in a brief video interview, listed the main personal achievements over the past 2-3 years. The first in the list was creative freedom, because now the artist does not belong to the same theater, but plays immediately in several. And only in those performances that cause inner vibration from him. The following was unity with her son through a trip to Thailand, where they accidentally managed to save a person from death, and the title of associate professor of the department of acting skill SPbgikit.

Childhood and youth

October 11, 1979 in Odessa, Andrei Kudrenko took congratulations on the appearance of Sasha's son. About the early years and family biography of the boy of information is practically no. Except that he had to do with an interstiman school.

Alexander Kudrenko with sons

At the beginning of the zero, the young man visited theatrical lyceum at the Actor House, the artistic director, the main director and the teacher of which was Anatoly Paduk. In his homeland, he managed to serve in the local dramatic temple of Melpomen and try on the images of Prince Welsh in Shakespeare's "Richard III" and Albert in the comedy "competition".

In 2001, the young man entered the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theatrical Art, hitting the course of Professor of Veniamine Firschinsky. In the educational theater "On Mokhovoy", the student was involved in the performances of "Crime and Punishment", "Romeo and Juliet. Etudes about love "," flying over the godly institution "on the" audio "Nikolai Gogol," Yu "and" FRO ".


In 2006, to acquire a diploma of higher education, a graduate with fellow students Oleg Eremin, Valentin Zakharov, Andrei Matyukov, Dmitry Palamarchuk and Pavel Yurinov replenished the troupe "Alexandrinsky".

Yesterday's student entrusted roles in the Edipe-Tsar, the "live corpse", "Auditor", "Ivanov" on the works of Nicholas Gogol and "Seagull". Here he tried himself as a director, introducing a "underground comedy" to the court.

In 2012, the artist entered the service in the BDT named after Georgy Tovstonogov and shone in the "Tavercarrier", "least for the measure" and "from the life of puppets." Participation in the last Drama Ingmar Bergman brought him a nomination "The best role of the second plan" at the Golden Sofit in the 2014/2015 season.

At the same time, Kudrenko, involved in the premiere play "last summer in Chulimsk" Theater named after the Faith Commissar, put forward on this award in the category "Best Male Role". On the stage of the cultural center, he went to Don Juan, and in "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolf?".

In the "Comedan shelter", Alexander Andreevich participated in the "lady with camellias", "My poor marat", "Lira" and "illusions", in the "Thai Theater" - in Kain, "Time and Family of Conway", "Costa Treplev . Love and death "(" Chaika "), in the" Baltic House "- in Lerke and" Girls ", first shown in the early 2021th.


Before the detective "Nevsky", published in 2014, Kudrenko received only episodic roles in multi-sieves films ("Mentings Wars", "Streets of broken lamps", "Esenin", "Foundry"). Although fans in one voice argued that their favorite was simply created for the main.

Alexander Kudrenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, family,

In 2018, the central character went to the actor in the "five minutes of silence. Return "(and in the continuation of" new horizons "), and after 2 years - in" make as it should ". In the same 2020, the audience was observed for his game in Alexe Lutu, "evil from the past" and "about faith."

"Theater, unlike movies and television, sees the" brutal facade "of the artist melancholic, softness and even infantilism. While the Kudrenko on the screen is freakingly and fights with gangsters (or sometimes it turns dark divids), the scene cares about the subtleties of his nature and spiritual aspirations, "wrote about the artist of the arts" Petersburg Theater Journal ".

Personal life

In front of the state green-eyed man (height 182 cm), externally, something like Judah Low, could not resist the fellowship, later who worked with him in one workshop.

On May 9, 2004, the hopes of black, in 2 years old became the actress of the chamber theater of Malyshichsky, gave the chief of the son of Arsenia. The couple eventually broke up, and the firstborn who studied in high school No. 185, the actor had seen very little for a decade. Fortunately, afterwards they managed to establish contact.

Then Kudrenko had a novel with Galina Zhdanova, who also graduated from Sprggati and in the past in the Toruda Theater "on the foundry". On March 29, 2013, the lovers became the parents of the daughter of Eve.

How are things going with the personal life of celebrities, it is unknown, because it prefers her to keep secret, occasionally publishing photos of children on a separate page in Vkontakte. Alexander Andreevich freely owns the Ukrainian language, drives a passenger car and is sick for the Odessa FC "Chernomorets", St. Petersburg Zenit and London Chelsea.

Alexander Kudrenko now

In April 2021, the long-awaited premiere of the TV series "End of Innight" took place on the first channel, the shooting of which was started 5 years ago.

Alexander Kudrenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, family,

In the detective melodrama, Valeria Lanskaya, Anton Khabarov, Natalia Antonova, Polina Malikova amounted to Alexander Kudrenko. Also, for this year, the output of the "syndrome", the "imitator", the "key from all doors", "communion" and "Goriunov was also planned with his participation. Ship slope. "

In addition to service in the theater and replenishment of the filmography, a man finds time for teaching at the Faculty of Screen Arts of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television.


  • 2012 - "Military intelligence. North Front
  • 2013 - "Sea Devils. Tornado"
  • 2014-2017 - "Nevsky"
  • 2016 - "Claus on the skin"
  • 2017 - "execute cannot be pardon"
  • 2018 - "No one except us
  • 2018-2020 - "Five minutes of silence"
  • 2019 - "defendant"
  • 2019 - "Final sentence"
  • 2019 - "Immediate Reacting"
  • 2020 - "Evils from the past. Roman without last page »
  • 2020 - "Make as it should"
  • 2021 - "Goryunov. Ship slope

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