Svetlana Malkova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", Roman Froza, wife, Slovenia 2021



Svetlana Malkova hardly suspected that he would become the heroine of "yellow" news, choosing a quiet path of a large mother. However, the peripetics of personal life led a woman to television, where the whole country learned about the details of her biography.

Childhood and youth

The former wife of Roman Malkova was born on December 7, 1982. Her native city Obninsk is located in the north of the Kaluga region and is considered the first science of Russia.

The girl studied the economy at the Regional Financial and Economic Institute, as well as to the system equipment in the Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Energy, but it was not possible to build a career in Svetlana: she decided to fully focus on the family and raising children, which was found to find his vocation.

Stunched by painting: Free Time Malkova devoted to drawing paintings by oil and painting glass with stained in paints.

Personal life

Svetlana married Roman Malkova, who became the father of her four children. At first she gave birth to the son of Andrei, then the daughter of Anyu, who had a strong and trusting relationship with her older brother. Later, two more boys appeared in the family, Alexander and Akim.

Svetlana dreamed of a better life for his children, and therefore configured her husband to move to Europe. Their choice fell on Slovenia - a cozy green country with the Adriatic coast and Alpine Mountains. The junior was already born in a foreign state, but did not receive European citizenship.

They settled in Ljubljana, where the children began to go to school and visit the circles. Malkova was engaged in household and care for home, in the meantime, as a husband provided a family, working in a construction company. The source of additional income for Svetlana was the lessons of painting and part-time.

Malkova was sure that her family is the island of love, well-being and reliability in the ocean of instability, but the unexpectedly familiar world collapsed when she learned about the treason of his spouse.

The novel began to build a cottage actress Anastasia Makeeva, and the wife immediately suspected the wrong, tracing his comments in the stars social networks. Husband convinced Svetlana that there was a purely working relationship between him and a client. However, Makeyev itself published a photo of the boyfriend in "Instagram". The actress was not embarrassed by the fact that the new beloved is not just married, but also is the father of four children aged 6 to 16 years.

Malkova argues that the novel did not even speak with her, but reported to care through the message to mobile. At the same time, she lost material support from his part, remaining with an extensive offspring in a foreign country almost without livelihood.


Svetlana assured that she was not going to return her husband, she just wanted to pay full-fledged alimony to children. Anastasia did not believe that the rival would simply sorry. The actress began to betray the publicity of correspondence with the Malkov, where insults and threats to the apparent husband and his mistress were kept.

In April 2021, the scandal began to leave the shores, and Makeeva entered the broadcast of NTV's transfer "Secret by Million", where he told that he did not consider himself a deliberate and ready to participate in the life of the novel children.

Svetlana did not remain in debt and also went on a talk show. At first she was folded on the Star program, "where in an interview with Lere Kudryavtsevaya reported his own version of events. Then Malkova came to the broadcast "Let them say", where he continued to cover the details of the conflict.

Svetlana Malkova - biography, personal life, photo, news,

Soon a large mother decided to sue the novel on the subject of alimony. By the way, on April 12, 2021, a formal divorce occurred, on which the fools were not present.

Meanwhile, the eldest son moved to Moscow and now lives in the house of his father and stepmother. Svetlana argued that the teenager simply "bought" the promises of a beautiful life, because of what he was back in Slovenia and configured to relax in the full program.

Svetlana Malkova now

The scandalous process did not subside. In June, the newly new Roman family and Anastasia again met with Svetlana in the transfer of "Direct Ether", in which the fools told about how he was unhappy with all the years of marriage with his four children.

There was enough unpleasant moments on the show, given that the eldest son of the divorced pair was heard. However, no less shocking was the continuation of history. The fact is that behind the scenes there was a conflict between the former and current novel wives. According to Svetlana, the actress provoked it, as a result of which the scuffle had happened between the rivals.

In his Instagram Account, Malkov gave an explanation of this situation, accusing Anastasia in provocations. In addition, an abandoned woman promised to imitate all the correspondence and sound messages from the ex-spouse and its chosen.

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