Igor Kushnarev - biography, personal life, photo, news, first husband Valentina light accessible, musician 2021



Valentina Lightwosts died in the summer of 2020, but her name continues to operate in numerous talk shows and a yellow press. It gets both former husbands of the late singer, among which Igor Kushnarev is a musician, director and father of her first child.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography and family of the first husband of Valentines easily accessible a bit known. He was born on July 23, 1950. In 1965 he graduated from school number 31 in the city of Simferopol. His further life was also associated with the Crimea. From youth Kushnarev was fond of music, which later became a profession.


Acquaintance with Valentina light accessible occurred on the basis of common interests. She is a bright, impulsive student of the Simferopol Music School, and he is a percussionist, a prominent man, an experienced musician. In the release of "let them say" Kushnarev argued that everything that the singer used in his starry period - costumes, performances, shooting clips - provided it, who took the role of the director of the artist.

Personal life

The takeoff of popularity was easy accessible at the end of the 1980s, when she performed the hit "Yagoda-Malina". At that time, in the personal life of the star stage was one man - Igor Kushnarev, with whom it was united by professional interests and romantic relationships.

Igor Kushnarev and Valentina Light-reaching

Igor was older than the beloved for 15 years, but the difference in the age and the first marriage of men did not become an obstacle to these relationships. Kushnarev and easierworthy got married, and in this union, on January 3, 1991, the daughter of Anatte was born. They lived together for 13 years. The couple had a total housing, a car and other property, which, according to Igor, he did not share his wife after a divorce.

According to the singer, the treason of her husband, who did not leave their hobbies to other women, even during pregnancy Valentina, were caused by the singer. She did not immediately find the strength to leave the spouse and divorced him when the daughter was 3 years old.

Kushnarev argues that he retained a good relationship with the former spouse, but communication was reduced only to the discussion of the education of a common child. Anatta remained to live with the mother, who later re-married Alexei Grigoriev and gave birth to him in 2001 the Son of Matvey.

Further paths of Valentina and Igor almost did not intersect, but he took her death in 2020 as a personal grief, considering the singer not a stranger for himself. Shortly before, having learned from the daughter about the hobby of the easier-saving yachtsman Yuri Firsov, Kushnarev scored anxious, because he felt that the singer had hit the manipulator. Suspicions aggravated that Valentina did not call for a wedding and wedding with her new husband's her own children.

Igor's daughter married Stanislav Bril. Now Father Anatte Brill is a happy grandfather: Daughter gave him two granddaughters, Nicole and Aurora. Photo of children in the company's company for the first time appeared in the spring of 2021 thanks to the secular journalist Felix Grostanov.

Igor Kushnarev now

Igor continues to live in the Crimea and maintain relationships with his daughter. On April 26, 2021, he came to Moscow to give an interview with the program "Let them say", where the fate of Valentina's inheritance is advised once again.

Igor Kushnarev - biography, personal life, photo, news, first husband Valentina light accessible, musician 2021 2387_2

The main hero of the transfer was the last husband of singer Yuri Firsov, who accused Kushnarev in the fact that in the past he lost the work of the artist in the casino, and also tried to incline his spouse to the three.

Igor did not go to the extensive justification, but drew the attention of the discussion participants to the abundance of signs of violent death on the body of the deceased singer, which makes her death suspicious.

In addition, Kushnarev shared that in his youth and after the divorce with him, the singer was not fond of alcohol, while it was now taken to talk about deep alcoholism, which accompanied the easier accessible in recent years.

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