Alexandra Ilves (Shevchenko) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, "instagram", growth, films, age 2021



For serials about those who are investigating crimes, catches bandits and makes this world cleaner, there will always be a place on Russian television. On April 26, 2021, the fifth canal began showing the comedy detective "Mentosavra", where in the Major of Justice and the Senior Investigator SK Varvaru Mironov reincarnated Alexander Ilves. The actress, who played many episodic roles in the cinema, became famous for the fact that a little less than a year was the third legitimate wife of Dmitry Dibrova.

Childhood and youth

September 29, 1985 In Rostov-on-Don, Andrei Shevchenko, who appeared on July 13, 1962, was born to Sasha's daughter. After 7 years, August 20, 1992, the spouse Marina presented her husband, a graduate of the Faculty of Faculty of Rostov State University, the son of the twins Ivan and Ilya.

The actress of the soul does not make up in loved ones, regularly publishing on a personal page in "Instagram" pictures of the father, mother, brothers, grandmother Natalia. In the same place, it is divided with subscribers by unknown facts of family biography and touching children's memories.

Alexandra Ilves and Dmitry Dibrov

The celebrity told that in childhood he loved spending time in the country where the cherry grew, cherry, walnuts, raspberries, gooseberries, currants, rowan, strawberry, sea buckthorn, quince, apple and pear:

"I woke up and went to eat green borsch on the summer veranda, built from the painted mom's painted mom. The soup was added only that cut-off greens, and instead of tea - still warm compote in the green iron mug! Then I ran up the street to my friend Volichik, and we played until the evening. "

In 2002, the girl entered the local pedagogical university, at the end of which received a diploma of the teacher of the Russian language and literature for foreigners. But in the specialty the graduate did not work for a day, since still in the 1st year won the university contest of beauty and began to cooperate with the model agency.

Despite the fact that her photos were concerned about billboards throughout the city, the student did not attract a student's career. From an early age, Alexander, without fear, sang, danced and played scenes to guests at home holidays, dreaming about acting profession. Therefore, to acquire the first higher education, she moved to Moscow, where he settled by the secretary referent to the investment company and conquered Gityis, hitting the course of Sergei Prokhanov.

Theater and films

Even before the end of Hitis, a talented student began to go to the scene of the Metropolitan Theater of the Moon, whose artistic director was a master of course. The actress shone in the performances "I ... hide", "Prosecutor's Parable", "Lizard", "Anmissance" and "Laming", was Catherine Great in "Kazanov, or a trip to Ikosamer", Queen and Rosencrana in Gamlet. Point G. "

Alexandra Ilves (Shevchenko) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress,

Cinematographic career started at the Rosovchanka from the comedy film "Bride at any cost", where the central character was the Hero of the resident Comedy Club Pavel Will. "Fasting" in the episodes of "daddy daughters", "happiness under the contract" and "idleness", Sasha received the main role - the TV journalist of the Kolesnikova - in the criminal "provocateur".

The artist was the victim of the maniac in the short "non-shelf games", the secretary in the "habit of part", the patient in the "Interns", the assistant and mistress of Gregory Aleksandrov in Orlova and Alexandrov. For participation in the "ticket to life", she was noted at the festival "Man, who know the world".

Personal life

Parents have always been confidentially related to her daughter. Only once in the family there was a conflict when that at the age of 18 decided to move to the boyfriend. With Vitali, also a graduate of the RGPU and a worried translator, Alexander lived for 4 years, despite the difference between the ages of 10.

Relationships completely exhausted himself when she moved to Moscow, not finding support for the second half. Go back did not make a sentence of hands and hearts, nor a ring with a diamond.

The day before the arrival in the capital, Shevchenko contacted Dibrov (her grandfather Nikolai Ivanovich accounted for a TV presenter) through the social network "Odnoklassniki". He reacted instantly. After 2 weeks, the meeting of non-famous nieces and uncle took place in a casino club, where the latter led the intellectual quiz.

After some time, the showman invited Sasha together to fly into Rostov, and in the plane, the blue-eyed blonde (height - 178 cm with a weight of 60 kg) realized that the satellite belongs to it not in relation to it. Upon returning to the gold-head couple, it broke up for an indefinite period. But soon the man waited for the selected in the restaurant - that evening was for the star "Who wants to become a millionaire?" decisive.

On March 8, 2008, a party to the fashion designer Andrei Sharov Dmitry took the beloved to her home and listening to Bosanov and the stories about The Beatles and Deep Purple called married. Marriage registration has passed on March 13.

"Before the official registration of marriage between us there was absolutely nothing, we didn't even kiss! Unfortunately, how soon was our wedding, and the divorce was just as fast. Our problem was that we got married too quickly, absolutely not knowing each other, "the actress recalled.

After the divorce that happened on February 25, 2009, the girl was named Dibrova until January 20, 2017, when the wife of the colleague Jan Ilves became his wife. For the celebration of the bride chose a pink noble dress, decorating the head with a floral wreath, and the groom is a classic dark blue suit with a red butterfly tie. In the summer of the same year, the couple, not shy, not shy to put a happy personal life with a photo by photo in instagram accounts, welcomed the son of Theodore.

Alexandra Ilves now

At the 2021, with the participation of the actress, the exit "Formula of the Crime", "Police Brotherhood" and "Key From All Doors", as well as the drama "We" based on the novel of Evgenia Zamytina, was planned.

Alexandra Ilves (Shevchenko) - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress,

In addition to filming, Ilves's forces are now enough to raise the son, passion for photography, music and modeling, the development of its own brand of clothing TEO AND CAT. In addition, the celebrity offers all the wishing pots and handmade pots with plants released under the author's brand Iva Loves Plants, and helps a girlfriend Dari Melnikova in promoting the Movem Club motherhood blog.


  • 2011 - "Provocateur"
  • 2013 - "The habit of part"
  • 2013 - "whirlpool of foreign desires"
  • 2014 - "Train in Life"
  • 2015 - "Orlova and Alexandrov"
  • 2019 - "Stationery rat. Large redistribution »
  • 2020 - "In step from paradise"
  • 2021 - "We"
  • 2021 - "Mentosavra"
  • 2021 - "Formula of Crime"

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