Daniella Baronina - biography, personal life, photo, news, college show, instagram, growth, weight, tits 2021



In the spring of the 2021th CTC TV channel following "Friday!" I decided to take up the correction of difficult teens. On March 15, "College" began his work here, where participants from all over Russia came along. Each of them came to a disciplinary school not from a good life. For example, a blogger and a tictoker Anna Solodovnik from Irkutsk was to learn to respect people not only for appearance, and Daniella Baronin from Moscow - to establish relationships with his mother and say goodbye to bad habits.

Childhood and youth

In June 2005, the fashion designer Svetlana Baronina, who lived in New York, was born daughter Daniella. However, after 2 months, a woman who appeared on December 18, 1967 and who found himself in the hairdresser returned to Russia.

From the age of 26, it works in the field of beauty - inhabited and received the status of the teacher of the French Academy Jacques Dessange, raised the qualifications in Camille Albane International School. Now a highly professional technician-colorist has the status of an individual entrepreneur, it works in his own workshop and transfers the experience and knowledge to young masters in educational courses.

Daniella Baronina before and after the project

In Moscow, a girl who has an older sister Anya and brother, studied in the current Bogorodskaya Gymnasium No. 1797. In 2019, a moving to another area was held, and the teenager was in a new school, where she encountered harassment and bullying. Odnoklassniki poured tea in the backpack, called, and one of the guys and did her breath at all the sharp pencil in the thigh.

As a result, for two years, the future participant of the reality show at the CTC instead of lessons walked with friends, addicted to theft, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Mother, having learned that the heiress uses forbidden substances, scored alarm, sending to the drug dispensary:

"I lay there for 16 days, it was very boring. We slept, fir, watched Soviet black and white films. The wildest moment happened when we were forced to embody completely spread: suddenly I would swing something forbidden in my genitals! And who will look, a man or woman is unknown. "

Young Bunkarka managed to visit the psychiatric hospital after the hysteria and the nervous breakdown because of the humiliation of the teacher. The family relationships also left much to be desired. Native people fought before the blood, did not understand and did not hear each other: Danya called themselves, and the one that gave life to the "backward scoop".

Shaw "College"

Only hitting the reality show, Daniella immediately showed his character - did not take piercing from the nose and eyebrows, fell into the wild hysteria. Having calmed down a bit, the participant explained that punctures on the face made her deceased from the overdose of a friend, after the death of which she decided to "tie" with drugs.

The teenager was opposed to putting on the Soviet school form, but the director Anne Vall managed to find a compromise and allow ward to fit into a white shirt with jeans. On mandatory testing of knowledge, the last rebar was remembered by named Vladimir Nabokov by the author of the story.

At the 2nd week of staying in College, Danya duty on the dining room, diligently spilled out the manna porridge and folded boiled eggs, but categorically refused to remove animals in the barn. On the 3rd - listed its own dependencies in a conversation with a psychologist, admitting that due to the excess of the dose, beatings and suicide lost 12 friends over the past year.

In the 4th edition dedicated to self-government, the girl came up with Stepan Gaidar. Then the kitten saved him from the burning building, having passed the obstaclence lane, learned the dance from the Soviet Comedy "Love and Pigeons", showing the scrapes of Baba, and first found himself in the list of deductions.

The 5th series caused tears from Baronina's fans, because parents came to all students, and there are no two heroes to their favorite. However, with the help of a specialist who has established the cause of the conflict in the family, the Muscovite phoned with the mother on Skype and talked for the first time to souls.

On April 20, the audience saw Danu from the new side. The schoolgirl, who again received a red bandage, tactfully behaved at a meeting with HIV-infected and confidently held on stage, demonstrating training skills in a circus room with a dog Larry. Once in a step from sending home, the teenager was saved by comrades.

Personal life

Personal life, Danya tries to reflect in instagram account, telling subscribers about their pastime. The girl, thanks to the mother, is not afraid to experiment with the color and long hair, loves bright makeup and fashionable clothes. In January 2021, she took up the mind and returned to the school, where he studied until 2019, and in March, a concert of the rock band "Give the tank (!)"

"None of the teachers did not fit me, and I am insanely happy that there are such understanding people. From time to once, they help me, they are allowed to look at the tutorial on the test, they send preparatory material. I try to learn and glad that I come back to normal life. "

Daniella Baronina now

The 7th issue of the College show presented a lot of new knowledge about Daniel. First, she admitted that her favorite cartoon was "Cat Leopold". Secondly, in the team of Russian Friends, together with Veronica Dmitrieva and Valery Yurasov, Muscovite won in the competition on geography, coping with the categories of "Attractions", "Flags" and "National Cuisine". Thirdly, the teenager told in detail about the school bulling and fights with his mother.

Daniella Baronina and Vlad Semenov

Baronina tried herself as an actress, starring in a humorous video. Following a long red dress with white gloves, hit the improvised Film Festival "Friendship".

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