Vladimir Tatos - biography, personal life, photos, news, actor, nationality, films, parents, artist 2021



People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Tatos devoted the life to acting by acting, presenting different verges of the profession. He served in the theater for many years, starring in the cinema, was a dubbing master and spoke on stage. The actor's filmography has long passed for a hundred works.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Mikhailovich was born in Moscow on May 10, 1926, as he himself says 2 years after the death of Vladimir Lenin. He is sure that the parents called him in honor of the Father of the Revolution, while the senior sister was given the name of Lena in honor of him.

Soon the family moved to Leningrad on the debt of the father's service, who worked as a journalist and subsequently became the chief editor of the Leningrad State Financial Publishing House. Mother, Armenian by nationality, was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. Their son still considers the northern capital to the best city of the Earth, although he traveled and did a lot.

Before the beginning of the war, Tatos managed to end 7 classes. Upon learning that the city opened in the city specialcall of the air force, the young man grabbed the documents and ran to embody the children's dream to become a sea pilot. In 1941, an educational institution was evacuated to Sverdlovsk, and Vladimir continued his studies in the Urals, raising the plans to subsequently enter the Higher Aviation School.

During the study of Tatosov, he participated in amateur time: he spoke on stage, he sang front songs, played in anti-fascist sketches. Once he called him a school chief and stated that the guy was mistaken with the choice of educational institution. And issued a package of documents to enroll in the 2nd course of the theater school to the 2nd Course. Vladimir Mikhailovich could not forget how bitterly cried in the school toilet, but did not disappoint the bosses and stepped back into a new life, replacing the profession.

Theater and films

In the war years, the evacuated MCAT was based in Sverdlovsk, and Tatosov was fortunate enough to see performances with the best metropolitan actors, which only approved the young man in the correctness of the selected path.

Having received a diploma in 1946, Vladimir returned to Leningrad, where he entered the troupe of the comedy theater. In the second half of the 20th century, Tatosov could also be seen in Lenkom and BDT, and he completed the stage career he in the same comedy academic theater, where he began in his youth.

In parallel, Vladimir Mikhailovich was filmed in films, being a regular actor film studio "Lenfilm". Among the brightest works are Felix in the "Straw Hat", Gobsek from the same-name Eiran de Balzak, Pulkinsky in the "Crash engineer Garina".

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In addition to shooting in the cinema Tatosov, I tried myself as an artist of pop, speaking with bright miniatures on urban cabbagers for 25 years. He became a laureate of all-union pop contests, and the humorous number "City Sleep", created for a couple with Anatoly Minz, was afraid of the New Year's "Blue Light". At that time, the sparkling speeches of Tatosov could not have to get tickets. He was famous as a witty improviser and a talented narrator with a parody of the same parody.

The ability to imitate in different voices was useful to Vladimir Mikhailovich in the craft of the dubbing actor, which he never considered the main profession, and nevertheless voiced not one dozen films. He happened to talk to the screen with the voice of Joseph Stalin himself.

Personal life

The actor always adored blondes, but his wife chose "from another palette." He met Lydia on the beach of Sochi during the rest, and then completely accidentally ran into his beautiful in Leningrad. Tatosov did not lose and invited Lydia to theatrical premiere in Lenk. So began their novel ending with the wedding.

With his wife, Vladimir Mikhailovich was married twice. When they diverged for the first time, they sold and noisily divided the common property, and, again, becoming the family, reserved the farm again.

Now Tatosov lives in his apartment in St. Petersburg, together with the dog, who calls the "fur man" with love. For a 6-year-old life together a fluffy companion became the best friend of the elderly artist.

Vladimir Tatos now

May 10, 2021 - the day of the 95th anniversary of the artist. To this date, the program "Direct Ether" timed a special release dedicated to the personal life and creativity of Tatosov. For six months before, Vladimir Mikhailovich has already come to Andrei Malakhov for the transfer "Hello, Andrei!", Where they remembered the favorite songs from Blue lights.

This time Tatosov became the main hero of the ether, friends and colleagues came to congratulate him. The studio guests shared memories, showed rare photos, told about funny facts and bright joint work with the jubilee.

In old age, Vladimir Mikhailovich retained a clear mind, the vigor of the spirit and a sense of humor, which allow the artist to look at the past years with a grateful smile. Representatives of his era remains less and less, and he informs him with sadness that Sergey Yursky, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Oleg Efremov, with whom he had ever worked and friendly.


  • 1965 - "Split" Aurora ""
  • 1966 - "Monsieur Jacques and others"
  • 1967 - "Tatiana Day"
  • 1968 - "Sixth July"
  • 1970 - "Kotsyubinsky Family"
  • 1970 - "Heart of Russia"
  • 1973 - "Crash Engineer Garina"
  • 1974 - "Straw Hat"
  • 1986 - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"
  • 1987 - Gobsek
  • 2005 - "The Genuine History of the Lieutenant Rzhevsky"
  • 2006 - "Dream"
  • 2018 - "Solo"

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