Alexandra Khuya - biography, personal life, photos, news, Igor coolness, sick autism, age 2021



Igor Steepy, who persistently attributed a novel with a colleague Irina Allegrova, was lucky to be surrounded by beautiful ladies not only on duty. Together with his wife Olga, he brought up two daughters - the older Victoria (from the first marriage of his wife) and the younger Alexander, and also became a grandfather of three granddaughters: Christina, Margarita and Demi Rose. The composer rejoices the success of heiress and does not forget to regularly talk about them to subscribers of their instagram account.

Childhood and youth

Personal life Igor Krutoy, always had the success of the representatives of the fine sex, made only the second time. The first wife of Elena, whose proposal he did on the third date, left him, being pregnant.

In the scandalous show "Secret by Million" in early September 2016, the composer revealed unknown facts of biography and admitted that the spouse simply did not feel deep feelings for him. But the mother of the musician Svetlana Semenovna, who also took part in the shooting of the program, called another reason for the divorce of the Son of serious monetary difficulties.

After almost a decade in the United States, fate brought a man with a businesswoman named Olga, which soon became the second legitimate chosen. July 18, 2003 at 1:15 pm on the New York time, the owner of the perfume brand Okki gave her husband to her daughter Alexander:

"Sasha is the most wonderful work, ever composed by me, and since that minute my whole life has acquired a completely different meaning. In it, I see the features and Mimika of my Father, although Sasha was born 23 years after he left ... Seeing her for the first time, I cried like a boy, which neither before, nor after never happened to me. "

The media wrote that the appearance of a baby's baby occurred prematurely, so parents had to be pretty wanted for the health of the newborn. Fortunately, all fears quickly scattered. The father of the soul did not care in the child, in every way cared for him, and at night the "lulling" from the repertoire of the Soviet VIA "Flowers". Now the celebrity together with the heir often performs this and other songs that contributed quickly falling asleep, and publishes video on a personal page in "Instagram".

On April 1, 2021, Igor Yakovlevich shared with subscribers of joyful news - the younger heirs became a student of the prestigious University Miami, fulfilling the cherished family of the family. Even before the announcement of the results, the girl stated that in the event of an admission to the desired university, it would not live at home, but in a hostel.

Personal life

Photos and video of Alexandra, published by the composer in social networks, cause genuine admiration of subscribers.

First, users are touched by the relatives of the daughter and father. For the sake of the younger heiress, the man began to get involved in basketball, and she agreed on the daily visit of the pool. In January 2021, Sasha and Igor Yakovlevich secretly, the paired tattoos on the fingers depicting the date of each other's dates are caught in the remaining family members. "Reliability at some new level" occurred in the not very presentable area of ​​Miami, in the cabin, where the old "Cadillac" was located in the center of the hall, and the air was filled with the resistant smell of "herbs".

Secondly, fans do not cease to leave enthusiastic comments on the beauty of the student who has turned, as the Russian media wrote, from the "ugly duckling in a wonderful swan." The girl changed drastically, removed the birthmark with a temple and diligently emphasized a slim figure. Before that, fans more than once reproached the artist with his wife in the fact that they pay little attention to the appearance of the younger heiress.

In the fall of 2019, it became known that Sasha is experiencing the first serious love, but Igor Yakovlevich did not approve the boyfriend, who did not come to him in the soul of objective reasons:

"For the first time in life, I encountered that Sasha does not hear me, suffer, crying - can't me" No "say and stretches to him. We were in a difficult situation. I flew to New York, met with a guy Sasha and agreed with him that he would be my ally in terms of her studies, taking certain promises. "

A year later, the steep admitted that, of course, I would like to wait for the moment when the youngest daughter marries and give grandchildren, but no need to hurry with the wedding (although it will prepare good), but it is worth focusing on education. The celebrity is sure that the future husband of Sasha will look like him.

Alexandra Krutaya now

Now Alexander Khulya does not oppose the fact that parents often place photos with her on social networks, and also willingly accompany them in secular events.

However, it was not always that, and at one time find pictures with Sasha turned out to be difficult. According to one version, she herself forbade adults to put them on everyone, on the other, the father wanted to protect the daughter from the increased attention of journalists. All this gave rise to rumors, as if the girl was diagnosed autism, which had nothing to do with reality.

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