Ilnaz Galyaviyev - biography, personal life, photos, news, Kazan, parents, court, arrest, mask, case 2021



On May 11, 2021, the country returned to work, saying goodbye to a series of spring holidays. And for the residents of Kazan, this day turned the tragedy, as a result of which tens of parents did not wait for their children from school. The 19-year-old Ilinaz Galyaviyev became the culprit of terrible bloodshed in the gymnasium of Tatarstan, who decided to play God and "clean the land from the biomusor."

Childhood and youth

It is said that Ilnaz repeatedly boasted by the fact that he was born on the day of the New York explosion on September 11, 2001. But a little known about the real biography of Galyaviyev. Parents assure that the Son did not demonstrate aggressive behavior, and his terrorist ambitions did not guess in the family.

As a child, the boy studied in the very gymnasium number 175, in which the May morning of 2021 came with an automatic Turkish shotgun. It is not known what past resentments wondered his mind, but teachers remember that Ilnaz did not apply to the number of talented and diligent disciples. The behavior of the guy also chrome. After the 9th grade, he went to learn in the technical school.

Single groups responded about him as a calm and unavolent guy who normally coped with her studies and avoided conflicts.

The student was listed on the computer department of Tisby College, but on April 24, 2021, an order was published on his deduction from the 4th year for "non-fulfillment of a plan for the conscientious development of a professional educational program." At about the same time, Ilnaz registered a firearm that became a murder gun.

He did not seek to broadcast the details of his personal life in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, but he started the telegram channel, where he told the few subscribers in advance about his bloody plans.

On May 4, 2021, he began writing that people were a mistake of the Universe.

"I came to this world in the guise of a person to get rid of all of you," Galyaviyev's ships shortly before the murder.

Shooting at school

A video appeared on the network, like at 09:24 On May 11, 2021, the guy was walking around the city in a mask, holding no covered shotgun, and even waved with his hand with a random passer. A little later, an armed killer rose to the threshold of the Gymnasium No. 175, located on the street Fayzi of the capital of Tatarstan.

He almost immediately opened fire on those who came across his path. According to the initial version, the attackers were two, but later these data were refuted by official sources.

Eyewitnesses say that shots and explosions were distributed in the building. The director of the gymnasium on a speakerphone called students and teachers to close in the cabinets and nuddle to the walls. At the same time, some children tried to leave school through the windows, as a result of which they died from falling from a high height.

Even more victims flew from the bullets of the shooter who quickly turned the school in the ash region. Arriving police troops and the rags came up with the help of the victims and evacuation of schoolchildren and working personnel to nearby kindergartens, while the shooter jumped out of the window and tried to hide.

The killer soon caught. They turned out to be an adult Ilnaz Rinatovich Galyaviyev, who lived with his parents and brother in an apartment building along Tuganlyk Street. After a couple of hours, the photo of the detainee, chained to the lattice in the police station appeared in the media.

Data on the victims of Galyaviyev was constantly updated. It was announced on 8 dead, including 7 children and 1 school employee. Also, according to initial data, 16 people were hospitalized with injuries of varying degrees. Another victim later died: the number of dead as a result of the tragedy reached 9, more than 20 victims were in the hospital.

The head of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov arrived at the place of the tragedy, who announced the introduction of a counter-terrorist operation regime. The president also announced on May 12 in the day of mourning in the region and promised that material assistance will be provided to relatives of the dead and affected.

Arrest and court

After the arrest of a young man in the network hit the video with his interrogation, on which he stated that some time aware of himself a god. Ilnaz also said that some time ago it was "waking up monster."

Later it turned out that Galyaviyev was diagnosed with brain atrophy. Did the disease affect the mental state of the criminal, the experts established.

The press compared this incident with the tragedy in Kerch, which occurred in 2018. Then the 18-year-old Vladislav Roslakov arranged a shooting in college, and then committed suicide.

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As long as the tragic accidents followed parallels with other loud crimes, and the guy's parents feared Samokov, the Basmanny Court satisfied the petition for the extension of the arrest of the accused until October. At the end of June, Ilnaz was transferred to Moscow, where 232 medical examinations were appointed.

Meanwhile, 11 activists have created a community "Assistance to Ilnaz." The girls considered that a consequence biased to Galyaviyev, in connection with which they demanded a honest investigation. Mutted to the side of the Kazan arrow expressed doubt that he acted alone. And even suggested that the accused gave confessions by being under pressure.

In addition to attempts to attract the public attention to the allegedly unfair attitude to the offender, activists collected about 300 thousand RUB. In order to hire a lawyer. Later it became known that the defender Alexey Vasilyev appeared at Ilinaz. The lawyer confirmed his participation in the case.

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