Yuri Grigoriev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Director, Raisa Ryazanov, Films 2021



Yuri Grigoriev - Soviet and Russian director, the quality of the films of which was due to the talent of the author, and the successful rolling destiny - the presence of influential relatives. The personal life of cinematographer became the theme of several television shows, and in some of them a man told a wife, the marriage with which was launched six and a half decades, and in others - the former mistress.

Childhood and youth

The future director was born on February 16, 1932 in Moscow. Yuri's stepfather was the operator of the Kininomedy of the Stalinist era Boris Petrov.

Yuri Grigoriev in youth

The path of Grigoriev in the cinema was not direct. Initially, the guy graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University and only then (at 27) the directorial Faculty of Vgika. Yuri's mentors in the forge of cinematic personnel were Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarov.


The diploma work of Petrovka Petrova became a short-line forum of youth and students in Moscow "Road to Festival". Another short picture of Grigoriev "Viennese Forest" is also devoted to similar issues, which takes place at a similar festival in the capital of Austria. In both films, a beginner director removed the actor Evgenia Friedman. The screenwriter in both paintings of Grigoriev made his former classmate on the Easthan MSU and Vgika Renith Shamshina, where Yuri married in 1955.

The wife, famous for the surname of her husband, wrote scenarios and late films of Yuri Valentinovich, including the latest part of the Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov" - tape "Boys". It is curious that in the "boys", as in the "road to the festival," the artist of Lion Poles.

Yuri Grigoriev and Raisa Ryazanov

In 1963, in the film Vasily Shukshina "such a guy" lives "Yuri Valentinovich and Renith Andreevna played her husband and wife. In the 80s of the 20th century, the spouses removed several joint documentary and artistic ribbons based on the biographies and works of Vasily Makarovich, in particular the picture "Holidays of Childhood."

Children addressed several works by Yuri Valentinovich, created without the participation of his wife. This is a full-length film "Hello, River!" and 4 short films for the humorous vannel "Yelash", including the minilist "I want to in the cinema", the music to which the composer and singer Irina Mizhirulina wrote.

Personal life

Mother of Games Grigorieva - Narzhenka Yelets Nina Vasilyevna Popova - held high posts in the party and public organizations of the Soviet Union. At the wedding of Yuri and Renita, not only their university mentors - Gerasimov and Makarova were present - but also a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Minister of Culture of Ekaterina Furtsev.

The State Cardigue of the Russian Federation has survived a photo of 1964, in which young spouses are captured at a meeting with the leadership of the Committee of Soviet women, including from the mother-in-law Yuri Valentinovich, who led the organization. The picture shows that Grigorieva's wife was very similar to her mother.

In 1969, the Union of Yuri and Renitis was subjected to a serious test: on the set of film "Day and all life", the director had a novel with an actress Raisa Ryazanov, who fulfilled the main role. Unable to oppose surpassed love, the artist recognition in treason destroyed the marriage with Yuri Perov. Raisa Ivanovna and now in an interview regularly talks about the novel, giving her wings and lasted for more than a decade. The director removed Ryazan and in the following tapes "Letter from Youth" and "Field Go."

Renith Andreevna knew about the treason of her husband, but did not suit Yuri Valentinovich scenes. Thanks to the wisdom of a woman, marriage based on the spiritual community of spouses has been preserved. Family-cinematic tandem TV channel "Savior" devoted the release of the program from the series "And there will be two."

The son of a creative couple, Vasily, which appeared in August 1958, went to the footsteps of the parents. In his youth, the heir to the acting center dynasty lived in France and worked as a journalist. In 1993, Vasily played an interviewer in the fantasy tragicomedy of Andrei Malyukov "Little men of the Bolshevik Lane, or I want beer." It was Grigoriev-Jr., famous in creative circles as a basil, adapted for Russians "Dolls" and "Fort Boyard" for Russians.

In the XXI century, Vasily Yuryevich switched to producer activity. On the account of the Grigoriev-producer TV series "Kulagin and partners", "Spouses", "Choknoye", several seasons "Hour Volkova". In 2019, Vasily Yuryevich replenished the filmography of the Short American Agent Emerson filmography.

Yuri Grigoriev now

In early 2021, Yuri Valentinovich Ovedovel. On January 19, the earth's biography of his wife and a long-term co-author of the director - the screenwriter Renita Grigorieva. The woman died in the 90th year of life.

Filmography (actor)

  • 1964 - "Such a guy lives"
  • 1965 - "War and Peace"

Filmography (director)

Art films:

  • 1966 - "Friend's Heart"
  • 1969 - "Day and all life"
  • 1973 - "Letter from Youth"
  • 1976 - "Field Go"
  • 1978 - "Hello, River!"
  • 1981 - "Childhood Holidays"
  • 1985 - "Says Moscow"
  • 1990 - "Boys"


  • 1958 - "Road to Festival"
  • 1958 - "Morning of our city"
  • 1960 - "The word is provided to students"
  • 1962 - "Viennese Forest"
  • 1983 - "At the homeland Shukshina"
  • 1987 - "Life is one ..."
  • 1988 - "Name Shukshina"

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