Judging Dasguput - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, age, nationality, instagram 2021



Fantasy "Shadow and Bone", the 1st season of which became available on Netflix on April 23, 2021, critics had already dubbed "Harry Potter in the world of Tsar Punk" and "new" game of throne "." In the adaptation of best-selling novelseller, the actress of judges Dasgupte got the role of Zoe by Zarlalensky, called readers almost the main sex symbol of books. The author of Li Bardhgo, who protruded and the executive producer, and the screenwriter of the series, recognized that he wrote about this heroine with special pleasure.

Childhood and youth

Judging, whose name in Hindi into Russian sounds like "victory", was born on February 2, 2002. Some media claimed that it happened in India, others in London, adding that at an early age the girl lived in Hartfordshire.

The details of the family biography of the actress belonging to the Anglo-Indian ethnic group are unknown, as well as the father with the mother did, at what school she studied and so on.

However, according to the existing mortar information, the celebrity consists of related links with Monica Gupta, Jayantt and Super Dasgupta, Debopham Das Gupta Saint. The girl calls the sisters a partner on the series "Shadow and Bone" by Jessie May Lee and Amitu Suman, with whom in 2019 modestly celebrated Diwali, and in 2020 with a swing - Easter, as well as a colleague Mandip Gill.

The Higher Education of Dasgupta received in the Royal Central School of Stage Speech and Dramatic Art, from where Lourenes Olivier, Peggy Eshcroft, Judi Dench, Carrie Fischer, Martin Freeman and other famous artists were released.


To be filmed in the movie Dasgupta began with the 2014th, when the short film "Red Wolf" director Dianana Gotrey was released on the screens. In it, the actress entrusted two roles at once - women in red and narrator. The following year, she "lit up" in the "doctors", where he told about the daily life of medical personnel and patients of the Mill Health Center and Campus Surgery hospital.

On June 13, 2016, the premiere of the drama-detective series "Accused" (or "Wines") took place on Freeform, who did not pass without the participation of judging. But after the 1st season, the project that received mixed reviews was closed.

Once at the "Hospital of Good Karma" and "Press", having survived the "catastrophe" and stating "I can destroy you", the actress replenished the performers of "Shadows and Bones". During the filming, she had to work a lot with cascaders and learn a special choreography to create the impression that she really "manages the wind":

"I studied special movements from the Caskaderov team, so that I would convinitially look like that I am in the image of Zoe in Sails, knocking Alina and something else in this way. The effects over which the whole team worked is so diverse that when you look at it all, a feeling is created that this is happening in reality. "

Personal life

Personal life Slender dark-eyed brunette (height - 168 cm with weight 52 kg) prefers not to exhibit applicants, but willingly post in personal accounts on social networks photos from filming and pictures with colleagues and friends. Therefore, the fans can only guess, whether their favorite is employed now or not.

Judging loves to cook (she is particularly able to baking) and travel, having time to visit Sri Lanka, Vienna and Venice, and confidently keeps in the saddle. On June 2, 2020, the celebrity published an image of a black square with the #Blackouttuesday as a sign of George Floyd's memory and solidarity with victims of racism and police violence.

Judging dasgupta now

In an interview before the premiere of "Shadows and Bones", the performer of the role of Zoya Narlalenskaya admitted that he was delighted with the creators of the series and casting, which they arranged, inviting actors of various nationalities and ethnic accessories. She also noted that she was glad to watch her heroine changed throughout the journey:"The adventure in which it goes with quite specific intentions is expanding its consciousness and adds more depths of its character. This is what makes her man and explains many things (for example, why she does not like Alina Starkova, why she is so rude in the first book). So I think she is just beautiful. "


  • 2015 - "Doctors"
  • 2016 - "Accused"
  • 2017 - "Hospital of good karma"
  • 2018 - "Press"
  • 2018 - "Catastrophe"
  • 2020 - "I can destroy you"
  • 2021 - "Shadow and Bone"

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