Angelina Mionchinskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", illness, daughter Larisa Valley 2021



Angelina Mionchinskaya is the only child of the Soviet and Russian pop singer Larisa Valley. The biography of the young woman aroused interest after the release of the program "Stars came together" on the NTV channel, which opened a number of family secrets.

Childhood and youth

In 1983, a child was born in Larisa Dolina in 1983. A child was born. The biography of the girls who received the Russian name Angelina, having a Greek origin, began in Moscow in those days when her mother only finished starring in the comedy of Karen Georgievich Shahnazarov "We are of jazz".

The father of the baby was Anatoly Mikhailovich Mionchinsky. The musician of the "Roll" ensemble, became the conductor of the Orchestra "Contemporary", accounted for by the legal spouse of the role of Clementina Fernandez's cubic. However, from the hospital, the ascending star of the screen was greeted by pop diva Alla Borisovna Pugachev, who was a close friend of the family.

In the infancy of Lina was painful and weak. Immediately after giving birth, she was separated from her mother and sent to the Morozov hospital to the care of doctors. While experts fought for the life of a young patient, parents did not find themselves. As a result, it all ended well: the crisis caused by the conflict of rees-factors was minimized.

As soon as Larisa and Anatoly relaxed, the Ministry of Culture issued a decree, according to which the participants of the jazz teams without Moscow regards were obliged to live at the place of registration. The daughter's valley had to go after her husband in Leningrad and settle under one roof with his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Life in the "odd shop", a split partition, as well as sliding schedules of work badly affected by marriage. Mionchinsky began to regularly eat alcohol and not come at night. The singer put up with the situation as long as the daughter did not grow a little. In the 1990th, she raised a divorce and officially became a single mother.

Until the school age, the second husband was assisted to take care of Angelina Larisa - Musician Viktor Mightazov. Then a new stepfather appeared in the girl's life - Ilya Spitsyn, who provided support in everything.

Despite the fact that in childhood, parents communicated with Lina as an adult, the question of how to do in the future remained open. The singer was unsubsoring the daughter who had rushing his studies in London, from the choice of a creative profession and did not allow design and photography courses. At some point, the relatives decided that Mionchinskaya is a born lawyer.


At the end of the prestigious metropolitan university, Angelina refused to work with a degree related to the right, finance and statistics. It was uninteresting, because at the fifth year, the daughter of the star of the Soviet and Russian stage took the post of general director of construction companies "Stroy-Alpha" and "Darteks K".

Managing teams engaged in the demolition of buildings, installation of metal structures, construction of sports facilities, as well as selling furniture and timber, a student lived on a wide leg. However, in 2013, when Russia entered the phase of the next economic crisis, the entrepreneurial activity had to be abandoned.

According to acquaintances, Mionchinskaya possessed the analytical warehouse of the mind and a solid character. Therefore, after the elimination of firms, the girl tried to open a private pre-school institution and study the opinion of the wealthy parents on the quality of education in the country. When it became clear that it would be impossible to realize the idea, she became the coordinator of music projects on the behavior of the mother and for some time entered the circle of creative people, and then threw this occupation and became a housewife.

Personal life

In the course of work on the show "Love and espionage", Angelina had a novel with Yegor Druzhinin. The joint personal life did not work out, but the actor became the father of the child Mionchinskaya, which appeared in 2011.

Angelina Mionchinskaya and Egor Druzhinin

For the first time, Alexander's daughter appeared before the public in Jurmala at the New Wave Festival, in which grandmother, Larisa Valley participated. Games of representatives of three generations on the closed beach of the Gulf of Riga Bay, which included a joking demonstration of swimsuits, gave rise to a myth about a happy family.

From this point on, the journalists began to pay close attention to the Mionichansk, who remained without a boyfriend and her husband. Over time, it turned out that the main thing for a young woman is to upbringing a daughter having a variety of talents.

While it is difficult to judge whether the star pops will grow from Sasha. Along with the passion of scenic art, the mother tries to develop interest in chess, design and robotics.

Angelina Mionchinskaya now

Now the daughter of Larisa Valley has many diverse rumors. For this, the program "Stars came together", published on the NTV channel in March 2021.

During the ether dedicated to the famous Soviet and Russian singer, Anatina Anatolyevna, not disclosing details, identified the presence of a conflict with his mother. She and Alexander behaved ugly, giving up stubborn replicas and interrupting others.

Experts and viewers began to suspect that Mionchinskaya was under the action of drugs or she delivered the inconvenience of some unknown disease, because looking at the photo published in the Instagram account, it seemed that Lina would bow to the parent. The conversation that happened in the studio has demonstrated that in relations between members of the famous family, everything is not as smooth as in social networks.

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