Alvis Harmanis - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Director, Performance, Manifesto, Wife, Diary 2021



On February 27, 2021, Latvian director Alvis Harmanis on the personal page in Facebook published Seven Rules for Ethical Behavior for Employees and Spectators of their New Riga Theater. Manifesto, in which most points began with the phrase "in our theater is allowed ...", proclaimed the freedom of the word without restrictions, allowed to joke absolutely on any topics, to start service novels and stated that the temple of Melpomen was incompatible with the concept of political correctness.

Childhood and youth

On April 27, 1965, in Riga, the son of Alvis was born in Riga and the journalist of Voldemara Harmanis. Adults, raising the child, allowed him to experiment and do everything that I want, without setting any framework and restrictions. All childhood, the boy engaged in hockey in the local sports school "Dynamo", preparing for a professional career. But at the age of 16, the teenager due to health problems (permanent loads led to arrhythmias) switched to the theater, which the parents did not interfere at all.

Alvis Harmanis - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Director, Performance, Manifesto, Wife, Diary 2021 2285_1

He visited the studio of the amateur ensemble of the Palace of Culture of the WEF Plant "Rigas Pantomimim" under the leadership of Roberts Ligeres and a folk studio of the film actor at Riga film studio, where he admired the knowledge from Arnold Linins and Aina Matisa. In 1984, the young man entered the Theater Department of the Latvian State Conservatory named after Yazeps Vitols, starting early to star into the cinema.

In 1987, the guy who first appeared on the scene of the educational theater of the native university in the student "process" of Franz Kafka, received a major role in the film "Photograph with a woman and wild boar." Detective on the script of Andris Kolbergs in the USSR in the first year managed to see 18 million spectators. For him followed "Autumn, Chertanovo ...", "Latvians?", "Fucking", "Paradise Garden of Eva" and other paintings, but Harmanis, who always dreamed of becoming a director, took on performances:

"From the very beginning I realized that I had a talent and the desire to be a director, but for many years I still worked as an actor. I always waited for the director with whom the fire and water would agree, but did not wait. And then I understood: I will myself director! And the first performance I as director did for myself as an actor. "


In 1995, Harmanis, in 1992 speaking as one of the founders, took the post of artistic director of the New Riga Theater, which is located now. The Chekhov "Chaika", Pushkin "Peak Lady", Stoppard "Arkady", and the Gogol "auditor" -mirological glory and the love of the sophisticated public were brought to him widely fame.

No less success fell to the share of "long life", which won the Golden Mask in the nomination "Best Foreign Performance" in 2007, "Sony" on the story of Tatiana Tatstnaya and "Sounds of Silence", shown in prestigious festivals. The artist of art introduced the audience with the "city" and "on software" on the works of Evgeny Grishkovets and Shauspielfrankfurt on the scandalous novel by Vladimir Sorokina "Ice".

In November 2008, the premiere of "Shukshin's" stories was held at the Moscow Theater of Nations, who became the director's debut of the Latvian celebrity in Russia.

The laureate of many premiums (including the name Konstantin Stanislavsky, and the "Europe - theater") worked in the Frankfurt and Cologne Drama Theaters, put the "idiot" of Fedor Dostoevsky in Zurich, "Faust's condemnation" - in the Paris National Opera, and "Two Foskari "And Madame Butterfly - in La Rock.

Personal life

In 2009, the director took his wife an actress and model Christine Cruz ("Dark deer", "Homo Novus", Milulis), who was in an interview that always had weakness to strong personalities, which is her husband. She does not deny the fact that her chosen is a genius, stating that happy in his personal life, but at the same time he never deified, did not look like loved her eyes and sang diffilams of the second half. In addition, their views did not in many respects, and the woman in households had to count only on themselves.

A happy marriage, where three children appeared - Yazeps (at the end of December 2008), Kais Benjamins (in early December 2010) and Elsa Meter (in May 2014) - almost a 20-year-old difference at the age of spouses did not interfere.

From the previous official relations with Estonian named Merli, the men were born daughters Yette Lohone and Juula Mia, who were found in the feshent industry, and the son of Otto Ruden. It is also known that even in his youth he welcomed Tomx's firstborn. Photographs of heirs who are friends among themselves, often flashed in a personal instagram account of the head of the family.

Alvis Harmanis now

Shortly before the onset of the new 2021, Gorbachev premiere was held in the theater of Nations, where reincarnation in Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev Harmanis entrusted Evgeny Mironov and Chulpan Hamaya.

The performance of freedom based on documentary sources, the creator wanted to express personal gratitude to the first and only president of the USSR, calling him the third person after his parents who had a huge influence on him:

"Attention in the performance focuses on where such a person could appear from where the world map could appear, but thanks to whom the fate of hundreds of millions of people changed, what is the chemical composition of such a person and how personal relationships with his wife influenced it.

At the end of April 2021, the artist of art told his subscribers, which for almost a month is busy with a "white helicopter" - a cinematic version of the story about the mysterious resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, first presented in the New Riga Theater. The main role, as in Brodsky / Baryshnikov, went to a close friend, one of the greatest artists in the history of Ballet Mikhail Baryshnikov.


  • 1987 - "Photo with a woman and wild boar"
  • 1988 - "Autumn, Chertanovo ..."
  • 1989 - "Fate"
  • 1989 - "Latvians?!"
  • 1990 - "Garden of Eva"
  • 1992 - "Pharaoh's Inventor"


  • 2002 - "Auditor" in Nikolai Gogol
  • 2008 - "Idiot" on Fedor Dostoevsky
  • 2006 - Sonya on Tatiana Tolstoy
  • 2007 - "Sound of Silence"
  • 2008 - "Schukshina stories" on Vasily Shukshin
  • 2009 - "Family" on Tracy Lettu
  • 2012 - "Soldiers" on Bernd Cimmerman
  • 2013 - "Gevein" on Harrison Bourtist
  • 2014 - "Troubadur" by Giuseppe Verdi
  • 2015 - "ENUFA" on Leju Yanachek
  • 2015 - "Brodsky / Baryshnikov"
  • 2015 - "Condemnation of Faust" by hector Berliozu
  • 2016 - "Two Foscari" by Giuseppe Verdi
  • 2016 - "Love Danai" by Richard Strauss
  • 2016 - "Madame Batterfly" on Giacomo Puccini
  • 2020 - Gorbachev

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