Herman Hanmurzine - biography, personal life, photo, news, salavat, ice movies, son deputy 2021



The poem of Marina Tsvetaeva "Run the road everywhere, which became a romance after writing music by Andrei Petrov and the release of the TV series" Petersburg secrets ", in which there are strings"So the roads agreed,

So we stuck with the Wedge.

Temoke, oh, dark one hour.

This is not me with you, -

It's trouble with mis

The cavalry - agreed. ",

It can serve as an epigraph to biographies of the Bashkir young men Herman Hanmurzina and Wildan Davlethanova. The paths of the guys crossed on the night from 9 to 10 May 2021 in the city of Salavat, whose population is now 150 thousand people.

Childhood and youth

At the time of the resonant accident, which, with any outcome, impose a print on the fate of both young people and their families, Hanmurzin was 19 years old. Hermann - Son of the Deputy of the Council of the City District, the city of Salavat, a member of the United Russia party, director of SalavatzhilService LLC Ildar Hanmurzina.

Motor slipper German Hanmurzin

The influential father was proud of the heir, who since childhood was fond of speedweight and adjacent modes of motorsport. So, in 2013, Hanmurzin Jr. took the 18th place at the European Motocross Championship. At the end of 2019, Herman, along with comrades in the team of Kamensk-Ural TzTs-Dosaph Nikita Tarasov and Ivan Khulin, won the 2nd place on the Command Cup of Russia on ice on ice, and a year later, as a spare rider came to the finals of the Russian Solosport's Personal Championship . In February 2021, Hanmurzin, which represented Kamensk-Uralsky, took the 6th place at the Russian Championship in Ice Speedweight, held in Ufa. The photo of a young athlete often appeared in paper and network sports publications.

According to rumors, Herman loved accelerate not only at competitions, but also on the streets of Bashkir cities and participated in street racers. Hanmurzine Junior was repeatedly penalized for speeding.


Vildan Davletkhanova, Vildan Davletkhanova, born on October 25, 2003, began to joyfully. During the celebration of the young man, representing the Radio Engineering College in which he learns, danced Waltz on the main square of Salavat. In the evening, Wildan, together with his parents, brother and beloved Girl, went to watch a festive firework.

At the end of Salyuta Davlethanov went to accompany the girl. When parting Evelyn asked Wildan to report on returning home, but the messages did not follow. A worried girlfriend called the guy. Ambulance officers answered the call, who informed Evelyna that Davlethanov was shot down in a pedestrian crossing, a foreign car and a young man was unconscious.

Vildan Davletkhanov

Wildan struck the BMW brand car owned by Herman Hanmurzin. The blow was so power that Davlethan flew 13 meters and hit his head on asphalt. The racer did not disappear from the scene, and the father called. Since the chamber of the accident was faulty in an angry irony of fate, the investigation will determine all the circumstances of the accident.

According to the Hanmurzin family, Herman rode at a rate not exceeded 50 km / h, and Vildan moved to the prohibitory signal of the traffic light. Ildar Faritovich tells correspondents that is in touch with the relatives of Davletkhanov, whom the doctors introduced into an artificial one. Hanmurzin-Sr. prays for the recovery of Wildan, ready to pay all the costs of treatment, and if necessary, to become a donor of the bodies for the affected young man.

Herman Hanmurzin now

On May 21, 2021, the Salavat City Court refused to conclude Herman Hanmurzine into a detention facility. The racer, accused of having exceeded the speed, hit a teenager and inflicted the victim of serious injuries, got off for the time of consequence of the restriction of freedom. Hanmurzine junior is forbidden to leave the place of residence in the evening and night time. Around the clock, Hermann cannot communicate with witnesses, manage vehicles, use the Internet and mobile phone.

The accident in Salavat was the subject of discussion of the program "Direct Ether" Andrei Malakhov. The investigation of the resonant case took under personal control Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin.

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