Natalia Chumakova - biography, personal life, photo, news, the widow of Egor Letov, "Civil Defense" 2021



The director and journalist Natalia Chumakova - the widow of the Rock musician Egor Yejov. She participated in the records of civil defense songs, and after the death of her husband continued his work and organized a reissue of a number of successful albums of the group. A person's companion who made a huge contribution to the development of Russian punk motion, is also known as the compiler of poetic collections, editor of prosaic works and the author of biographical filmtin.

Childhood and youth

The early biography of Natalia Yuryevna Chumakova is connected with the Grand Novgorod and Novosibirsk. She was born in Kyrgyzstan in 1969.

In Russia, the girl transported parents, representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Father, Yuri Nikolayevich, was a professor of a pedagogical university, doctor of philological sciences, a researcher of classical Russian poetry and author hundreds of journalistic works. Mother, Eleanor Illarionovna, taught on the office of literature and edited articles that spouse wrote.

Natasha graduated from secondary school and went in footsteps of parents. Enrolling in the university at the Faculty of Philology, the girl like a sponge absorbed knowledge. As a result, she became a specialist in the field of Russian and literature.

In the youth of Chumakov worked in the Novosibirsk educational institution by a teacher, but it did not prevent her to listen to alternative music and attend the underground concerts. Of the variety of creative areas, the daughter of intellectuals highlighted Noise, Industrial and Punk Rock.

In the early 1990s, informal associations flourished in Siberia. The popularity of teams such as "Black Lukich", "Industrial Architecture", "Great October" and "Instructions for use", was just stunning. Natalia, like many dreamed of getting acquainted with rapid singers and instrumentalists. Her favorites were Mikhail Zuev, Dmitry Selivanov and Oleg Sudakov.

Personal life

In the youth, Chumakov married a person, whose name is unknown to the general public. Fate ordered so that in the first one not a remarkable marriage in a young woman and her partner did not have joint children.

Changes in personal life began on May 19, 1991, after the funeral of one of the key figures of the Novosibirsk underground Yankee, Dyagileva Natalia, had a chance to communicate with Yegor Yegor, the founder of the Rock Group "Civil Defense". The next significant meeting took place at a concert after 6 years.

Later, the most famous Punk of Russia recalled that his future and the only official wife was in the informal parties, so one day he spent the night in the apartment then the Chumakova still bound by married messengers. In a matured girl who came to the rock club and, after a speech, spoke with guys about football, he hardly learned the owner of the apartment. After joining the conversation, the singer penetrates warm feelings to the connoisseur of the history of Italian clubs and after a couple of ordinary dates offered in every sense to come together.

When plans for the future were formed, Natalia received a certificate of divorce and with enthusiasm agreed to registration of marriage with Yegor Yegor. After the wedding, the life of the former teacher was full of joys and worries.

According to acquaintances, the woman baked about the health and career of the famous musician. However, the detrimental habits that appeared in the youth brought the leader of the "Civil Defense" in the grave in the 43-year-old age.

Chumakov could not recover from grief for a long time, but then she gathered with the Spirit and honored her husband's memory, retaining his creative heritage for others. According to ill-wishers, a woman changed the orientation in adulthood and became a lesbian. She herself did not comment on these rumors. Much of time Natalia paid to work on plates, films and biographical books.

Music and creativity

Before acquaintance with Yeotov, Natalia was bass guitarist Novosibirsk Punk-Rock Team "Chiefs of Party". Love of life led her to "civil defense", having an unstable composition.

In the group, in the late 1990s, which was at the peak of popularity among informal, Natalia performed the role of instrumentalist, administrator and back vocalist. Her voice appeared on the recordings of the composition "Why dream of dreams?", Made for one of the album "Starstelple" 2002 album.

When Egor died, the widow was inherited by the registered label "Coffin-recorded" and became the initiator of the processing and release of the "Civil Defense" group and the conceptual project "Communism", which included the albums "Survival Instructions", "Pogany youth", "Soldiers' Sleep "And" Chronicle of the Picking Bomber ". In addition, the bass guitarist, who possessed a commercial vein, worked over the unnecessary material and published the collections of manuscripts and verses of Yellow at the beginning and mid-2010.

Chumakov also introduced a collage from archival photos and videos at the Moscow Film Festival "Tomorrow." In the creation of short films, Maxim Reshelak helped her - a journalist and a family friend's friend.

In 2014, together with the director, Anna Cyrrhina Widow, Yeahov worked on the biographical film "Great and Eternal", dedicated to the early period of the life of Egor. Russian producer Boris Khlebnikov took part in preparing the premiere to exit. The implementation of a large-scale idea would be impossible without Beat Films employees who released a picture of the rental.

After 4 years, the audience became acquainted with the author's project Chumakov - the film "The Lights will hit down", which was the edited record of the last living speech of the Civil Defense Group in the capital of Urals Yekaterinburg. The project caused interest because it was timed to the 10th anniversary of the tragic death of the frontman of the famous punk rock team from Omsk.

Natalia Chumakova now

In the late spring of 2021, an interview with Sergey Letov, the brother of the "Civil Defense" group, was emerged in the media, which said that the wife was indirectly to the Musician death. During the frank conversation, it turned out that Natalia, herself had a lot of bad habits, negatively influenced the behavior of a talented husband and provoked unhealthy entertainment.

Now relatives and familiar legendary Russian punk are struggling with Chumakova for creating a museum in the flying apartment in Omsk. The heiress of the fourth part of the housing, according to rumors, replaced the orientation, abusing alcohol and sympathizing with the convict Alexey Navalny's condemned oppositionist, does not agree to communicate with the initiators and the consent of its implementation does not give.

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