Princess Latifa - biography, personal life, photo, news, dubai, uae, "instagram", abduction, in prison, father 2021



Princess Latifa - daughter of the Arab Sheikh, trying to escape from his native country in 2018. The woman was disapprovingly expressed about the orders of the presenters in the Muslim world and especially in the royal family, where the weaker sex representatives are traditionally deprived of their liberty in their personal life and the right to their opinion.

Childhood and youth

Latifa Bint Mohammed Ibn Rashid Al Mackum was born on December 5, 1985 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. There was always a terrible relationship with the mother of Khuria, and almost did not communicate with his father. Received Executive MBA at the University of Zaid, trained marketing and management, loved to jump with a parachute and was not afraid of risky actions.

Father Latifa, Emir Dubai and the UAE Prime Minister, equally read the laws of Allah and the market, often visited the World Economic Forum in Davos. It was considered one of the largest owners of the race horses, he was friends with the British Queen, together with her, visited the races in Ascota, where he filmed traditional clothes, disguised into the costume and cylinder.

Sister Princess Shams Benjala from the house in 2000, throwing a black Range Rover near the Surrey Father's estate. For several months, the girl communicated on the phone with a sister and a friend, whom Sheikh had a courtesy and instead asked to give the opportunity to listen to the line to track down the daughter. She tried to warn a fuzzy, but she was found in Cambridge, kidnapped and forcibly returned home, after which they hid from the outside world.

The older brother of Latifa Rashid was known to the kitsui and once shot the assistant Sheikh, after which the inheritance was deprived in favor of the younger son. A man died at 33 years from a heart attack.

Escape and abduction

The first unsuccessful escape in his biography of Princess UAE was trying to commit in 2002. In February 2018, again escaped with the help of a friend Tina Yauhiyainen, who led the workout of Brazilian martial art. Another accomplice was the Marine Engineer from France by Erwe Zobere, a former spy wrote the book "Escape from Dubai", where she spoke with contempt about Sheikh. The plan has been developed for many years, on the eve of the Latifa made a video, later published in the Instagram-channel Free Latifa. In the video, the lady blamed the father in domestic violence, as well as supporting death squads in the zones of hostilities and the murder of members of the ruling family.

Arriving at the Cafe Dubai, the princess locked in the toilet, removed the Black Abaiy, made makeup and put on dark glasses, and the mobile thrown into the trash can. Together with Tina on the car, a woman reached Oman, then they moved to the hydrocycles and on the sea in stormy weather they went to the yacht Zobhether. Latifa planned to get to India, and from there run to the USA. They sailed 8 days, eating with the Muesls, soon it was found that the ship is full of cockroaches. When only a few kilometers remained before the shore, the yacht was stopped by coastal guards armed with rifles with a laser sight. The country declined financially from the UAE, many Indians worked in the capital of the Emirates, there were more of them than Arabs. After detaining the passenger, employees robbed the ship, took the electronics and cosmetics of Tina.

Relatives assured that the princess feels good after returning home, and presented the public a video meeting of the Latifes with a prominent Irish figure of Mary Robinson. Sheikh announced that the daughter was now in an insanitable state, but received the necessary psychiatric care. In 2019, Emir threw the sixth Hey's wife, leaving in London with two children.

Personal life

In the palace where Latif lived, the Philippine maid worked, who performed every whim of the royal personnel, had a recreation center with a swimming pool, yoga halls, hairdressers and manicure cabins. Despite this luxury, she felt like in prison. Most of the time the girl spent in the stables, causing the horses, and with her handmade monkey. She was a vegetarian, herself prepared himself curry and said that she loves animals more than people.

Princess Latifa now

February 17, 2021 BBC Panorama released a film with the confession of the latifa from the bathroom, where she could locate the door. According to the princess, all windows were locked, the police tortured her. About the meeting with Robinson daughter Sheikh reported that it was a check, as she would lead himself to people after imprisonment.

On April 28, on the eve of Sheikh's participation in American jumps, where the Arab horse had a chance to win, activists filed a petition, demanding to remove a person who mowed over his loved ones. But the petition was rejected, as the Emir observed all the rules of the racing and behaved decently.

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On May 24, 2021, a photo of Latifa appeared on the Internet on the page in "Instagram" Shioned Taylor. In the picture, three ladies were sitting at a table in the shopping center Dubai, in the background there was an advertisement for the film The Devils Killer released in the UAE on May 13. At the same time, the press reported that the princess was awarded the First Lady Prize from the Arab Female Administration.

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