Nikita Grigoriev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Series, Growth, Satirikon Theater, "Instagram" 2021



In 2021, several Russian directories immediately appealed to the images of the cruel serial killers of the Soviet Union. Lado of Quarti and Sarik Andreasyan removed the paintings about Andrei Chikatilo, and David Tkebuchava - O Gennady Mikhasevich. In the series "Sunshuba" about the "Vitebsk Dectery", based on real events and released on May 31 at NTV, the actor of the Sachirikon Theater named after Arkady Raykin Nikita Grigoriev played its first major role.

Childhood and youth

On November 29, 1996, in the city of Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region, from where the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Alexey Shevchenkov ("Yesenin", "lived one woman", "Pass Dyatlov"), Julia Grigorieva gave the wife Sergey Son Nikita. Simultaneously with the local gymnasium No. 2, the boy visited and music school in the class of guitar and, having received secondary education, went to Moscow.

From 2012 to 2014, the young man studied acting in the theater school of Oleg Tabakov, Blogging in the excerpts of Chekhov "Eger", Gorky "Orlovy Spouses", Erdmansky "Suicians", Goncharovsky "Oblomov", Buninsky "Madrid".

In 2015, the guy entered the highest school of scenic arts, being in the workshop of Oleg Topolyansky and Kama Ginkas. During the years of study, Raykinets diluted the creative biography of Hams, "the death of an official", "Alice in Wonderland", "about Fedota-Sagittarius, a deleted well done", "old man hottabych", "Phantom pains", "two Veronica".

The young man fell to the mother, not forgetting to congratulate her on personal holidays, and willingly publishes family pictures and its own children's photos in a personal account in the Instagram. With his father, professional fisherman, the heir went to the Norwegian Andenenes, from where he returned not with empty hands, but with a rich cattle cod.

Theater and films

In 2019, immediately at the end of the VSHI, the graduate replenished the Satiron's troupe, hitting the Paradox of "Joker", which also included the characters of the famous Ostrovnya "Thunderstorms", "Witradnits", "Forests" and "Snow Maiden".

Next year, the novice actor reincarnated in a difficult teenager in "Dear Elena Sergeyevna" - a play-hit about the golden youth, destroyed by Soviet ideals. The premiere of the drama in the conditions of quarantine introduced due to the raging pandemic of coronavirus infection, passed in the online format on March 27, and on the living scene - October 8.

In the summer of the same year, the theater was welcomed by a new comedy of Moliere "Plotnie Skapen", where Konstantin Rikin entrusted the role of Leander, the son of Zherontta, in love with the Song.

"On the one hand, this is the highest-class gaming theater and an incredible divine fun, where much is just funny, funny and wonderful invented. In addition, there is such a powerful, wise, incredibly acute satirical and philosophical charge, which exactly affects modern reality, "explained the feature of the producer.

Cinematic career Grigoriev started with episodes in the TV series "Order", "Crane in the sky" and "Morozov". Nikita was a border guard in "Mom", courier in the "youthler", a bartender in Sashetan, a boy of volleyball player Tanya in "Dlattah", the fiance in the "fire" and lit up in Psychic.

Personal life

With a personal life of a pretty young man who has a bright memorable appearance (height 188 cm with weight 80 kg, green eyes, a birthmark on the neck), everything is in order. For several years now, it consists of a romantic relationship with Valeria Kudryashova, with whom he studied together in VSHI and played in the episode "Psychiat".

The attentive viewer remembers the actress on "inadequate people - 2", "Hasu Owl", "what she is silent" what she is silent, and avid theatrum - on the "History of Belkin" in the center of dramaturgy and director and "dead souls" in the shopping center "on passionate". Lovers love to travel and attend secular events - for example, in October 2020, they appeared hand in hand at the 42nd Moscow International Film Festival.

Nikita succeeded in the genre of the parody, owns English and Ukrainian languages ​​with the dictionary and several types of dances (modern and folk), confidently holds in the saddle, knows how to drive a car and motorcycle, play football and fencing.

Nikita Grigoriev now

At the 2021th, the release of several projects with the participation of Grigoriev immediately was scheduled. In addition to the "Shoezhekov" and Happy End already mentioned, the premieres of Miser Nocauta were preparing about the Soviet Boxer Valeria Popenchenko, Elizabeth, where he tried the image of Count Mikhail Vorontsov, and the "first counter" detective.

Shots in the cinema Nikita Sergeevich is now successfully combining with the service in his native "satyrone", appearing on the stage of MDM in "Comedy about how the bank is robust" - theatrical parody of "Eleven Friends of Owen", "Impossible Mission", "Police Academy" And even Quentin Tarantino films. His hero is a cooper, confident and full enthusiastic amateur actor, by the will of the case working as a guard in prison.


  • 2016 - "Order"
  • 2017 - "Morozova"
  • 2018 - Sashahatany
  • 2018 - "Youth"
  • 2019 - "Dlatti"
  • 2020 - "Fire"
  • 2020 - "Crane in the sky"
  • 2021 - "Sunshub"
  • 2021 - "First oncomes"
  • 2021 - "Mr. Nokaut"
  • 2021 - "Elizabeth"

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