Joe Di Mago - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Marylin Montro husband, funeral



US Citizen Joe Di Mago was considered one of the most prominent baseball players in the history of sports. The participant of the matches of all stars was the owner of a dozen prestigious awards. Natural charm brought to the centerfielder Love representatives of the Elite. Dorothy Arnold and Marilyn Monroe - the stars of world cinema, succumbing to Charm, agreed to join the handsome in a legitimate marriage.

Childhood and youth

The glorious life path of Joseph Paul Di Majo began in November 1914. The boy was born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius in the family of hereditary fisherman Juseppe Di Mago, immigrated to the USA from Italy.

Mother, Rosalia, brought up nine boys and girls and dreamed of a brilliant future. A year after the emergence of the future baseball player, a woman supported the idea of ​​a husband about moving to San Francisco, considering that in a major city there are great opportunities for children.

The head of the family sincerely believed that Joe, as well as his brothers Thomas, Dominic and Vincent will continue the family business and will fight the biography of fishing fisheries. However, the men's half of the younger generation could not get used to the smell of algae and seafood and did not realize the father's dream.

Joseph recalled that he did anything, just to avoid cleaning the boat. He deserved a reputation as a lazy man who did not want to establish his own life. Not reacting to insults, he, together with Vince and Tom, signed up in the baseball section. The passion is annoyed by parents who believed that sporting achievements would not help ensure a comfortable existence.

Sports career

In the youth of Di Majo, which has reached 188 cm growth and weighs about 90 kg, played in a semi-professional team. The brother who fell into the band's team is higher, arranged his further fate, having achieved a signing of a contract with the San Francisco Seals club. In early 1930, Joe took place Joe's debut as an adult player.

In 1934, the career was threatened. American Italian origin was seriously injured on the way to the house of relatives and, according to coaches, became useless. Scout from New York Yankis believed in the forces of the athlete and persuaded the hosts of the club to do, as it turned out later, a profitable acquisition.

Leaving from San Francisco, Di Mago slammed the door loudly, winning the championship and won the title of the most valuable league player. The San Francisco Seals Guide blessed elbows whenever Joseph regularly led the Yanks to victory in the Higher Division. The World Series Centerofilder also accompanied success.

Because of the events of World War II, the fisherman's son had to leave a favorite business and serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Until 1945, Sergeant Di Majo performed the duties of an instructor on felting at bases in Atlantic City and Santa Ane.

Demobilized, the athlete returned to the baseball field to strengthen the reputation of the idol of millions. At sunset career, he was accepted into the National Hall of Fame and included in the national team of the best MLB players.

At adulthood, the famous player was offered to take a post coach. Refusing to work with young people, Joe began to be filmed for advertising. The photo baseball player was used by representatives of American financial institutions, as well as manufacturers of electric goods of the Mr brand. Coffee.

Personal life

On the eve of World War II, the baseball player, who was at the peak of Glory, met the film actress Dorothy Arnold, known on the films of Universal Studios. Deciding to equip a joint personal life, in 1939, the couple was married, and in 1941 a boy who called Joseph Paul di Majo III appeared.

3 years after this, a significant event in the sports chronicles wrote about the divorce of baseball player with his wife. Joe was interrupted by random novels until there was a charming Marilyn Monroe on the horizon.

The actress and athlete first saw each other in the early 1950s. The meeting took place, because Joe played in the famous team, knew people communicating with the star.

The famous blonde to the campaign to the "blind date" pushed natural curiosity. Contrary to expectations, she immediately liked the educated and intelligent man, who was not trying to immediately drag her into bed.

After some time a new couple appeared in the elite circles of America. Monroe and Di Mago, secretly registered with the relationship in early 1954 in the municipality of San Francisco, failed to preserve the novel in the secret for a long time. The athlete was present in the pavilions where art films were filmed, and the star film "Niagara" regularly went to the stadium.

The difference in age did not interfere with the development of harmonious relations. Mauddered experience, Joe saved his beloved from all problems and adversity, hoping for an adequate reaction. However, feminine was impossible to change, so a mature man experienced a wild feeling of jealousy.

The case that occurred on the set film "Itching seventh year", brought di Majio to the boiling point. Seeing how the hem of the white dress of his wife takes off above the ventilation grille, the baseball player boiled from anger and tried to attack the director. The house followed the scandal, after which the spouses did not communicate for 9 months. Baseball player understood that he would not be able to continue to live with the actress and initiated a divorce.

When past resentments were forgotten, Joe became a friendly take care of Marilyn and in 1962 again called her married. The star of cinema did not have time to answer the offer, because with unexplained circumstances died.

The athlete, who lost heart particles, organized a farewell ceremony for his beloved and chose a place for the grave. He was the only official husband who were present at Montro's funeral.


Joe di Mago in old age

The cause of death Di Majo in March 1999 was a tumor formed in the respiratory system. Doctors conducted an operation on the affected cancer light, but could not heal the patient.

The athlete died in a circle of loved ones in his own house near Hollywood. According to the legend, before the last sigh, he said: "Finally, I will see Marilyn."

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