Artem Martinchik - biography, personal life, photo, news, "house-2", sat, age, song, "Instagram" 2021



"Dom-2" remains faithful and open to everyone who wants to find their love, despite their past. During the existence of the project, personal life was trying to arrange even those who had problems with the law and served prison sentences. Alexey Adeev turned out to be among the latter, in 2008 returned to the shooting platform after 3.5 years of imprisonment, and Artem Martinchik, who came to the scandalous television trip in April 2021.

Childhood and youth

Martinchik appeared on April 10 (Aries on the sign of the zodiac) in the Belarusian city of Baranovichi, from where the film director Sergey Loznitsa comes from, Actor Dmitry Petrashevich, Singer Nikita Fominy and other celebrities. As for the exact year of birth, on the same page in the social network "VKontakte" he indicated 1998, at the other - 1996.

The guy studied at the Cadet School, which repeatedly recalled later, and the local state college of light industry, and also managed to visit Belcreation youth camp.

From the young age, Artem was fond of musical art, released tracks and clips under the scenic pseudonym Lucky and gave concerts in the nearby settlements. In the creative biography of the rap artist, there was a place as separate singles "I love you", "for her", "What remains me?", "Honey", "Legend", "Who, if not me?" And songs, Recorded in Tandem with Lone ("Last Letter"), ("When you cry again"), Liayti ("loneliness"), Dima Ilase ("Your Love", "Salvation").

On the day of arrival in a reality show, the participant said that he was brought up first in the orphanage, and then in the reception family, as the real father and mother had serious alcohol problems and were deprived of parental rights. For a while, a young man lived in Italy, so now speaks well in Italian.

Personal life

Martinchik (height 187 cm) was always successful among representatives of the opposite sex, and ASKFM users also tried to find out who he met. Responding to numerous questions about novels, he mentioned that he was in relations with many girls (at least two Anastasia and Darya), but only one of them told in detail.

Artem Martinchik and his girl

The first meeting with Karina Klevanovich (according to rumors, at that time she turned out only 13 years old) occurred right in the entrance. Artem, who was drunk, asked the stranger to help him climb. After a couple of days, young people collided again, and the young man, completely fascinated by the beauty, moved to active courtship. That first refused to be a persistent cavalier, but later surrendered to the victor's mercy.

"She is very smart and good, you can talk to any topics. She forbids me to drink, smoke and shave. Karina is very jealous, loves sweets and cakes with cabbage, much fucks, helps me in everything and constantly photograph me. You can write a lot about it, but I think it is enough for everyone to understand how cool it is, "the female rapper described.

For unexplained reasons, the couple was subsequently broken down, and a guy, after a few years, who came to "Dom-2", said that he would dream about the sentence, which could prove that not all women change.

"House 2"

Martinchik was among the new heroes restarted on April 19, 2021 "House-2". A few days later, he grazed the viewers with the news that she spent 5 years in prison, while not calling an article and not to mention what was sitting, but did not burn society. In places of conclusion, the native of Baranovichi, now living in Moscow, was saved by reading books and engaged in music.

The guy immediately began to care for Catherine Gorina, giving hope for a relationship. In young people, similar fate (both grew in an orphanage), so the girl refused to Alexander Sorokin and waited for decisive steps from Artem. However, the latter stated that he wanted a family, but not with her.

After a week, the former hip-hop performer and Maria Davydov, which he first counted mercantile because of the request to buy an expensive phone, declared themselves a couple, having passed a series of small quarrels.

A novel with a pretty blonde developed rapidly, but soon ceased. On a personal page in "Instagram", Masha explained that he could not be with a person who did not respect his chief and could not hold the word.

The ex-musician shortly suffered from loneliness. There were rumors on the project that the topic without cameras met with the hope of Ermacova in her car, so Vlad Kadoni did not come up with anything better, how to locate them in the bedroom with a decomposed sofa. The situation was glowing and after Sergey Lazarev appeared on Telestroyka, once the beloved participants.

Despite the fact that Nadia supported Artem during the fulfillment of the song "Salutes" at the first stage of the contest "Seychelles" and for the kiss that occurred between them, they did not come out. The girl left a reality show, not scissor from subscribers True reasons for a serious solution:

"Gone, because I'm tired that I enjoyed, tired of the fact that thanks to me with someone raise the scores! It is unpleasant, but I feel insincerity from Serezha and Artem. Seryozha is friendly with Masha called me, Martinchik, it seems to me, just uses this situation. I'm tired, I break me too. I am not a doll, I am a living person who has a soul, and she hurts. "

Artem Martinchik now

Nadezhda Yermakova did not have time to leave the project, as returned to him again. Before the perimeter, the escaped time participant did not waste, but spent the "magic" night with Artem at the hotel without cameras.

After a couple of days, by Storky in "Instagram", Rakhmonov, Rakhmonov said that he was kicked out on the next male voting with Martinchik. But the audience did not exclude the possibility that for the sake of Nadi, the organizers of the reality show will make an exception and will give a guy with which she had the proximity, the second chance.

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