Tamilla Agamirova - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Nikolai Slichenko, nationality, children 2021



Tamilla Agamirova - People's Artist of Russia and Honored Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR. But the actress is famous as the wife of the "Main Gypsies of Russia" and the performer of tens of roles of Gypsies.

Childhood and youth

The future star of Azerbaijani cinema and the Gypsy theater was born on May 21, 1928 in Baku. When Tamilla was small, her parents, Baku intellectuals, repressed. After the death of Joseph Stalin Father and the mother actress rehabilitated. Now the grave judges Agamirov is located on an alley of the honorary burial in the capital of Azerbaijan near the last shelter of Muslim Magomayev.

In the youth of Tamilla, the Baku Theater Institute was graduated from the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts. Later, a native Baku complemented the education school-studio MCAT.

Theater and films

In 1957, the first color widescreen stereo pattern of the film studio "Lenfilm" - "Don Quixote" was released on the screens, in which Agamirov created an image of the court lady Altisidor. Evgeny Schwartz spoke with a screenwriter, and the director - Gregory Kozintsev. Stars of Soviet cinema starred starring: Nikolai Cherkasov, Yuri Tollauyev and Seraphim Burman. Apparently, Tamilla Kozintsev recommended the Azerbaijani composer Karaev, who became the author of the music to the film about the adventures of Hidalgo.

Kara Abulfazovich created soundtracks and to other pictures in which Agamirov was filmed, - the production dramas "her big heart", "a true friend" and a biographical short film "Matteo Falcone". Twice talent and Tamilla's texture The Judasievna was used by Azerbaijani cinematographers for filming films, the action of which was unfolded in Latin America ("Cuban Novel" and "Man and Chains"). Agamirova was able to play in the Azerbaijani shielding of the Turkic epic "Curogly".

In 1952, in the hotel of Sverdlovsk, a beautiful girl with Eastern appearance turned the attention of the Actress "Roman", the performer of the Gypsy songs and romances Lyala Black. In the capital of the Urals, the Moscow Theater and Agamirov were on tour. Mastying artist saw in a native Baku Gypsy to become Zador and invited Tamilla to the samples in Roman. Since then, the acting biography of Agamirova has forever connected with the world's only professional Gypsy theater.

Already for a debut role in the "Romen" stage in the play "Stubborn hearts", Tamilla was put forward to the Stalin Prize. In the future, the actress shone in such productions as the "broken whip", "I - Gypsy", "when burning fires" and several dozens of others.

Personal life

According to the testimonies of peers confirmed by photographs, Tamilla's youth was exceptional beauty. The correct features of the face were complemented by luxurious plastic and a gorgeous voice. The novice Gypsy actor Nikolai Slichenko fell in love with Agamirov at first glance and carried a romantic feeling throughout his life.

Love Tamilla and Nikolai did not prevent any percentage of the age (Slichenko was born at the end of 1934), nor the fact that young Gypsy was already married and had a son. Throwing the first family, the actor took the marry Agamirov. After a modest wedding, the newlyweds lived in the tiny room of the communal apartment. Tamilla to encourage Nicholas to learn, together with her husband again sat for a school desk. A happy marriage contributed to the career growth of the actor, in 43 he headed "Roman".

In marriage Slichenko and Agamirova, three children were born, the most famous of which is the daughter named after the mother and now playing in the Roman theater, headed by the Father. The grandson of Nikolai Alekseevich and Tamillas Sudager, Nikolai Slichenko - Jr., participated in the third season of the "Star Factory".

For every day, the leader of the Roman theater gave his wife her favorite flowers - lilac. For the health of the spouse, Nikolai Alekseevich was experiencing stronger than his own. In 2010, when Tamilla Sudajievna fell and hurt heads in a circus on color boulevard, Slichenko until the recovery of his wife canceled all concerts and tour.

Tamilla Agamirova now

In 2019, the actress was awarded the Order of Honor, and in June 2021, the details of the biographies and personal life of Tamilla Agamirova and Nikolay Slichenko became the subject of discussion of Russian television. The program "Direct Ether" found the first wife of the leader of the "Roman" theater, Setar Kazyumov, who now lives in the nursing home.


  • 1957 - "Don Quixote"
  • 1958 - "Her big heart"
  • 1959 - "Real Friend"
  • 1960 - Cour-oglu
  • 1960 - "Mateo Falcone"
  • 1962 - "Cuban Novel"
  • 1965 - "Evalious Battalion"
  • 1968 - "Man and Chains"

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