Victor Closky - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, books, marine stories and stories, writer



Victor Closky - Writer, Kinostenerist, Artist and Far Navigation Captain. His works are known for its life-affirming force, alive characters and colorful sea landscapes. One of the most famous works of this talented and versatile author - the scenario to the Soviet Comedy "Striped Flight".

Childhood and youth

Viktor Viktorovich comes from Leningrad. The future navigator was born on June 6, 1929. His parents, the People's Investigator and the former Artist of Mimans Mariinsky Theater lived for a short time. When Viktor was 2 years old, his mother, love, was discovered by a malignant tumor. In the same year, Viti's father left the family, leaving his wife alone with two young children - Victor and his older four-year-old Brother Oleg. Love alone raised her sons and even lived for 20 years longer than her husband.

Since childhood, Victor loved everything connected with the sea, painted a lot and dreamed of becoming an artist. The future screenwriter grew near the majestic Admiralty Canal, which in those days was called the Crucession Channel - in honor of the Estonian revolutionary. The writer's house was opposite the first bridge on the island of New Holland. In his memoirs, the end says that if it was born elsewhere, it would have grown up with a completely different person.

The Great Patriotic War did not bypass the Biography of the writer. At 12 years old, the end survived the first, the most severe winter of Leningrad blockade. The writer admits that if the Germans were entered into the city, he would fought to death with them, defending his small homeland. In the spring of Victor with his family evacuated on the way of life - Ice Ladoga Lake. Many years later, the descendant will describe the horror of those years in the chapter "Tamara" of a complex novel "Who looks at the clouds."

Dreams of the sea did not leave the future captain. In 1944, the family returned to his native city, and a year later, Victor became a naval school student, which graduated in 1952. A close-up with warmth recalled years of study and tried to attend graduate meetings.


The early stories of Viktor Viktorovich rejuvenated with the theme of the sea. In 1956 his story "in the sea" came out, entered into literary almanac "Young Leningrad". The navigator continued to write: next year, a collection of Sailor's stories "draft" appeared on the bookshelf. The book was so bright and distinctive that Viktor was immediately recommended to the Union of Writers, where the beginning the author joined in 4 months.

A close continued to write, working in the sea. Two years Victor served on the Northern Fleet. Later, the memories of this period became the basis of the story of the "path to the berth", which was shot by the movie George Dannelia.

In addition to prose, Victor was also interested in cinema. The first two scenarios of the end wrote along with Edmund Shikom. The plots were published in the collections, but did not remove the cinema on them. But in the following scenarios, films were created, which were the classics of Soviet cinema: the drama on the relationship between the 15-year-old boy and the "Mother" crew of the rescue tug "Path to the Wharf", a satirical story about the overseas teeth "thirty three", eccentric comedy and the leader of the Soviet film distribution "Striped flight".

The bibliography of the end consists of more than 50 works, some of them were published abroad. The main and most multiform work is the eighty philosophical adventure novel "for good hope". At the heart of this monumental labor - memories of the writer about the adventures experienced while working in the sea. For example, in the sixth book "Third Extra", heroes make a flight in the ice of the Antarctic seas.

Marine stories and tales of the end are known for their lively affluent and soothing force. All letters who wrote fans to Viktor Click were similar - in each of them the readers thanked the author for helping them to live.

Part of his children's memories Victor gave partly a fictional character - Peter Nutchkin, who, nomadic from the story in the story, is experiencing a child and blockade, and growing, becomes captain on the tanker in Odessa.

The end did not leave his children's dreams to become a marinist artist: he painted a lot of watercolor, depicting the architecture of Leningrad, the landscapes of the Arctic and the Nordic seas. The cities of Russia still hold exhibitions with paintings, personal belongings and fragments of Victor's works.

Personal life

The personal life of the marine writer was calm and happy. Victor's wife - Tatiana Akulov - worked as an editor and writer. Tatiana younger writer for 32 years: when they met, she was only 23 - this difference is noticeable on joint photos. In an interview with Akulov-close, it is recognized that he was insanely in love with her husband.

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Before the death of Viktor Spouse, he worked as secretary, and after the foundation of his name, which supports the memory of the writer and popularizes the work on the fleet.


Victor Decks died on March 30, 2002. The cause of death is in a serious illness due to which the writer did not leave the house for several months, watching the life of the window and TV.

Captain buried at the Smolensk cemetery, next to the grave of his grandmother. It was the wish of the writer himself: During the Leningrad blockade, Mom Viktor drove him together with his brother to services in the Nikolsky Epiphany Marine Cathedral, and then they went to the Smolensk cemetery to capture Grandmother's grave. The end of the desisted of being buried here - in memory of how love helped to overcome death into these terrible blockade years.


  • Victor's name is brought into sheets of memory "Golden Book of St. Petersburg"
  • The name of the new generation is called the name of the new generation.
  • In 2019, in Murmansk, the ninetystoletole from the birthday of V. V. Closhesky was celebrated by a special stamp of postal envelopes.


  • 1957 - "Skivatory"
  • 1959 - "Stones under water"
  • 1951 - "Tomorrow's Care"
  • 1961 - "If a comrade calls"
  • 1961 - "Tomorrow's Care"
  • 1966 - "Over White Crossroads"
  • 1967 - "Who looks at the clouds"
  • 1969 - "Salt ice"
  • 1972 - "Among myths and reefs"
  • 1975 - "Sea Dreams"
  • 1977 - "For good hope"
  • 1982 - "In purely inland waters"
  • 1983 - "Third Extra"


  • 1961 - "Striped flight"
  • 1962 - "Path to the Wharf"
  • 1965 - "Thirty Three"

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