Izhak Duke - biography, personal life, photo, news, eleventh president of Israel, politics, "Avoda" 2021



Yitzhak Duke from youth called the Crown Prince of the Israeli Party "Avoda". Like Ilham Aliyev and George Bush, the youngest Middle Eastern politician, elected by the eleventh president of the Jewish state, can boast that his father was president. However, Israel, unlike the United States and Azerbaijan, is the parliamentary republic, and the position to which the duke chose, mainly ceremonial.

Childhood and youth

Itzhak, who is also often called Bohi, was born on September 22, 1960 in the family of Hamim Duke, at that time he headed the military intelligence army of Israel's defense. In 1975, the father of the future policy became a representative of the Jewish state in the UN, and in 1983 he was elected 6th President of Israel. Yitzhaka has 2 brothers - Lawyer Joel and Brigadier General Michael and Sister Ronit - a clinical psychologist.

Mikhal and Yitzhak Duke in youth

During the work of the Father in the UN, the Duke Jr. lived in New York and studied at the Elite Orthodox Jewish School of Ramaz, located in Manhattan. At 18, the young man returned to Israel and served in the intelligence corps of Tsakhala, in a division that meets the decoding of the signals of the enemy. After obtaining legal education, Izhak worked in the Tel Aviv advocate Herzog, Fox & Ne'eman, founded by his father in 1972.

Career and politics

In 1999, the Duke junior politician became the Duke of the Secretary of the Government of Ehud Barack. In the future, the Crown Prince "Avoda" was led by the Israeli Office for Drugs and the Ministry of Social Security, was the leader of the parliamentary opposition.

Itzhak stands for a peaceful decision of conflicts between Jews and Arabs, but at the same time calls the mixed marriages of the plague that covered Israel. In August 2018, the Duke elected the head of the persecution of the international Zionist organization engaged in repatriation to Israel and the help of repatriates.

Personal life

With the future wife, Mikhal Blue-eyed Schathen, Bahi met during the service in the army. Lovers learned together at Jürfak Tel Aviv University and after the marriage of marriage together received the status of lawyers.

At the wedding of Itzhak and Mikhal, held in 1985, 180 people were present. The wife presented the politics of three children: the sons of Noam, Matana and Swirls. According to Mikhal Duke, her husband is a terrible sweet tooth.

Izhak Duke and his wife Mikhal

Although the Merce Instagram account is dedicated mainly to politics, not a personal life, it is possible to meet a joint photo of Itzhaka with his wife, as well as a story about the biography of the testa of Saul Pinchuk, who died at the end of 2020.

Yitzhak Duke Now

On June 2, 2021, Knesset deputies with secret ballot elected Duke with the new President of Israel. Unlike the Father, which occupied this post 2 of the term (10 years old), Itzhak will be able to be the head of the Jewish state for no more than 7 years, since now the duration of stay at the highest state post in Israel is limited to one term.

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