Evgeny Samushenko - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, businessman, husband Milena Denega, children



Millionaire, a businessman, a collector - these words are often used next to the name of Eugene Samushenko, who, however, was more famous for the campaigns on the talk show, where it was shared with the public with the details of his personal life. It became the subject of discussion and the unexpected death of a man who knew as a husband Milena Daegei.

Childhood and youth

Eugene was born on June 11, 1959 in Dneprodzerzhinsk Dnipropetrovsk region. His early biography is associated with the Ukrainian city of Krivoy Rog, where he graduated from school, but the Higher Education Guy decided to receive in Moscow. He moved to the Russian capital to learn e-equipment, and then decided not to return to a small homeland.


Dashing 90s found Eugene in the heyday. At the same time, he decided to do business, the details of which is not known for certain. It was reported that Samushenko owned the brand "Monte Cristo", organized international beauty contests and was attributed to the media business.

They argued that this activity helped him acquire a multimillion state and become the owner of foreign real estate and apartment in the house 28 on Tverskaya Street of Moscow. Eugene positioned himself as a collector and the patron, shared with the subscribers of "Instagram" by the fact that I acquired a bottle of French brandy "Napoleon" of 1811 release.

It is not known when a samushenko business crisis occurred, but it is assumed that the sources of its income are pretty smoked, because in 2010 he began to earn hikes on a talk show, where imparting unilent, and sometimes fictional details of his personal life.

Another man called himself a psychologist and the author of books on equilibrium psychology. He laid out his works in the Living Journal blog.

Personal life

See you with Mylena Daenegova Samushenko was not a public person. But the eccentric brunette, which became April 11, 2014 his wife, always sought fame. She positioned herself as a TV presenter, singer, a blogger and a secular lioness, without lioning opportunity to create a infoovod.

One of them was the wedding, held in the Petrovsky Palace of Moscow, where the bride demonstrated a designer dress embroidered with handmade lace, and diamond jewelry donated with her husband. The difference between the spouses amounted to 23 years.

Family life was accompanied by scandals - at least she looked in the eyes of the audience numerous talk shows, where the spouses began to visit enviable constancy. At first they came to Andrei Malakhov on "Direct Ether", where they discussed the novel Milena with a colleague. There Samushenko expressed the hope that their marriage would still succeed, as he loves a young wife despite the fact that her behavior raises questions.

One day, Eugene even turned to court to return expensive gifts, presented to Daeneg, after she participated in a frank photo shoot with an attractive fitness coach.

In 2018, the scandalous spouses came to the program "In fact", where, with the help of a detector, Lie found out the truth about mutual treasures. Samushenko shared that the item was registered in their marriage contract, according to which, in case of infidelity, secular lioness is deprived of the right to claim half of the property of her husband after a divorce. The polygraph showed that Milena changed her husband, but he did not find himself before her debt and under the curtain of the program apologized to his wife.

Public proceedings were in the habit of a couple. They again came to visit Dmitry Shepelev in September 2019, where they discussed the loss of expensive jewelry. The lover was suspected of a lover Milena Ilya Gorov, but he was clean before the polygraph.

But Samushenko detector lies caught in deception: it turned out that the man himself arranged a fierce with theft. He left the air full of indignation and intention to sue the program for damage caused to honor, dignity and business reputation. Eugene admitted that he agreed to come to the transmission only in order to Piara's spouses, and in the end he left there with a stigma of the thief.

The experienced stress hit Samushenko's health, which survived the microinsult. In parallel, the trouble and his wife also happened, who informed the unsuccessful pregnancy ending with the operation. It turned out that Dayga could have two children at once.


On April 5, 2020, Eugene died in his apartment in Moscow. There was a wife, who caused the ambulance brigade, but it turned out late. The estimated cause of death was a cardiovascular disease, but the media managed to push much more dramatic versions of the circumstances of death. They wrote about poisoning and that the businessman fell out of the window to the street.

"Let them say" dedicated to the event a special edition, which called the "Sudden Death of a millionaire on self-insulation." The presenter disassembled in the details of the incident, seemingly trying to find interested in the death of Samushenko.

Milena was not kept and immediately after the death of the spouse made a infoovod from her, posing in the "Instagram" the post about a sad event is hardly at the same moment and calling her husband's "favorite and native hedgehog" in him.

About Samushenko's funeral, she also reported in his account, inviting those who wish to hold a businessman on the last journey to the mourning hall of Nikolo-Arkhangelsky Krematia. After that, Daenega did not stop raising the death of her husband, disassembling the details of the death of Eugene on the current of the talk show "in fact."

Milena continues to go to the program, where he tells about new Uhager, who are not averse to to get a state of her inheritance. In parallel, she lays out a photo from the grave of her husband and devotes his sorrowful poems.

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