Series "American Horror Stories" (2021) - Release Date, Actors and Roles, Facts, Trailer


The release date of the series "American Horror History", which became the spin-off of a popular multi-sized film system with a consonant name, - July 15, 2021. The premiere of a dramatic thriller, based on the legends of terrible ghosts, took place on the Hulu Channel. In material 24cm - the details of the project shooting, interesting facts about the plot, actors and roles.

Plot and shooting

The director's chair in the project was divided by Sarah Paulson, Max Winkler, Eduardo Sanchez, Manny Koto and Lonie Perister. Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchak and Manny Koto, who also became producers worked on the scenario. They were helped by Tenas Poop and Loney Perister. Composer Mac Cveleyl wrote musical accompaniment to the tape, and IV McCari, Joe Pugh, Chad Dellingger, were engaged in decoration.

The details of the plot and the names of the main characters of the "American Horror History" series The creators are kept secret, however, the premiere appeared information that viewers will see characters familiar from the early seasons of the original teleproject. In addition, it also starred and the actors remembered on the American Horror History, but the emergence of new persons in the frame was also expected. Also, it was also known in advance that each of the 16 episodes will become a separate completed narrative, which is based on its legend of ghosts.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the series "American Horror History" played:

  • Matt Bomer - Michael;
  • Ashley Martin Carter - Roven;
  • Gavin Kril - Troy;
  • Belissa Escobedo - Shanti;
  • Kaya Gerber - Ruby;
  • Paris Jackson - Maya;
  • Aaron Tweet - Adam;
  • Sierra McCarmik - Scarlett;
  • Catherine Streker - Lani;
  • Madison Bailey - Kelly;
  • Dillon Bernside - James;
  • Renzi Feliz - Chad.

Also in the tape were filmed: Virginia Gardner (Bernaddetta), Amy Grabov (Tipper Mountains), Niko Gritham (ZINN), Naomi Grossman (Revid Ruz), Billy Lourdes (Liv Weisley), Danny Trejo (Santa) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The director Sarah Paulson, who starred in all seasons of the American Horror History (with the exception of the 9th part), together with Evan Peters, is also known as American actress Theater and Cinema. She debuted in the television series "Law and Order", released in 1994. Also on the list of her works in films and serials "Kraker", "Jack and Jill", "Bird Kontsa", "Everest", "Path to War", "Desperate Housewives", "Anatomy of Passion", "Sister Ratched" and Others. As director Sarah Poleson tried his hand in the 8th season of the original project called "American Horror History: Apocalypse."

2. On the start of work on the new project it became known in the spring of 2019. This was told by the author of the idea and producer Ryan Murphy. However, the process was dragged out due to the started pandemic and quarantine, so the following details appeared only at the end of the autumn of the 2020. Ryan Murphy told that it was planned to remove 16 episodes, the duration of each of which would be at least 60 minutes.

3. Soon Ryan Murphy published the first poster of the upcoming project, and in March 2021, a teaser was released.

4. Shooting took place at the end of 2020 - early 2021.

5. Rehearsals and discussion of work on the series in 2020 were held mainly by video link in Zoom. On his page in "Instagram", Murphy even published a screenshot from the next video release, on which subscribers learned Emma Roberts, Evan Peters, Billy Lourdes, Katie Bates and other celebrities.

6. At the beginning of the summer of 2021, Ryan Murphy called the names of other actors with whom he collaborated in this project. Among them were Kevin Makheil, Charles Melton, Danny Trejo and Niko Gritham.

7. The news about Spin-Off the popular series overlooking 2011, delighted his fans. An even greater interest of the audience caused the absence of details about the plot and acting. Fans at the film films unfolded discussions about the upcoming premiere and express gratitude to the authors of the project.

8. Due to the similar name, some fans decided that the project would become the next season of the American Horror History, but other commentators immediately paid attention to the mistake and hurried to explain that this is a separate project.

9. The slogan of the series became the phrase "fear will take a new form."

10. Attentive fans of the original series noticed on the poster, a female figure without a face, closed in a leather suit, which came across the idea of ​​the return of the mysterious "man in latex", whom the audience remember the 1st season. However, some commentators suggested that in the series "American horror stories" under the mask will hide some other one.

The series "American Horror Stories" - Trailer:

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