Yulia Marchenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Theater, St. Petersburg, BDT 2021



Thanks to tens of roles on the big screen, in television series and stage productions, Yulia Marchenko is now known both by avid theatrons and film admirers. The favorite of the Russian directors has been repeatedly nominated for prestigious awards, in its asset there is a gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and a number of honorary awards for merit to national art.

Childhood and youth

The life path of Yulia Gennadevna Marchenko began in the summer of 1980. The girl was born in one of the districts of Minsk in an ordinary Soviet family.

Parents were representatives of claimed professions, so they brought up daughter without separation from work. Father worked on machine-building production, and the mother was a qualified nurse.

As a child, Julia did not differ from the surrounding children. The peers who lived nearby, gladly took her to the game. Having matured, the future actress became similar to the chips. In addition to weight lack, the girl began to stand out with high growth. Familiar, by virtue of age, not distinguished by tact, began to offend the future actress.

Despite the experiences because of the appearance and relationship with the company, Marchenko in school years has drawn to knowledge and diligently studied. The most difficult period of early biography has come in high school, close girlfriend pretended that they did not recognize it after returning from the summer vacation. After such a turn of events on the topic of "Ugly Duckling", all who were not lazy to joke.

Fortunately, goodwires were found, taking attractive features in a teenage girl: a light dancing gait, an open smile and a pretty face. Yule was explained that the glances for beauty changed - Khudoba ceased to be considered withdrawn, and advised to respond to the announcement of the local modeling agency, which announced a set of girls for 16-18 years.

A resident of Minsk for a couple of weeks doubted, but then gave way to curiosity. Parents, with distrust of the art and entertainment industry related to the rapidly developed industries, hardly managed to convince the place where the daughter goes, is not considered a "drift for vomit." When permission to participate in Casting was received, the future star of the theater went to the school of mannequins. Having graduated from her together with a general educational institution, the girl tried an independent life for the taste and did not disappoint a drop.

The company where the creative career Marchenko began, was considered one of the best in Belarus. The coaches and photographers of the model agency did not gent the wards, so the experience gained under their leadership was invaluable.

Julia, which has become ambitious and purposeful, followed by instructions. Due to this, in the late 1990s, she received an award in the "Face of the New Century" category and acquired the status of one of the best models of the republic. In order to further develop, the native of Minsk moved to the capital of Russia. Knowing that the brightest stars of the podium often become famous actresses, the daughter of the nurse and the worker submitted documents to theatrical university.

Theater and films

Creative career Marchenko began at the 4th year of the legendary Schukinsky school. Together with classmates, she participated in a number of theatrical performances, and once the teachers entrusted the student to play a major role in the play of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Cherry Garden".

In 2004, a young actress, who received a diploma of the institute, was proposed to join the Taroupe of the Alexandrinsky Theater, consisting of representatives of different nationalities. Directors appreciated the ability and involved Julia in most repertoire performances.

Despite the fact that rehearsals, general runs and premieres took a rather a lot of strength, Marchenko was in the state of Euphoria. The audience was encountered by applause the appearance of an actress in the performances "Little tragedies", "King Edip" and "Angezhent", supplied by Gregory Kozlov, Theodorus Torzopulilos and Alexander Galiban.

In Cinema, Julia debuted in 2004 in the melodrama Elena Zhigayeva "kill the evening", a year later, the former Star of the Podium starred in the television sagas "Swan Paradine" and "Code of Honor - 2". It is not clear where the actress screamed the energy to work in two parallel spheres of modern art, but its filmography was regularly replenished with multi-sieves and full-length paintings. The most bright screen projects of the 2010 was the drama "Parsley Syndrome", the Biography "Harms", Utopia "Apartment" and the detective series "Goryunov".

Directors invited Marchenko on the role of characteristic characters. She surprisingly accounted for the images of a heroine of different ages and different social layers. Having played a writer's mother in three parts of the epic "Gogol" Egor Baranova, a young woman has gained popularity. Judging by the reviews of critics and the response of the audience, she could fully be proud of the result of his own work.

In 2019, the graduate "Pike" limited the appearance on the set and deliapel in St. Petersburg. She was invited to the troupe of the Big Dramatic Theater named after G. A. Tovstonogov, which glorified the city on the Neva. Yulia was involved in the performance of Jean-Luc Lagars "I was in the house and waited for the rain to come," as well as the formulation of Ivan Vyrypayev "excitement" dedicated to the anniversary of Alice Freindlich and BDT.

Personal life

On the personal life of the Russian actress in the free access of information a bit. Oleg Vladimirovich Eremin, theatrical director became a legitimate husband of Marchenko in the period of work in Alexandrinka, the theater director.

Yulia Marchenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Theater, St. Petersburg, BDT 2021 2202_1

Shortly after the wedding, the couple had long-awaited children. Young parents with special education developed their potential. Putting on the feet of the kids, the spouses began to travel often around the world, visiting those corners of the planet, where almost no one had been.

Julia Marchenko now

In 2021, Marchenko starred in two original television projects. On Russian channels, they announced the premieres of the Biographies of Vertinsky with Alexey Filimonov, Anna Mikhalkova, Ksenia Rappoport and Paulina Andreva, as well as the continuation of the Miroslav Malich Malich Malich detective with Maxim Averin and other stars of Russian cinema.


  • 2003 - "Kill Evening"
  • 2005 - "Large evil and smallquare"
  • 2013 - "Goryunov"
  • 2015 - "Parsley Syndrome"
  • 2015 - "Front"
  • 2018 - "One Life for Two"
  • 2018 - "Gogol"
  • 2018 - "Apartment"
  • 2019 - "Pregnancy Test-2"
  • 2019 - "Death in the language of flowers"
  • 2020 - "In step from paradise"
  • 2021 - "Goryunov-2"
  • 2021 - "Ask the nurse"
  • 2021 - "Resurrection"
  • 2021 - "Vertinsky"

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