Monoir - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, performer, nationality, "instagram", clips, musician 2021



To speak and engage Music Monoir began almost simultaneously. Already at the age of 3 years old, he confidently poisoned the chords at the children's synthesizer, in school years he received the first fee for the presentation, and his own production label became a gift at the age of adulthood.

Childhood and youth

Christian Nicola was born on April 17, 1993 in the port city of Kostanz on the Black Sea coast of Romania. Already in early childhood, when the parents bought the son of the synthesizer as a toy, he became interested in music. Then it turned out that the boy had creative abilities, so at the age of 5 he went first in a circle, and then to a music school, where he learned to play drums and piano.

Already then Christian was easily selected and played the melodies for rumor, and a few years later I tried to write my own compositions. With the first author's song, he managed to speak in front of a large audience, which took music to "Hurray." Then the 15-year-old Romanian estimated the reaction of the listeners and even more worked and finally made sure that he should become a professional artist.

After graduating from High School, the young man continued music education at the National College of Arts in Bucharest, by choosing the Pedagogical Department, and completed the training among the excellent students.


In parallel with studying at the university, Chris wrote new songs that he himself performed and produced. But the main goal was to create their own label, which would help beginner musicians to achieve recognition. In 2012, with the financial support of the Father, it was possible: he created a recording studio and registered the Thrace Music brand.

His producer center took up full support of musical projects: from creating hits and shooting clips to promotion and promotion of albums in a multi-million audience. Already in the first year, the producer concluded contracts with the singer Gloria, Brianna and Kate Linn. By the way, the two last girls act under the auspices of the label to this day.

For 9 years, business has grown to three projects in Europe and the United States, and Monoir himself has become one of the leading modern producers. With pleasure, not only novice stars are collaborated with him, but also the artists, in particular Romanian nationality. For example, the Alexandra Stan pop-performer was also born in Kostanz. In 2017, she recorded in the studio of Chris Caver-version of Hit Madonna Like a virgin and a duet with him Save the Night.

Another native of these singer Inna has prepared in Thrace Music 3 singles for two solo albums.

In general, the repertoire of the copyright brand from year to year is replenished with a considerable number of hits. For example, based on the Bulgarian folklore The Violin Song - the first track that blew up the official Yutiub-Channel in 2016. Then for 5 months the clip was watched 20 million people, and in 7 countries the song became the leader of downloads in Shazam.

After 3 years later, in favorites, Melomanov turned out to be another record of the same performer BRIANNA - Tsunami, written for her Christian.

Tightly engaged in the production of popular projects, the musician threw the solo performance, but the occasionally performs in a duet with the wards. For example, a lyrical composition with Dara - My Time - gathered warm reviews of students. One of the fresh works in the discography of Christian was the collaboration with Eneli "3 to 1", which he pleased the fans in the fall of 2020 after a long break.

Personal life

Personal life is a taboo theme that the artist is not ready to share with fans. Judging by the photo in Instagram-Account, the Romanian producer has long been in relationships, but no information about the biography of the chosen is not published, although sometimes I am pleased to answer other subscribers questions. For the most part of his pages in social networks are devoted to daily life, travels and, of course, music and working hours of the studio.

Monoir now

In the last few interviews, Christian reportedly mentioned that he lacks time for all the producers and concern for beginner diving. But now he decided to go close to his own career as a performer, so it works at least three new tracks and clips.

The first one is durum - in a duet with Kate Linn came out in spring 2021. The creation of a musician Hit inspired to Durum with turkey - a dish of meat and vegetables wrapped in Lavash, which Chris loves. It gave the name of the new song.

By the way, his manager and business partner still remains the Father, and the artist's limitless support is mentioned whenever it comes to creative formation.

MONOIR growth 181 cm, weight 68 kg.


  • 2016 - The Violin Song
  • 2017 - Save The Night
  • 2017 - WE HAD LOVE
  • 2018 - Freeze
  • 2018 - Freeze
  • 2019 - Tsunami.
  • 2019 - Shadows.
  • 2019 - My Time
  • 2020 - LOVE ME
  • 2020 - 3 to 1
  • 2021 - Durum

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