Artem Anchukov - biography, personal life, cause of death, news, Tatyana Bulanova, actor, songs 2021



I did not have time to come to myself after the death of the actress and singer Lorina Kamburova, who diagnosed the coronavirus infection, as it became known that her colleague Artem Anchukov died from the consequences of COVID-19. The death of the actor turned out to be a big loss not only for the theater and movies, but also for the world of music and sports. A creative man, he not only recorded songs with Tatiana Bulanova, but also performed the Ring Announcer M-1 Global, the Fight League of ACA Young Eagles and the MMA Russia Union.

Childhood and youth

On July 19, 1981, in Vologda, the spouses of Anchukow became parents - they had a son Artem. Happy childhood kid gave grandfather and grandmother.

Boy's grandfather Vasily Petrovich Ryabov in 1944 went to war and demobilized from the ranks of the Red Army in 1946. At the age of 17, he fell into the railway troops of strategic destination, where in his duties it was under constant bombing to supply the front with ammunition and food.

"The grandfather had the Order of Patriotic War II and other awards. As a child, I really wanted to play with his medals, try on the Order, but I was not allowed, saying that this is not a toy ... Dying, grandfather asked to transfer the medal to me. Thank you, grandfather Vasya! " - With the recognition recalled the actor.

A long time in the family of missing was considered a great-grandfather Ivan Vasilyevich Proksoshev, which appeared in 1900 in the village of Svetitsa Totemesky district of the Vologda region. From August 1919 to January 1920, he served in the 1st spare rifle of the regiment, then worked in the collective farm named after Vyacheslav Molotov of the Pogorelovsky village council and in October 1942 was called upon mobilization by Totemsky Railogenomat. And only by the Victory Day - 2021 family managed to establish that on January 16, 1943, their veteran died due to severe disease in EvicoPood No. 3738, finding the last refuge in the city of Cherepovets. On February 9, 1943, the funeral was sent to the name of the wife of Krasnoarmeyman Nada Vasilyevna.

At the end of the local school number 33, the graduate went to St. Petersburg, where he entered St. Petersburg, being on the course of Professor Isaac Shuttsky.


From 2003 to the 2013 graduate, Spbgati went to the scene of the Buffy Petersburg Theater. Over the years, his creative biography has been replenished with "adventurist", "Paris", "Paris for two", "Colombo", "Casanova in Russia", "The Wizard of the Emerald City" and other performances. Vologdan also served in the theater of two capitals under the leadership of Lion Rochlin and played in the formulation of "Kyya" with Dmitry Nagiyev.

Relationships with cinema in the People's Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia began to be raised during the time of students when he starred in the 3rd seasons "Streets of broken lanterns" (later they were added to them and the 6th and 10th, and 13th), 6- Part of the "Gangster Petersburg" and "Agency NLS".

The actor remembered the audience in the "Mysteries of the investigation - 10", "youth", "Nevsky", "Road Patrol - 4", "Major-3", "Paradise knows everything!". The 2020th added to the piggy bank the drama "When will come tomorrow", the continuation of the "magnificent five" and "their own", in 2021, the premiere of "Sales-2" was scheduled and the exit "Winter Cherry - 4" was scheduled.

In the world of sports, Anchukov knew as the Ring Announcement M-1 Global, the Fight League of ACA Young Eagles and the Union of MMA Russia. A good voice allowed him to try forces as a performer (songs "Bridges" and "Different Fates" with Tatiana Bulanova) and leading concert programs.

In the conditions of quarantine, introduced due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, Artem Valerevich in the live airline "Instagram" took the "non-interview" from celebrities. For souls, Edgard and Askold Tskarovnaya, Denis Klyaver, Vyacheslav Vasilevsky, Angelica Anderson, Vadim Germans and Olga Pavloviec.

Personal life

The close cooperation of the actor with Tatiana Bulanova and a lot of joint photo on the personal pages in "Instagram" marked the beginning of rumors that the pair binds something more than just official relations.

However, in April 2021, the singer hurried to assure that the anchuks with her personal life are not connected with:

"We are just good friends. And the neighbors besides - we live in a couple of streets from each other. Made friends 7 years ago. Once by Artem was my fan and even escaped from the lesson algebra to my concert. Once, when I was visiting him, he showed me photos of 1994 and 1997, where we are captured by two. "

The man respect the sport, rode skiing and bike, was engaged in a sapsert, confidently held in the saddle and loved to travel.


On the morning of June 6, 2021, Tatiana Bulanova reported the first of the death of a friend and colleagues, explaining that the cause of death was the consequences of coronavirus infection. This information was confirmed in M-1 Global, adding that "lungs were amazed by 87%, and on June 5, Anchukov ripped the light."

In the next interview, the performer mentioned that Artem Valerevich lay at home with a temperature during the week, and then he stayed in the hospital as much as the complications began. At the same time, the celebrity stressed that the actor did not observe other diseases.

Actress Polina Bakharevskaya in a conversation with journalists argued that the artist sick something, but did not recognize what exactly, and COVID-19 only aggravated the disease.


  • 2012 - "Winter Cruise"
  • 2013 - "Troubleshooting"
  • 2014 - "Flight Pttashchi"
  • 2015 - "Such work"
  • 2016 - "Shaman. New threat "
  • 2018 - "partners"
  • 2019 - "Paradise knows everything!"
  • 2020 - "His-3"
  • 2020 - "Sales-2"
  • 2020 - "When will come tomorrow"
  • 2021 - "Winter Cherry-4"

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