Vladimir Artzibashev - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Angela Khachaturian, wife, director, producer



Vladimir Artzibashev - Soviet-Russian producer and businessman who deceased by the fault of doctors. After the death of a man, his widow appealed to the court, trying to get compensation and achieve justice.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Nikolaevich Arzibashev was born on January 9, 1948 in the village of Kalya Sverdlovsk region. In the early years, the biography of producer graduated from the local Institute of National Economy.

Vladimir Artzibashev in youth with his wife and children

Brother Vladimir Nikolayevich Sergei Artzibashev served in the theater "Commonwealth of actors in Taganka" under the leadership of Yuri Lyubimov, starred in the tapes of the promised "," DBM "," 12 "and" fool ", headed Moscow Academic Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. The second brother Alexander worked in the program "Time", then became a writer, published essays about the village, continuing the tradition of Fyodor Abramov, Vasily Belov and Boris Mozhaev.


Arzibashev created the "50x50" music program, in the screensaver of which the song "FIFTI-FIFTI" sounded in the execution of Parodist Sergei Minaev. He was the main leading, but in different years Alexey Veselkin, Ksenia Strezh, was opposed, the director of the transfer was Nikolai Fomenko. The show went out to "2x2", "1st Canal Ostankino" and "RTR" from 1989 to 2000. On the air appeared both recognized stars and beginner artists: Vlad Stashevsky, Natasha Queen, Igor Nikolaev, Zhenya Belousov, Alexander Malinin, group "on-on" and "Little Prince". In addition to music numbers in the program showed news, covered the Olympics in Barcelona 1992.

Personal life

The wife of the producer Angela Vasilyevna Khacaturejan, Armenian by nationality, fell in love with him at first glance. The daughter of Anna and Ksenia were born in the family, and Arzibashev was an extramarital son Denis.

Angela Vasilyevna at a young age received legal education, worked as a musical journalist. In June 1988, her article with criticism of the "Jurmala" competition appeared in the submarine, where the audience had a negative impact about the "monotonous execution" of artists and indifference of the organizers who were given to shine to young talents, and then forgot about them and deprived "promotion."

Vladimir Arzibashev and Angela Khacaturnyan

From 1989, with her husband, Khachaturian was engaged in the transfer "50x50", in August 1991, a concert was organized at the Luzhniki stadium, where Inna was delivered, A'Studio, "Technology", "Car Man". In 2000 he headed the media fund and the highest college of popular music.

In 2004, he became the director of the Music Hall in St. Petersburg, in 2005 the prosecutor's office of the Petrograd district opened a criminal case against the woman because of the breakdown of the Nord-Ost Gastrors. According to Angela Vasilyevna, the theater was in a terrible state, Rats ran everywhere, one during the banquet jumped on the table and dragged the sausage. Tours "Nord-Ost" Khachaturian called "Afera", imposed impracticable conditions in the contract, and no one was going to come.

Back in 1998, the spouses in the interests of the business formally divorced, but continued to be a joint personal life. In 2005, Arzibashev began relations on the side with Catherine Shakina, which was his financial advisor. For her, Vladimir Nikolaevich even built a wooden house in Nakhabin.

Circumstances of death

In 2017, Archibashev had a sharply deteriorated health, the doctors found Alzheimer's disease. Vladimir Nikolaevich could not even correctly write numbers to ten. The producer was made an operation to improve cerebral circulation, for some time he was treated in a private clinic "Medicine 24/7", where the man was put on the order of Catherine Shakina. Mediamignant died on October 3, 2019, the funeral took place in the Orthodox church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana, the grave is located on the Troecorsky cemetery. Children left a large inheritance: cars, apartments, share in business.

Vladimir Artzibashev and Ekaterina Shakina

In May 2021, Khachaturyan appealed to the transfer "Direct Ether" with a complaint with the clinic "Medicine 24/7", which, as it turned out, did not even have a license. A criminal case was initiated, it turned out that the day before the death of Arzibashev from the bank account began to disappear, the car was sold on a fake signature. According to the investigators, Shakina's hand was attached to this, Alexander Kovshov, who granted documents for which Vladimir Nikolaevich rewrote the property to the cohabitant. Later it was established that a fake passport of the deceased was used to compile this act.

Angela Vasilyevna intended to sue 60 million rubles from the clinic. Since the staff did not make a spouse MRI brain and blood test, delivered with a stroke not in the profile neurological department, and kept until the morning in the ward of anesthesiology and resuscitation. These and other gross violations could allegedly cause the death of the producer. The press appeared in the press that a secret check of Roszdravnadzor was previously conducted, during which illegal treatment was established in the hospital of alcoholics and drug addicts.

On June 6, 2021, the former Arzibashev spouse splashed into the face of acid when the lady went with a dog in the underpass for a walk to the park. A young man approached her and asked a question, and then she felt burning in his eyes. At her shouts, the attacker answered: "you see a lot." The investigative committee of the Russian Federation was engaged.

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